He would never translate French
2,285 parallel translation
He would never do anything to jeopardize the CIA.
Il ne compromettrait jamais la CIA.
He knows he would never get past those surveillance cameras undetected.
Il sait qu'on le verrait sur les caméras de surveillance.
He would never commit such lies to the record.
Jamais il n'aurait proféré ces mensonges devant le Sénat.
Wait for him at school, wait for him after soccer, wait for him on whole weekends that were his weekends to take them, and he would never show up!
À l'école, après le football, pendant des week-ends entiers où son père devait le prendre, et il ne venait jamais!
He would never kill a woman.
Il ne tuerait pas une femme.
And we also know that those are words That he would never use to describe himself.
Et on sait aussi que ce sont des mots... qu'il n'utiliserait jamais pour se décrire.
- But he would never do it.
Mais il ne le ferait jamais.
He would never have to know.
Il n'aurait pas à le savoir.
He would never get to say anything.
Sinon, il n'aurait jamais l'occasion de dire quoi que ce soit.
If he knew what he looked like running, he would never run.
S'il savait à quoi il ressemble quand il court, il n'oserait pas courir.
He would never do that.
Il ne ferait jamais ça.
I-if I knew his true identity, then every lowlife with high hopes of hurting him would come after me, and he would never put me in that kind of danger just to get a secret off his back.
Si je savais qui il est, alors tous ceux qui veulent lui faire du mal s'en prendraient à moi, et il ne prendrait jamais ce risque juste pour un secret.
He would never turn it off, Gibbs.
Jamais il l'éteindrait.
And he knew that he would never invent anything worthy of a pigeon.
Il a su qu'il n'inventerait jamais rien d'aussi beau qu'un pigeon.
So they escaped from the terrorist, hoping and praying he would never find them.
Ils échappèrent donc au terroriste, espérant de tout leur cœur qu'il ne les retrouverait jamais.
He would never kiss her, either.
Il l'a jamais embrassée.
Trevor's angry, Agent Booth, but he would never do anything to harm Logan.
Trevor est fâché, agent Booth... mais il ne ferait jamais de mal à Logan.
Mickey was a drinker, sure, but he would never in a million years touch that shit.
Mickey était alcoolique, mais il n'aurait jamais touché à cette merde.
Oh, and then he'd never key a car again, would he?
Ho, et il ne voudra plus jamais rayer une voiture, non?
And after he took his life, my confessor made me fix things so that I would never be able to sin like that again.
Après son suicide, mon confesseur a fait en sorte que je ne puisse plus pécher de la sorte.
Okay, Joel would never. - He wouldn't. Joel?
- Joel ne ferait pas ça.
If I'd known he was a guh-virgin, I never would have taken his delicate flower.
Si j'avais su qu'il était puceau, je ne l'aurais jamais défloré.
Quoted as saying that he never doubted he would see his little girl again.
Passe la télécommande. ... a dit qu'il n'avait jamais douté de revoir sa fille en vie.
Never would have guessed he was the inside man for one of the most vicious crews around- - a crew led by one Sam Fisher,
On pouvait pas savoir qu'il était l'indic d'une des équipes les plus vicieuses.
And let me tell you something. If Nathan and I got divorced and he and Taylor showed up playing kissy-face, not only would I never see them again, nobody else would, either.
Si Nathan et moi étions divorcés et qu'il débarquait avec Taylor, je ne les verrais plus.
And he told her they would come, but of course, they never did.
Il lui a dit qu'ils viendraient, mais bien sûr, ça n'est jamais arrivé.
He's my boy, too. But I would never stoop this low.
C'est aussi le mien, mais je m'abaisserai pas si bas.
The FBI would never even admit that he works there.
Le FBI n'admettrait jamais qu'il y travaille.
So yeah, he proved his worth on that project, brought something to it that we would never have had otherwise.
Donc ouais, il avait prouvé sa valeur dans notre projet, et surtout sans lui on n ´ aurait jamais rien entendu de tout ça.
When Banksy had suggested to Thierry that he make some art, he could never have imagined just how far things would go. We have a mountain of...
Quand Banksy avait suggéré à Thierry de... faire de l'art il n'aurait jamais pu imaginer la proportion que cela pourrait prendre
My brother would never admit to setting that fire'cause he didn't do it.
Mon frère n'aurait jamais dit qu'il avait allumé ce feu, parce qu'il ne l'a pas fait.
Now, Sarah, look, I would never speak for Amaar, but I personally am very sorry for how he behaved.
Écoutez Sarah, je ne parlerai jamais pour Amaar, mais en ce qui me concerne je suis vraiment désolé pour la manière dont il s'est comporté.
He never would've believed me.
Il ne m'aurait jamais crue.
If I knew how crazy he would be, I never would've told him where we were.
Si j'avais su combien il serait fou je lui aurais jamais dit où on était.
To do what he did... I just knew that Maya would never be safe.
Faire ce qu'il a fait... je savais que Maya ne serait jamais en sécurité.
The point is, karl, he never would. He'd never say it. That's the point.
Ce qu'il y a, Karl, c'est qu'il n'aurait jamais dit ça.
And I remembered him telling me that one day he's going to hide in a place that I would never find him.
Et je me suis souvenue qu'il m'avait dit qu'un jour il se cacherait dans un endroit où je ne le trouverai jamais. Mais j'ai réussi.
But I never thought he would do that.
Mais je pensais pas qu'il ferait ça.
He would have never let this happen!
Il se serait battu.
I never thought Fred would be the relationship type, but he totally is.
Je ne pensais pas que Fred serait du genre à s'attacher, mais si.
Because Racine would never point us in that direction if he already knew who or where the partner was.
Il ne nous aurait pas suggéré de traquer le complice s'il savait déjà qui c'était, ou bien où il était.
I never understood why he would miss that moment, after all those years of work, we could've changed the date.
Ça m'a étonné qu'il accepte de rater ce moment, après toutes ces années de travail. On aurait pu changer la date.
So if my grandfather hadn't gotten On the wrong train that day, He never would have met his wife's murderer.
Si mon grand-père ne s'était pas trompé de train, il n'aurait pas connu le meurtrier de sa femme.
Last year, he went to prison for a crime that would never have been committed if this country had given him the respect that he deserved.
L'an passé, on l'a mis en prison pour un crime qui n'était dû qu'au manque de respect de ce pays.
But if I ever thought he'd bring a man like that home, I never would have given him the key.
{ \ pos ( 192,210 ) } Mais si j'avais su qu'il ramènerait ça, il n'aurait jamais eu ma clé.
He would never forgive us.
Il ne nous le pardonnerait pas.
Because in the olden days, I never would've known he was so stupid.
Avant, je n'aurais jamais réalisé qu'il était bête.
Leaving no blood evidence, and then he stuffed her body into someone else's coffin so that you would never know.
Puis il a mis le corps dans le cercueil d'un autre pour que vous n'en sachiez jamais rien. Comment as-tu pu faire ça?
* He stared at me and I felt a change * * Time meant nothing, never would again *
He stared at me and I felt a change never would again
He never would...
Il n'aurait jamais...
He never would have left you and your mother if he wasn't forced to.
Jamais, il ne vous aurait quittés, vous et votre mère.
he would never do that 37
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't say 50
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't say 50
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't listen 42
he would have been 19
he would have killed me 16
he would have 36
he would 208
he would be 16
he would say 35
nevermind 135
never 5371
neverland 25
nevermore 28
he would have killed me 16
he would have 36
he would 208
he would be 16
he would say 35
nevermind 135
never 5371
neverland 25
nevermore 28
never have i ever 20
never give up 61
never mind 4455
never gets old 35
never better 242
nevertheless 622
never forget 64
never ever 49
never you mind 74
never married 49
never give up 61
never mind 4455
never gets old 35
never better 242
nevertheless 622
never forget 64
never ever 49
never you mind 74
never married 49