Awful things translate French
391 parallel translation
He says the most awful things.
Il dit des choses horribles
They'll hardly start down the stairs before they begin wondering, "What's he confessing? He must have done a Lot of awful things."
Parce que ceux qui sortent, à peine dans l'escalier, ils se disent : "Qu'est-ce qu'il doit lui raconter, là-haut?" Qu'est-ce qu'il a dû en faire, des cochonneries, des mensonges... " Et on s'imagine des choses terribles.
- Oh, awful things.
- Des choses horribles.
Good heavens, I didn't know ladies rode those awful things.
J'ignorais que Ies dames rouIaient sur ces machines!
Perfectly awful things must have happened at Tantrapur.
Il a dû se passer des choses atroces à Tantrapur.
It's always Mr. Saraiva's wife, she said awful things to him.
L'épouse de M. Saraiva, a dit des choses pas croyables à M. Saraiva.
Those other women, the way they talked and the awful things they said and those matrons, always watching, never leaving you alone.
Ces autres femmes, leur façon de parler et les choses horribles qu'elles ont dites, et ces gardiennes, ne nous laissant jamais tranquilles.
I did say some awful things that night, didn't I?
J'ai dit des horreurs, ce soir-là!
Get rid of those awful things.
Débarrasse-toi de ces horreurs.
He'd imagine the most awful things about me and Owens.
Il s'imaginait plein de choses sur moi et Owens.
Awful things.
Des choses horribles.
He says some pretty awful things about you.
Il a dit quelques choses terribles à ton sujet.
No telling what awful things she's been writing in those letters.
Sans parler de tout ce qu'elle écrit dans ces lettres.
Some awful things might happen.
Il peut se passer des choses affreuses.
I said and did awful things, but what I cannot bear is the thought that you trusted me and I betrayed you.
J'ai dit et fait des choses affreuses, mais le pire... est que tu t'étais confiée à moi et que je t'ai trahie.
I'd imagined awful things.
J'avais imaginé des choses horribles.
- But when I loved you most... was when I had to say all those awful things to you yesterday.
- Mais là où je vous aimé le plus, c'est lorsque j'ai dû vous dire toutes ces horribles choses, hier.
You wouldn't say awful things, about somebody you really cared about.
Tu ne vas pas dire de choses désagréables sur qui que ce soit?
That is, if you can forgive all those awful things I said to you this afternoon.
Si tu peux pardonner les choses blessantes que je t'ai dites aujourd'hui.
You wouldn't be able to do these awful things to me... if I weren't still in this chair.
Tu ne me ferais pas ces horreurs si je n'étais pas infirme.
And tell me, what are these awful things I'm supposed to be doing to you?
Et dis-moi, de quelles horreurs parles-tu?
It's a war. Awful things happen.
Pendant la guerre, il se passe des choses horribles.
Get those people and their awful things out of my house.
Fais sortir ces gens et leurs horreurs de chez moi.
Yes, but the boys are having an awful time getting those things down.
Ils s'en voient pour enlever tout vos autocollants.
But she's awful ambitious and wanted a lot of things I couldn't afford.
Mais elle voulait des choses que je ne pouvais pas lui offrir.
And that certainly would be awful... to have your mother sitting there, all dressed up in rags... and eating rotten bread and things like that.
Ce serait terrible, ta mère en haillons mangeant du pain rassis.
Look... I guess you have an awful lot of things to do... taking care of everybody.
Écoutez, vous avez plein de choses à faire, à veiller sur tout le monde.
I've got an awful lot Of things to do -
J'ai à faire. - Juste pour rire.
Things happen awful fast around here.
Les choses se font de façon précipitée, ici.
An awful lot of things can happen in a couple of days can't it?
Enormément de choses peuvent arriver en quelques jours, pas vrai?
You're an awful sucker to do things like that for rats like me.
Tu es un crétin de faire ce genre de choses pour des rats tels que moi.
Things will be awful tough on Joe if black cats sprout wings.
Dur pour Joe si les Black Cats sortent leurs ailes.
But seein'things you know that ain't can certainly give you an awful fright
Mais voir des choses Qui n'existent pas Voilà qui fiche la pétoche
That's an awful good sign, wanting things.
C'est très bon signe.
An awful lot of things I don't understand lately.
Il y a beaucoup de choses que je ne comprends pas ces jours-ci.
You know, an awful lot of things could be said right out in court about the inner workings of the Gazette, and other papers could print it without any fear of libel.
Vous savez, on pourrait y dire beaucoup de choses sur le fonctionnement interne de la Gazette, et d'autres journaux pourraient le publier sans craindre la diffamation.
Two years ago, when Gen. Stilwell was run out of Burma... he said among other things, that we took an awful pasting... and somebody ought to go back in there and do something about it.
Quand le général Stilwell a été refoulé hors de Birmanie, il a dit que le revers avait été cuisant et qu'il fallait y retourner pour se racheter.
Thanks an awful lot, Dad, for these... things.
Merci mille fois pour tous ces objets.
Ginna, isn't it awful the way things happen between parents and children?
N'est-ce pas affreux, ce que vivent parents et enfants?
- I have an awful lot of things.
- J'ai amené tellement de choses.
Les horreurs qu'il a dites!
I knew he was hurt... and this morning he went through... all the old things that I'd put away... the awful furniture, pictures, holy images... and when he held them in his hand, I could feel his great nostalgia... and his resentment towards me.
j'ai vu qu'il était choqué... et ce matin, il a cherché tout ce que j'avais remisé... vieilleries, portraits, images pieuses En le voyant les regarder je me suis rendu compte de sa nostalgie... et de sa rancune envers moi.
As I was going down to the taxi cab to get Elwood's things this awful man stepped out.
- Comment? Comme j'allais reprendre le taxi pour aller chercher ses affaires... un homme horrible m'a arrêtée.
Don't those things cost an awful lot of money?
Alors j'ai... Vous l'avez tiré.
Is it awful - not having all these things for real?
N'est-ce pas terrible de ne rien avoir de tout ça?
You know, I'm getting awful sick of doing things the hard way.
J'en ai plein les bottes d'être mené à la dure.
No, not those awful cheap things.
Pas de ces horribles choses bon marché.
Sorry.. my conduct is awful I do things I regret
Excuse-moi, je suis nerveux je fais des choses que je regrette
Things work out awful funny sometimes, don't they?
Les choses finissent bizarrement parfois, tu ne trouves pas?
He's a real nice fella - awful good to his mother. Haw! The evolution of the so-called adult western and the metamorphosis of one rance mcgrew, formerly phony baloney, now upright citizen with a preoccupation with all things involving tradition, truth and cowpoke predecessors.
Billy, il t'entend, il se retourne et tire sans dégainer dans la lampe que tu tiens à la main.
Not yet, sir. He better show up soon or the whole operation will be snafued. I'm not completely blind, but things are awful fuzzy.
La musique de McCulloch, ajoutée après le montage, soutient vraiment la scène, et crée de la tension.
things 422
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things are different 35
things to do 42
things happen 87
things will get better 22
things change 215
things fall apart 17
things will change 18
things have changed 201
things could be worse 16
things are different 35
things to do 42