Real talk translate French
647 parallel translation
We've never had a real talk, but you've got to let me tell you what happened.
Ted, laisse-moi t'expliquer ce qu'il s'est passé.
Next day, they had a real talk and began to meet daily.
Le lendemain, ils eurent leur première vraie conversation puis ils se virent tous les jours.
You know, a real talk about the future and everything.
Á propos de l'avenir et de tout.
I got my CB. But that's not real talk.
J'ai la C.B. Mais ce n'est pas une vraie conversation.
Later when we get to know each other better, we'll have a real talk.
Plus tard, quand on se connaîtra mieux on aura une vraie discution, on aura une vraie discution.
That's fine. Maybe if you talk real slow.
- Ou alors, si vous parlez lentement.
Let's talk about something else, okay? ... if he's a real man...
Et dis à ce monsieur là que s'il veux montrer son courage...
He takes off like an old lady in a high wind, and then he's got the nerve to talk about a real ship.
II décolle comme une grand-mère et il a l'audace de se moquer d'un vrai avion.
You talk about that mountain like it was a real woman.
On dirait que c'est une femme.
# And listen, if you can't Say anything real nice # # It's better not to talk at all ls my advice #
Et si tu ne peux rien dire de sympa, mon seul conseil c'est : ferme-la.
Say, you talk English real good.
Dites donc, vous parlez drôlement bien anglais.
You see, NBC's doing a radio show, a documentary on the Navy, and they're sending a writer down here to do some research, and I just guaranteed I'd find her a real hero to talk to.
NBC fait un documentaire sur la Marine. J'ai promis un héros à la journaliste.
I want to talk about my girl, the real one.
Je veux parler de mon amour, le vrai.
I'll talk to the real estate people.
Je vais parler à l'agent immobilier.
Des petits personnages qui marchent et parlent pour de vrai?
Looks like this time I let my big mouth talk me into real trouble.
On dirait que cette fois, je me sortirai pas de ce pétrin.
Apparently peace seems to persist but can we really talk of real peace?
En apparence, la paix semble se maintenir mais peut-on parler de véritable paix?
Plus tard, nous ferons une bonne jasette.
There's talk of cold war while men and women die in real wars, and the echoes of persecution and atrocities will not be stilled.
Nous brandissons la menace d'une guerre froide, alors que de vraies guerres tuent, et que les persécutions et les atrocités ont encore de beaux jours devant elles.
But since the kid must get used to us, as his real family, it will be better to avoid, if possible, talking about his father. And I'm sorry specially don't talk at all about the mother.
Mais pour que l'enfant s'habitue à nous comme à sa famille, il serait bon que vous évitiez, autant que possible, de parler de son père et, je regrette d'avoir à vous le dire,
Did you talk to her for real?
Tu lui as parle? A elle?
I don't get a chance to talk to real people very often.
J'ai pas souvent l'occasion de parler à des gens en chair et en os.
You talk as if it was real.
Tu parles comme si le village existait vraiment.
that's a funny thing, we'll not real talk
mais on ne parle pas.
Nancy and Fielding Mellish, in the most real sense, are now man and wife, and if it's humanly possible, I'm gonna break through these fans to talk to the two.
Nancy et Fielding Mellish, au sens le plus réel, sont mari et femme. Si c'est humainement possible, je vais fendre la foule pour leur parler.
Just for a moment, let's forget about your story and let's talk about real life.
Oublions votre histoire et revenons à la réalité.
I'd like you to go down and talk to Billy. Real calm-lIke.
Je veux que vous alliez parler à Billy, avec calme.
What we need is some real vigilante talk.
- Défendons-nous nous-mêmes.
If it were a real girl, call me, I'll talk to her.
I want to talk to a real human being and not a flower of the street
Je veux parler Pour un véritable être humain et pas une fleur de la rue
Don't talk like that about your father. He's a real man!
Parlez pas comme ça de votre père, c'est un vrai homme!
- It's real important that we talk to him.
- Nous devons à tout prix lui parler.
- That's real hospitable talk, Bogan, but somebody here isn't so neighbourly.
Vous êtes bien aimable, Bogan, mais ce n'est pas le cas de tout le monde.
You're real easy to talk to.
C'est facile de te parler.
When we talk of real infinities we're talking about a quantity larger than any number.
Lorsqu'on parle d'infini... on parle d'une quantité supérieure à n'importe quel nombre.
You're both going to do a little time. 30 days each unless we talk some real business.
Je vous dis juste... que ça va être la taule. Un mois chaque. A moins, évidemment, qu'on parle sérieusement.
He started to talk about it all the time, even at night in bed, and I guess that's when the real problems started.
Il en parlait de plus en plus, sans arrêt, même le soir, au lit. C'est là que les vrais problèmes ont commencé.
She didn't talk much, seemed real shy.
Elle avait l'air timide.
Everybody could talk about the real T-Bone.
Tout le monde pourrait parler du vrai T-Bone.
Real nice talk. I get the top copy.
- Le tact ne t'étouffe pas!
Travis is your real dad and... He wants to talk to you.
Travis est ton vrai papa et il veut te parler.
... before we dig in and talk real turkey.
Faisons un peu mieux connaissance avant de creuser l'affaire et d'y aller... carré.
Look, I don't wanna talk any more about what's real and what's illusion.
J'en ai assez de parler de ce qui est réel ou imaginaire.
It's because when you talk about him, your eyes, they're not real.
Tes yeux ne sont pas sincères quand tu en parles.
" He's real smart, and we can just talk about everything.
Il est très futé, et on parle vraiment de tout.
I'm real scared. If there's a cop anywhere around, and I mean anywhere she loses. Get the stuff, then leave a number where we can talk.
Prépare la came et laisse-moi un numéro de téléphone.
I can only tell you about how you can talk on maybe the real streets of America.
Mais je peux vous apprendre la langue de la rue en Amérique.
Mom, I think we have to have a real long talk about something.
Il va falloir qu'on parle sérieusement.
Look we're real sorry to barge in on you like this, but it's come to a point where we got to talk to you.
On est désolés de te déranger si tard, mais nous sommes à un tel point qu'on devait te parler.
This isn't a real good time to talk.
Ce n'est pas le bon moment pour parler.
I'm working on a real mystery here. We'll talk about my health another time, OK? Just listen to me.
On parlera de ma santé une prochaine fois, d'accord.
talkies 34
talk 1219
talking 358
talks 18
talkie 126
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk 1219
talking 358
talks 18
talkie 126
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talk me 19
talking about 61
talk to my lawyer 20
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talk me 19
talking about 61
talk to my lawyer 20