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Read it again translate French

193 parallel translation
Will you read it again and get that mush out of your mouth?
Relis-le et fiche-nous la paix avec ton accent ridicule.
Read it again.
Lis-le à nouveau.
Will you read it again?
Voulez-vous la relire?
I wanna read it again myself.
J'aimerais la relire.
- We might as well wait. - We'll just have to read it again when Pa gets here.
Nous la lirons quand Papa sera là.
No, read it again.
Non, relis.
I need to read it again more slowly, but it's very good.
Je le trouve très beau. Je l'ai lu vite, je le relirai.
Read it again, the last part.
Relis-nous ce passage.
Take it and read it again carefully.
Reprenez-la et lisez-la attentivement.
Read it again!
Encore, la même phrase.
Read it again, honey.
Lis-le à nouveau.
Well, here, read it again, Ben.
Tu peux la relire encore, Ben?
Read it again, Ben?
Relis-là, Ben.
Read it again for now, eh, Ben?
Relis-la encore. Une fois seulement.
Read it again.
- Relisez-la.
Mother, can I read it again?
Maman, je peux encore le lire une fois?
Read it again.
I'll read it again.
J'y réfléchirai...
We are not going to read it again.
Non, on ne va pas relire cette scène!
I even read it again.
Je l'ai même relu.
Yeah, the only problem was that 20 minutes later, I wanted to read it again.
Le seul problème, c'est que 20 mn plus tard, je voulais le relire.
I read it again.
Je l'ai relu.
Come on. Read it again.
Lis encore.
Well, I'll have to read it again to remember what my first opinion was.
Grand-mère m'interdit d'en jouer, ici
Grandpa... maybe you could come over... and read it again to me tomorrow.
Grand-père... tu pourrais peut-être venir demain pour me faire la lecture.
Read it again.
Lisez-le à nouveau.
- Do you want me to read it again?
Je recommence?
I may then go to bed pleased with what I wrote. Then read it again in the morning and deem it a total shit.
Je me coucherai, peut-être satisfait de moi, et demain matin en relisant je trouverai ça à chier.
I promise I'll read it again.
Je te promets que je le relirai.
- Could you read it again?
– Vous pouvez la relire?
I'll go back and read it again and I won't forget.
Je vais le relire et je n'oublierai pas le contenu.
Read it again.
Redis-moi un peu.
Read it again. This time slower!
Recommence, plus lentement.
Read it again, this time put the emphasis on the first syllable!
- Recommence. Et cette fois, en accentuant la première syllabe.
I don't see what good it does you to read the same thing over and over again.
Je ne vois pas ce que ça t'apporte de relire la même chose.
- Will you read it to me again?
- Tu veux bien me la relire?
Yeah? Well, I can't read it. I broke my glasses again.
J'ai encore cassé mes lunettes.
Doctor, I have seen her rise from her bed, throw her night-gown upon her, unlock her closet, take forth paper, fold it, write upon't, read it, afterwards seal it, and again return to bed ; yet all this while in a most fast sleep.
Je l'ai vue se lever de son lit, mettre sa robe de chambre, ouvrir son cabinet, prendre du papier, le plier, écrire dessus, le lire, puis le sceller et se recoucher, tout cela pourtant dans un profond sommeil.
You'd better read it again.
I had Franz's letter with me. And I re-read it over and over again, even though I knew it by heart.
Je relisais la lettre de Franz pour la énième fois, même si je la savais par cœur.
No, but I read through the thesis again. Analysed it.
Non, mais j'ai relu la thèse.
Read it again.
Lisez la suite.
You did it again, sir. You read my mind.
Vous avez lu dans mon esprit.
I'd let you read it, only you'd start bleeding again.
Si je te le montre, tu vas saigner.
the last ones a "sonnect,"... me, thats the one that, the last ones is the one that most, the, the one that, when it... the... of all the... me, it always, when I read it... and then when I read it again it also...
quand je l'ai lu, je... et quand je l'ai relu aussi.
Can you read it to me again?
Tu peux me la relire?
Before I read "War And Peace" again in five days to impress a broad, it's gonna be a cold day in Minsk.
Je ne suis pas prêt de relire Guerre et paix en cinq jours pour épater une nana.
And I'll read it again later.
Je le relirai plus tard.
Read it again, Daddy.
Lis encore, papa.
So I could read them again like it was the first time.
Pour pouvoir les relire comme si c'était la première fois.
Let's read it again and again!
Relisez-la encore.

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