He was like translate French
10,753 parallel translation
Then he started hitting on my friend Alison, and she was like, "ugh," and had to push him off of her.
Puis il a commencé à draguer mon amie Alison, et elle a dit "beurk" et a dû le repousser.
You're the one that found him last time he was like this.
Tu es celle qui a réussi à le trouver la dernière fois.
And then there was this guy, and he was like
Et puis il y avait ce mec, il disait
Rawr! Then he was like
Puis il faisait
And then he was like... Rawr blah blah blah!
Et après il faisait...
He was like me. He hunted monsters.
Il était comme moi. il chassait les monstres.
So... he was like Batman?
Donc... il était comme Batman?
I guess there are some ways he was like Batman, I mean...
Il était un peu comme Batman, je veux dire...
Or he was like'Oh Doctor... you caught me but don't kill me here let's go to the terrace...
Où il a sorti un truc du genre "oh docteur ne me tuez pas ici."
He was like that.
Il était comme ça.
He was like a kid brother.
Il était comme un petit frère.
Look, I-I have no idea what he was like before I met him, but I can tell you now that he is the best version of himself when you are around.
les pirates ont fait ça volontairement. Je crois, qu'après avoir pillé Oahu, quelque chose est arrivé les forçant à cacher le trésor sur l'île.
It's hard to describe, really, but it was like... like he was trying to replace something that had gone missing.
C'est difficile a décrire, vraiment, mais c'était comme... comme s'il essayait de remplacer quelque chose qui avait disparu.
It was like he felt guilty but couldn't admit what had really happened.
Comme si il se sentait coupable. Mais ne pouvait pas admettre ce que qui était réellement arrivé.
It's like he knew what I was... what I was looking for.
C'est comme s'il savait qui j'étais... ce que je recherchais.
He just spent the whole time, like, repeating that he was innocent over and over again, and complaining about how the system had always been stacked up against him.
Il a passé tout son temps à répéter qu'il était innocent, encore et encore, et à se plaindre de la façon avec laquelle le système lui avait toujours tout collé sur le dos.
And he was humiliated like this on national television.
Et il a été humilié de cette façon sur une chaîne nationale.
He was just crying like baby, like la niña.
Il pleurait comme un bébé, comme la niña.
He was saying good-bye to me, like a brother.
Il me disait au revoir comme un frère.
He was looking for a house you'd like so when we get back home... he can ask me to move in.
Il cherchait une maison que tu aimerais quand on sera rentré... Je pourrais y habiter.
He didn't cuz the bear was like
Il a pas pu parce que l'ours faisait
Sounds like he was a Grade A lunatic.
Il semble que c'était un cinglé de premier ordre.
When he was, let's see, like, 18, she was literally in there in your womb.
Quand il avait, voyons, comme 18 ans, elle était littéralement là dans votre utérus.
She'd tell me about how he came into the diner where she was working, how it was like time stopped and...
Elle m'a raconté qu'il est entré dans le resto où elle bossait, que le temps s'était arrêté.
My father was not a trusting man. He devised a means to destroy the Pit should its powers fall into the wrong hands- - like yours.
Mon père n'était pas un homme de confiance, il a crée un moyen de détruire le Puits si son pouvoir devait tomber entre de mauvaises mains, comme les tiennes.
Instead, he was just arrested, forced into a car like a common criminal.
Au lieu de cela, il a été arrêté juste, force dans une voiture comme un criminel de droit commun.
It was, like, 80 bucks, but he has four stops.
C'était 80 $, mais il a 4 escales.
Well, he was certainly acting like he knew you.
Il avait l'air de te connaître.
No. No, and even if he was, it's not like he's the boss of me.
Non, et même si c'était le cas, c'est pas comme si c'était mon patron.
He always gave a gift with a not-so-hidden message, like this watch or the time he bought me free weights because he said I was too skinny.
Il a toujours donné un cadeau avec un message pas si cachée, comme cette montre ou le temps qu'il m'a acheté des poids libres parce qu'il a dit que je suis trop maigre.
Like I said, he was being an idiot.
Comme je le disais, il était un idiot.
I hated that he was just getting away with it like nothing ever happened.
Je détestais qu'il devenait juste avec elle comme rien jamais arrivé.
She was seduced by the darkness just like he was, so how does that make rumple any different?
Elle a été séduite par les ténèbres tout comme lui, alors qu'est-ce qui rend Rumple si différent?
He told me that it was my destiny, like it's been some big plan or something. Look, all I know is, I'm not the hero they want me to be.
Il m'a dit que c'était ma destiné, comme si c'était un gros plan ou autre.Ecoute, tout ce que je sais c'est que je ne suis pas le héros qu'ils veulent que je sois.
Which probably seemed like small potatoes once he found out how much bank Nina was putting away.
Ce qui ressemblait probablement à des cacahuètes une fois qu'il a découvert combien Nina mettait de côté.
Looks like somebody used Kyle's network to make it look like he was the one hacking Tracy.
Apparemment quelqu'un a utilisé le réseau de Kyle faisant croire qu'il était celui qui a piraté Tracy.
If he was... like me.
S'il était... comme moi.
I saw him jump in front of the L train and bring it to a dead stop like he was playing chicken.
Je l'ai vu sauter devant le train et s'arrêter net devant comme s'il jouait à se faire peur.
He was shaking like a leaf.
Il tremblait comme une feuille.
Looks like he was hit by a truck.
On dirait qu'un camion lui a roulé dessus.
Trust me, James has seen far worse like that time he was being personally tortured by Saddam Hussein in Kuwait, or wherever the hell that was.
Crois-moi, James a vu bien pire comme la fois où il a été torturé personnellement par Saddam Hussein au Koweït, ou peu importe où c'était.
Just like that, he was gone.
Juste comme ça, il était plus là.
I feel like it was just yesterday he was in diapers.
J'ai l'impression qu'hier il portait encore des couches.
He had to know that law enforcement was gonna come down on him like a ton of bricks.
Il devait savoir que la police allait lui tomber dessus.
There was a rubber ducky in there who looked like he'd seen some really messed up stuff.
Il y avait un canard en plastique là-bas, qui avait l'air d'avoir vu des trucs vraiment tordus.
- It looks like he really was.
- On dirait qu'il le faisait.
Was still the same filthy son of a bitch he always was, but I'd forgotten how strong that bond could be. Like we shared something crudo in the blood.
Il est resté le salaud qu'il a toujours été, mais j'avais oublié à quel point ce lien était fort.
He was a refugee, like your sister.
C'était un réfugié, comme ta soeur.
When you left last time, he was hurt, pretty bad. He walked around trying to pretend like he wasn't, but I could see it. Okay?
Votre peinture volée est une carte au trésor.
Look, if he was off the grid for 30 years, we need to find out what he looked like back in the day.
Si il était hors radar pendant 30 ans, on doit découvrir à quoi il ressemblait à l'époque.
like how Picasso was influenced by early portraiture before he created the Cubist movement.
Comme... comment Picasso a été influencé par l'art du portrait au début. avant qu'il est crée le mouvement cubiste.
he was like a father to me 22
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was right 258
he was afraid 36
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a hero 41
he was a good man 245
he was a wonderful man 18
he was right 258
he was afraid 36
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a hero 41
he was a good man 245
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83