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But now you're here translate French

442 parallel translation
But you're forgetting about who's here for you right now, and you're turning your back on me.
Mais tu oublies qui est là pour toi, tout de suite, et tu te détournes de moi.
Over two years, I've had time to choose my words, but now you're here, I don't know what to say.
Depuis 2 ans, je t'avais préparé toutes mes réponses. Maintenant que je te vois ici, je sais plus quoi dire.
- But now that you're here...
- Mais puisque vous êtes là...
But now that you're here everything will be all right.
Vous êtes là. Tout va bien.
Well, you're safe now, lad... but what are you doing here in the middle of the African jungle?
Tu ne risques plus rien... mais que fais-tu donc dans la jungle?
I don't know what they're doing to you but you got nothing to worry about now, I'm here.
Je ne sais pas ce qu'ils essaient de vous faire, mais ne vous en faites pas, je suis là.
I hesitated before asking you to come here so soon after your loss. But now that you're here I hope you won't mind if I plunge straight into business?
J'ai hésité à vous demander de venir, mais maintenant, j'irai droit au but.
But you're not staying here, now that I know.
Mais tu ne vas pas rester ici.
Sure, it scares you to go out into a world you don't remember... but you're here now.
C'est effrayant d'entrer dans un monde dont tu ne te souviens pas, mais tu y es, là.
But now you're here.
Mais maintenant, tu es là.
You came in here today asking for information that you needed, and I tried to cooperate, but now you're beginning to annoy me.
Vous êtes arrivé ici en voulant des informations. Je vous ai aidé autant que j'ai pu, mais trop c'est trop.
- But now that you're here, we'll protect you.
- Mais vous êtes là et on va vous protéger.
But now you're here, I don't want to go back anyway.
Mais maintenant tu es là. Je ne veux plus rentrer de toute façon.
Now, listen here, Lantin. You're destroying this newspaper. You're always talking about scoops and new evidence, but what have you found out?
Écoutez-moi, Lantin, vous coulez le journal en annonçant surprises, révélations, coups de théâtre.
But you're not disturbing. Mr Cousin will be here any moment now.
M. Cousin sera là dans un instant.
I don't know how to explain it to someone like you. But we all came here together, and now we're trying to do something.
Je ne sais pas comment vous expliquer, mais on est tous venus ensemble, et maintenant on essaie de faire quelque chose.
Now, look here, George. I don't know what you think, but we're not fools! We're practical businessmen.
Nous ne sommes pas des imbéciles... mais des hommes d'affaires.
But, well, now that you're here, darn if I don't have the courage to speak up and say what's on my mind!
Maintenant que vous êtes ici, j'aurai le courage de dire tout haut ce que je pensé!
A bit melancoly, now and then, but now that you're here...
Parfois un peu mélancolique, mais maintenant que tu es là...
But now that you're here, you can take the young lady out.
Mais maintenant que t'es là, tu vas pouvoir sortir mademoiselle.
We don't have much to offer, but now that you're here, I hope you can stay a while.
Nous n'avons pas beaucoup à vous offrir, mais maintenant que vous êtes là, j'espère que vous resterez un peu.
Now, true aristocrats might accept you but here, you're a painful reminder of where they came from.
De vrais aristocrates vous accepteraient. Mais ici, vous rappelez trop à "l'élite" ses humbles origines.
What you're hoping is that she can stay out here wild but not too wild so you can see her every now and then. That's it, isn't it?
Tu espères qu'elle va redevenir sauvage, mais pas trop, pour que tu puisses venir la voir de temps en temps.
Mickey! I heard you were here, but you're so important now you have only time for cabinet ministers.
J'ai appris que vous étiez ici, mais vous êtes si important que vous réservez votre temps aux ministres.
But we're happy here. I can't lose you now, Mr Spock. I can't.
Nous sommes heureux ici. Je ne veux pas te perdre.
But she's a friend of ours - and she saw the murder! You're going to wait here until the Superintendent of police arrives - now understand that?
Vous allez attendre que le commissaire arrive, compris?
She was gonna play a game with the doggy. But now that you're here, she'd much rather play with you.
Elle allait jouer avec le chien, mais maintenant que vous êtes là, elle préfère jouer avec vous.
You used to be a Loyalist but now you're here.
Toi, un ancien Ioyaliste, tu es à Kyoto pour protéger Katsu, un officier du shogunat. Prends garde au bras du châtiment.
But now you're here...
Mais vous êtes là...
Hey, man, you're always in Washington DC but you ain't doing nothing in Washington DC! You're out here in California right now sitting on a committee that is supposed to be from this particular area but you spend most of your time in Washington DC
Vous êtes toujours à Washington, mais vous n'y foutez rien à Washington, vous voilà en Californie, membre d'une commission qui est censée être régionale.
But you're here now
- Mais tu es là maintenant.
But now you're here, you can stay if you want.
Mais tu es revenu. Tu peux rester, si tu veux.
But now he's done and you're here.
Mais c'est fini, et toi tu es là.
But now that you're here, I can feel...
Maintenant que tu es ici, je sens que...
I never dared ask, but now you're here, would you...?
Je n'osais pas vous le demander, mais puisque vous êtes là...
I'm sorry to disturb you now... but we're going with the story that Haldeman was the fifth man... in control of the fund and they're hassling us here.
Pour l'article sur Haldeman, le 5e qui contrôle les fonds, les vieux nous bassinent.
But what's important is that you're here now.
L'important est que tu sois là maintenant.
It's lively now because you're here but come back in winter!
Elle est animée, car vous y êtes, mais... revenez donc en hiver...
Now, I know you're in a little distress here, but did you see a black TransAm go by?
Je vois que vous avez quelques problèmes, mais avez-vous vu passer une TransAm noire?
Now don't be, governor. You're too young to remember... but Blackwolf must have lost one million men here... last time he tried to invade.
Tu es trop jeune pour te souvenir... mais Blackwolf a perdu un million d'hommes à son dernier essai d'invasion.
Now, friends, before you go I know you all want to get back you're all busy people. But I want you to know that the man in charge of investigating vittorio's murder is here today.
Je te fais la promesse l'homme qui finira par attraper ton meurtrier, le Lieutenant Columbo.
But now you're here with me.
Mais tu es ici avec moi.
But now you're here in front of me and you can't run away. And I finally get to have what you tried to cheat me out of.
Là, tu ne peux pas te débiner et j'ai enfin droit â ce que tu as essayé de me voler :
But right now you're here, and this doesn't have to stink.
Ici, ça peut se passer très bien.
But now you're in Looking Glass Land, and everything here is backward.
À présent, tu es dans le Pays du Miroir, et tout est inversé.
Dr. Hadley was going to remove it, but now that you're here...
Hadley allait s'en charger mais comme vous êtes là...
But now you're here... wouldn't you like to come inside, son?
Mais maintenant que tu es là, tu aimerais aller à l'intérieur?
But now you're back here where you belong.
Mais maintenant, tu es revenu dans ton vrai pays. Accepte-le.
But now that I see you, I see you're a fine upstanding gentleman, so here, tell you what.
Mais maintenant, je peux dire que tu es un jeune homme sérieux, alors voilà pour toi.
We were gonna send them over the AP wire, but now that you're here...
On allait les envoyer à la presse.
We need to help one another here, now don't we? I-I'm not going far, but you're more than welcome.
Nous avons quelqu'un à aider, vous ne croyez pas? Je ne vais pas très loin, mais vous êtes le bienvenu.

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