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Translate.vc / English → French / [ H ] / He will come

He will come translate French

1,317 parallel translation
If you build it, he will come.
Si tu le construis, il viendra
"If you build it, he will come."
"Si tu le construis, il viendra"
I think I know what "If you build it, he will come" means. Why do I not think this is so good?
Je crois savoir ce que ça veut dire ça commence à m'inquiéter
He will come.
Il viendra.
He will come.
Non. Il va venir.
It's not, Jimmy, is it? He will come, won't he?
C'est pas vrai, Jimmy. ll va venir, hein?
- Do you think he will come?
- Croyez-vous qu'il viendra?
If you say it right, he will come.
Si vous le dites bien, il viendra.
It's his night, his creation. He will come, boy, believe me.
- Qu'est-ce qu'ils sont en train de chanter, ces singes?
Don't worry, he will come to you.
Ne vous inquiétez pas, il viendra à vous.
He will come back to school.
Il reviendra ici.
when you are at your absolute peak he will come to you.
Quand tu seras en pleine forme, c'est à ce moment qu'il attaquera.
He will come.
Il va venir.
He will come, won't he?
Est-ce qu'il viendra, n'est-ce pas?
I fear he will come and destroy me, sparing neither mother nor child.
Je crains qu'il ne vienne m'anéantir, n'épargnant ni les femmes ni les enfants.
I'm sure that he will come see you as soon as he can.
Il viendra vous voir dès qu'il le pourra.
He will come to collect, sooner or later.
Il viendra réclamer son dû, tôt ou tard.
he will come.
"Il viendra..."
I kept saying to your mother, He'll come back, I won't change my will.
Je continuais à dire à ta mère, il reviendra, je ne changerai pas de testament.
He will wash away my sin Let this little child come in
il me lavera de mes péchés et laissera ce petit enfant entrer.
Uncle Tom will come up to you and he will say, "Dahlia, darling..." I take it he calls you Dahlia?
Uncle Tom viendra à vous et il dira : "Dahlia, ma chérie..."'l suppose qu'il vous appelle Dahlia?
He will not come, it is too late, too humid.
Il ne viendra pas, c'est trop tard, trop humide.
He is. Mr. Cyrano will not come?
Monsieur Cyrano viendra?
- Will he come in?
- Il va rentrer?
If he returns, others will come.
S'il revient, d'autres viendront ici.
How does he know when "Mother" will come?
Comment savez--vous quand maman revient?
He has made plans that come what might, he will keep his fortune.
II s'est donc arrangé pour protéger sa fortune envers et contre tout.
- Will he come?
- Il va venir?
Hey, Will, come over here.
Hé, Will, viens par ici.
He will not come back to his parents.
Il ne rentrera pas chez ses parents.
As someone said, if a man bows down too many times. There will come a time when he won't be able to stand up forever!
Quelqu'un a dit un homme qui s'abaisse trop, ne peut plus se relever
- Will he come back for touch-ups?
II reviendra faire des raccords?
He is learning to communicate by means of a computer. And so he waits, for what will come next...
Et ainsi il attend, pour voir ce qui va arriver... "
Said you was more cold-blooded than Will Bonney. Said if he hurt Ned again you'd come kill him like you killed the U.S. Marshal in'70.
Que vous étiez... plus impitoyable que William Bonney, et que s'il lui faisait du mal... vous viendriez le tuer... comme le Marshal que vous avez tué en 70.
Will would like to know if he can please come in.
Will voudrait savoir s'il peut entrer.
When will he come?
Il vient quand?
When will he come? Right now!
Et il arrive quand?
And if I play my cards right, which I will, there'll come a time when he'll be more interested in me than his investigation.
Si je joue la bonne carte, et je le ferai, il finira par être plus intéressé par moi que par son enquête.
Will he come, mister?
Est-ce qu'il viendra, monsieur?
Will he come?
Est-ce qu'il vient?
"When will he come for me?"
Quand viendra-t-il a moi?
Patron, he say... uh, someone will come to revenge for him.
Patron, il dit que... quelqu'un viendra le venger.
When will he come back?
Il ne rentre pas?
But I'm convinced that he will surely come.
Mais je suis certain qu'il viendra.
Will he come here?
Viendra-t-il ici?
Will, I don't think he's going to come with us.
Will, je crois qu'il ne viendra pas avec nous.
I'm sure he will be happy to come and investigate this.
Il se fera un plaisir de venir enquêter.
But eventually, he or, more likely, his children will come to this place to see this magnificent temple erected by their toil.
Aujourd'hui, nous sommes le 5 septembre 1991.
I'm sure he will be in the carpenter's shop. Ask him, for my sake, to come here and talk to me
Quelle dommage que vous ayez croisé ce marchand de vin!
God will protect me, aided considerably by Tristan. He seems to have come to France purely to nursemaid me.
Je sais que Dieu me protègera, avec l'aide de Tristan. qui semble être venu en France pour me servir de chaperon.
- Will he come back?
- Vous croyez qu'il reviendra?

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