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Translate.vc / English → French / [ L ] / Let him pass

Let him pass translate French

124 parallel translation
As soon as you see Wenk approaching, start the engine and let him pass.
Dès que tu vois Wenk, démarre et laisse-lui la route libre.
Let him pass.
Laissez-le passer.
Let him pass, Robin.
Laisse, Robin.
We can not let him pass, but how to stop it?
On ne peut pas le laisser passer, mais comment l'arrêter?
Let him pass!
Laissez-le passer!
- Let him pass.
Laissez passer!
Don't let him pass.
Ne le laisssez pas passer.
let him pass
Laissez-le passer.
Let him pass.
Laisse-le passer.
Let him pass. That's right.
C'est ça, ma fille, c'est ça.
He says he's in a hurry, so we must let him pass.
Il doit être pressé, on doit le laisser passer.
♪ Oh, don't let him pass my door ♪
Oh, ne la laissez pas passer ma porte
Let him pass.
Laissez-les passer!
Let him pass, he's with me.
Laissez-le passer, il est avec moi.
You'd better let him pass. I can't.
- Vous devriez le laisser passer.
O, let him pass!
Laissez son âme partir en paix.
Why do you let him pass?
Pourquoi le laissez passer?
Let him pass, come in Mr. Count
Laissez-le passer. Entrez, Monsieur le Comte.
Gerg, why did you let him pass?
Gerg, pourquoi l'as-tu laissé passer?
Why did you let him pass?
Pourquoi, l'as-tu laissé passer?
Let him pass, Bernard.
- Oui, je me rappelle... Laissez-le passer, Bernard.
It's all right, let him pass.
- Ca va. Laissez-le passer.
Mime, if that's where you're hanging out I think I might just let him pass by.
Si tu attends près de la source j'y laisserai aller le monstre
They never should have let him pass the civil-service test.
On aurait jamais dû le nommer ici!
Slow down and let him pass.
Ralentis et laisse-le passer.
I mean, just let him pass through?
Je veux dire, le laisser passer?
Should I give them them the signal, Poirot, to let him pass?
Dois-je ordonner de le laisser passer?
Let him pass.
Laissez-les passer.
We'll let him pass.
On va attendre.
Let him pass!
Laisse-le passer!
UP, gate! Let him pass.
Laissez-le entrer.
I let him pass through me.
Je m'imprègne de lui.
- Let him pass. - Spoilsports.
- Laissez passer.
I want my chauffeur right next to me. Let him pass!
Je veux mon chauffeur près de moi.
Just let him pass.
Laisse-le doubler.
Let him pass you, Darry!
Laisse-le nous dépasser, Darry!
Get off the road and let him pass you!
Ecarte-toi et laisse-le passer!
His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State''et cetera...''request all whom it may concern... to allow the bearer to pass without let or hindrance... and to afford him or her''—
"Premier secrétaire d'État de sa Majesté" etc... "demande à tous ceux qui peuvent être concernés... " de permettre au porteur de ce passeport d'éviter les entraves...
- Let him pass.
Qu'il avance.
I could of put him away for something he didn't do. I let it pass.
J'aurais pu le coffrer sous un faux prétexte.
let us leave him : pass.
Laissons-le, passons.
I have the impression he voluntarily chose to let the good things in life pass him by.
J'ai l'impression qu'il a choisi volontairement de passer à côté de tout ce qu'il y a de bon dans la vie.
I've stopped going to his door, I've sometimes let a whole day pass by without thinking about him.
Je ne vais plus jusqu'à sa porte.
The sultan will retreat and he'll let you rule, if you pay him a tribute, if you send him troops when he'll ask for them, and if you'll grant him the right to pass through your country with his army whenever he wants to.
Le Sultan retirera l'armée et te laissera le trône en échange d'un tribut, d'une aide en soldats quand besoin il y aura et du droit de traverser ton pays avec l'armée quand bon lui semblera.
Shall I give them the signal, Poirot, to let him pass?
Quand tous les faits sont exposés, la solution se révèle d'elle-même.
You must let him pass.
Vous devez le laisser entrer.
OK, let him pass.
OK, laissez-le passer.
Let me pass the Stone to him.
Laissez-moi lui transmettre la Pierre.
Let me pass the invitation to him then?
Mais tu peux lui apporter l'invitation.
What grace is given me let it pass to him.
Que la grâce qui m'a été donnée lui soit transmise.
- Slow down and let him fucking pass you!
- Ralenti et laisse-le, nous dépasser!

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