Let him live translate French
371 parallel translation
And you let him live.
Et vous le laissez vivre.
Let him live.
Faites qu'il vive.
We can't let him live on.
Nous ne pouvons le laisser en vie.
I can't let him live on!
Je ne peux le laisser vivre!
- Oh, please, Louis, let him live.
- Pitié, Louis, graciez-Ie.
This is where they let him live.
Et voilà où on le laisse vivre.
Let him live in the beauty and vigour of his seed.
Laissez-le vivre dans sa beauté et sa vigueur originelles.
And let him live that long?
Et d'ici là?
You don't think George intends to let him live, do you?
Tu ne crois quand même pas que Georges va l'épargner?
Let him live out his life.
Laisse-Ie vivre sa vie.
It's not suitable to let him live now.
C'est inhumain de le laisser vivre à présent.
A man who's abetted me in a treasonable act, knowing what he knows, how could I let him live?
Comment laisser en vie un homme qui m'a aidé dans un acte de trahison?
I will let him live.
Je lui laisse la vie.
I made Senor Quixano come back home, not to let him die, but let him live like eveybody else.
Je n'ai quand même pas obligé messire Quijada à revenir chez lui pour le voir mourir. Je veux le voir vivre comme tout le monde.
We can't let him live.
On ne peut le laisser vivre.
To defeat an enemy and to let him live appears to be a kind act, but it is cruel.
Laisser un adversaire en vie après l'avoir vaincu... on appelle ça clémence, mais rien n'est plus cruel.
We can't let him live.
On ne peut pas le laisser vivre.
To let him live again.
Pour lui redonner vie.
Why do you let him live?
Pourquoi le laisses-tu vivre?
Father, why do you let him live?
Père, pourquoi le laisses-tu en vie?
Jason dared to speak of the end of the gods and yet you let him live.
Jason a osé parler de la fin des dieux... et vous l'avez laissé en vie.
Let him live. We have our offering to the God of Waters.
Laissez-lui la vie, nous l'offrirons au dieu des eaux.
If you do as I say, I'll let him live.
Exécutez mes ordres et il est sauf.
We can't afford to let him live.
On ne peut pas se permettre de le laisser vivre.
Last night you let him live.
Hier soir, vous l'avez épargné.
Very well, let him live, he will work for us.
Très bien. Laissez-le vivre. Il va travailler pour nous.
I don't intend to let him live.
J'ai l'intention de le tuer.
If any one of you joins me, anyone I'll let him live.
Si l'un de vous rejoint mes rangs, un seul d'entre vous! Je lui laisse la vie.
They wouldn't let him live in peace, now they won't let him die in peace.
Il n'a pu vivre en paix, il ne peut mourir en paix non plus...
We should not let him live.
On devrait pas le laisser vivre!
Let him live! Don t kill the major!
Laissez le major en vie, ne le tuez pas.
If we let him live he will tell someone. He will tell.
Si on le laisse en vie, il parlera.
And because he wanted to do something, he let him live.
Et puisqu il voulait faire quelque chose, il l'a laissé vivre.
If you say so, I'll let him live just a bit longer.
Puisque vous insistez, j'accepte de lui accorder un sursis.
Let him live.
Laissez le en vie.
Let him live in fear for his life.
Laissez-le vivre dans la crainte.
But I'll bargain with you You give me yourword you let him live until I find the gold.
Mais je vais négocier avec vous, Vous me donnez votre parole que vous le laisser vivre jusqu'à ce que je trouve de l'or.
It's trouble to let him live
C'est des ennuis si on le laisse vivre.
He was lucky the Shack let him live.
Enfin, il l'a pas tué!
We couldn't let him live.
On pouvait pas le laisser vivre.
He offered them a million dollars if they'd let him live there.
En offrant un million de dollars pour rester.
Let us rather salute that bright spirit of his, which will live forever. And, like a torch, enlighten a younger generation inspired to follow him.
Saluons plutôt son esprit brillant qui vivra éternellement, éclairant, tel un flambeau, la voie aux générations futures.
All right, let him go live somewhere else, not with you, not with me!
Il va bien, autant qu'il vive dans un autre lieu...
Let him not die, for he will live and laugh at this hereafter.
Epargnons-le, il vivra et rira un jour de tout ça.
George, talk to him, make him see that we won't harm him..... he can let us live.
Parle avec lui, montre-lui que nous ne lui voulons aucun mal. Il peut nous laisser vivre.
You've made a beggar out of me. I will starve to death, for as long as I live. Let him go!
Je suis réduit à la mendicité pour le restant de mes jours.
I can't let an H-bomb kill him before he's even had a chance to live!
Ce petit innocent! La bombe atomique ne l'aura pas!
- You will let him live!
- Tu lui laisses la vie!
As we worship together this Easter morning and more, as we pray to him who died and rose again that we might have life and have it more abundantly let us remember especially those who have gone from this country and town to live and die in far-off places for a like purpose.
Réunis par la dévotion en ce jour de Pâques, et la prière pour Lui qui est mort et ressuscité, pour nous donner la vie, et l'abondance, souvenons-nous de ceux qui ont quitté cette ville et ce pays, pour vivre et mourir loin d'ici, dans un but similaire.
And if there is a future for man, insensitive as he is, proud and defiant in his pursuit of power, let him resolve to live it lovingly, for he knows well how to do so.
Et si l'homme a un avenir, aussi insensible soit-il, fier et provocant dans sa quête de puissance, qu'il le vive avec amour, il sait si bien le faire.
"To live and let live?" "To feed the wolf and keep the sheep?" Andrew took over Weinstein's saw-mill who still works there. I am going to see him now and tell him :
Weinstein a reçu un gérant aussi, et sa caisse n'a pas diminué.
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let him speak 75
let him wait 26
let him finish 62
let him do it 52
let him talk 70
let him in 156
let him be 121
let him sleep 41
let him have it 44
let him speak 75
let him wait 26
let him finish 62
let him do it 52
let him try 35
let him up 33
let him go now 17
let him down 22
let him stay 21
let him know 22
let him 173
let him through 73
let him alone 35
let him rest 17
let him up 33
let him go now 17
let him down 22
let him stay 21
let him know 22
let him 173
let him through 73
let him alone 35
let him rest 17
let him breathe 18
let him come 53
let him pass 25
let him die 45
let him out 46
live 419
liver 115
lives 106
liverpool 34
lived 94
let him come 53
let him pass 25
let him die 45
let him out 46
live 419
liver 115
lives 106
liverpool 34
lived 94
lively 33
live fast 20
live long and prosper 34
live your life 45
live to fight another day 19
live it 17
live together 30
live and let live 37
live a little 78
livestock 18
live fast 20
live long and prosper 34
live your life 45
live to fight another day 19
live it 17
live together 30
live and let live 37
live a little 78
livestock 18
live here 35
live or die 28
live it up 25
live and learn 31
live aboard 36
live well 17
lives alone 37
lives are at stake 17
live with it 35
lived alone 23
live or die 28
live it up 25
live and learn 31
live aboard 36
live well 17
lives alone 37
lives are at stake 17
live with it 35
lived alone 23