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Translate.vc / English → French / [ G ] / Get yourself together

Get yourself together translate French

181 parallel translation
Please get yourself together and find that junk collector.
Reprenez-vous et allez trouver ce collecteur d'ordures.
Oh, get yourself together, please.
Oh, reprenez-vous, je vous en prie.
- Get yourself together!
- Ca va, Jenny, prends sur toi!
Get yourself together, girls.
Préparez-vous, les filles.
Get yourself together!
Now, you get yourself together or you get out.
Reprenez-vous et sortez.
Ressaisis-toi, Mama.
- Quoi? - J'ai besoin de ton aide.
Get yourself together. Because if I ever hear of you selling so much as a cough drop I'm coming down on you so hard, you'll never get out of jail.
File doux, parce que si jamais tu revends, ne serait-ce que du sirop, je te colle de quoi moisir en taule à perpète!
Now I want you to get yourself together get back out there, and get me my money,
Maintenant tu te reprends, tu retournes là-bas et tu me ramènes mon fric.
- Just get yourself together.
If you don't get yourself together and start treating'me different, I'm not comin around here anymore.
Mais si tu ne te ressaisis pas et commence à me traiter différemment... je ne viendrai plus ici.
Get yourself together and go look after the Teacher.
Allez examiner le Maître.
"Love in the mud"? - Get yourself together!
- Reprends tes esprits.
Get yourself together.
Get yourself together and get out of here, because you know you're a no-good woman.
T'as rien à faire ici, espèce de bonne à rien.
Get yourself together.
Du calme.
So you better get yourself together, my man.
Passe à l'action!
I want you to get yourself together, stop fudging your responsibilities.
Je veux que vous vous ressaisissiez. Assumez vos responsabilités.
You've got to get yourself together.
Ressaisis-toi, bon sang.
Get yourself together.
OK, I want you to get yourself together... and don't breathe a word of this to anyone.
Je veux que tu te reprennes... et que tu n'en parles à personne.
Uh, take the Buick and, uh, get yourself together.
Prends la Buick, et reprends-toi.
Why don't you go inside and get yourself together.
Rentre, remets-toi. Passe-toi un peu d'eau.
You get yourself together.
You get yourself together or you're on your own.
Tu te reprends ou tu es tout seul.
So get yourself together. I'll see you in the morning, okay?
Ramasse tes affaires... et a demain matin.
Get yourself together.
Arrête de te laisser aller comme ça.
Get yourself up, get yourself together.
Lève-toi et prépare-toi.
If you're gonna live here and have kids, get yourself together.
Si tu vis ici, si tu as des enfants, il va falloir soigner ton image.
- All right. Get yourself together.
Allons, ressaisis-toi.
I want you to get yourself together.
Get yourself together.
Allez. Ressaisis-toi.
You gotta get yourself together, okay?
Reprends-toi, d'accord?
Get yourself together.
Well, okay, it's a deal. Pull yourself together, get well, and I'll give you money. Isn't that wonderful, Mr. Ziegfeld?
Mais méfie-toi de moi, pendant que tu te reposes ici... j'irai te piquer les girls de ton prochain spectacle.
Pull yourself together. Let's get coffee.
Allons prendre un café.
Pull yourself together. Get this house in order.
Arrange cette maison.
You'll pull yourself together and get back in the car somehow.
Tu guériras et tu te remettras à piloter.
I don't want to know your story, honey. But someone like you, with class... if you got together with someone who knows the ropes... and who pays off every morning when your shift is done... you could get yourself a fur coat and a silver tea set in a month.
J'ignore d'où tu viens, mais une fille de ta classe avec un gars comme moi qui connaît les ficelles et qui paie rubis sur l'ongle chaque matin, en un mois, elle peut s'offrir un vison ou un service à thé en argent.
You better come down. You better get yourself together.
Really, you should pull yourself together and get a job.
Trouvez un boulot et gagnez votre vie honnêtement.
Well, that way, just in case, in the event you can't tell him you can excuse yourself, get me, I'll tell him or we can tell him together.
Si vous n'arrivez pas à le lui dire, vous viendrez me chercher et je le lui dirai.
Then you have to pull yourself together and get on with your life.
On se ressaisit et la vie reprend.
Get yourself settled, and we'll have dinner together tonight. Hmm? Of course.
Tu vas t'installer et nous dînerons ensemble, ce soir.
Pull yourself together and come get drunk with us.
Reprends-toi et viens te soûler avec nous.
So I was thinking maybe we could get together and talk about what you see yourself doing down the road.
Nous pourrions peut-être nous voir... parler de vos projets d'avenir.
Well, my friend, I think you better pull yourself together... and if you're not home when we get back, you'll be in big trouble!
Mon gaillard, il va falloir que tu te ressaisisses! Et gare à toi si tu n'es pas la quand je rentre!
Give yourself a chance to get your life together.
Donnez-vous une chance de regarder vers l'avenir.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get your act together.
Ne pleure pas sur ton sort et reprends-toi.
Hey, pull yourself together. Get a grip.
Hé du calme, reprends toi.

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