So there we were translate French
384 parallel translation
And so there we were in Rome.
Et nous étions à Rome.
Well, so there we were, me and 25 soaking wet Japanese architects in my apartment, and I'm out of Brie.
Donc, nous étions là, moi et 25 architectes japonais trempés, dans mon appartement, et je n'avais plus de brie.
So there we were in a ghost town, Harry and me.
Harry et moi nous retrouvions dans une ville fantôme.
So there we were.
Voilà ce qui s'est passé.
" So there we were.
" Nous l'étions donc.
So there we were facing a whole squad of bonies.
Il y en avait tout un régiment.
But poisonous when it's raw, you know, so you have to cook it but there's lots of plants you know that we eat have little poison in one state or another otherwise I think if potatoes were discovered now they probably wouldn't be allowed in this country
Toxique à l'état cru, donc vous devez le cuire mais il y a de nombreuses plantes que l'on mange et qui sont toxiques à un état ou un autre d'ailleurs je pense que si les pommes de terres étaient découvertes aujourd'hui, elles seraient interdites
We were going to be married on Tuesday, and then we postponed it, so my sister could get there from New Hampshire, remember?
Nous devions nous marier le mardi, mais nous avons dû attendre ma sœur.
I only put it there so that I could get it quick in case we were torpedoed.
Si je l'ai mise là, c'est pour vite la récupérer en cas de danger.
We got prints, but there were so many!
On a relevé les empreintes, mais il y en a tellement!
We were so shocked, we just stood there for a moment.
Le choc nous avait paralysés.
There was so much enthusiasm and we were always together.
Il y avait tant d'enthousiasme et nous étions toujours ensemble.
I'd like to take her there, but we were up so late last night.
J'aimerais bien y aller avec elle, mais on s'est couchés si tard hier soir.
Unfortunately, there were no witnesses so we've only your word for that.
Mais il n'y a pas de témoin. Nous n'avons que votre parole.
Things were going so swimmingly for The Four Donahues, one winter, we even vacationed there.
La vie était belle... un hiver, nous y avons passé nos vacances.
We were all working at Zach's tonight and I decided the air would do me good so I walked till I almost fell down and there I was, no purse.
Je travaillais chez Zachary et j'ai voulu marcher un peu. J'ai beaucoup marché, et quand j'en ai eu assez... pas d'argent!
There were so many people around the other day, we hardly had a chance to talk.
L'autre jour, il y avait trop de monde pour se parler.
There were so many places we had planned to travel but he was occupied with his work here.
On voulait visiter l'univers. Mais son travail le retenait :
There was a time when we were so poor... we didn't have nothing to eat all winter except one slice of bacon.
À une époque, on était si pauvres qu'on n'avait qu'une tranche de bacon pour tout l'hiver.
We just put it round we're going there. So that everybody thinks we were goingthere.
- Nous faisons juste courir le bruit
There were no trains so we were bored.
Il n'y avait pas de train et on s'ennuyait
There were so many volunteers at the church we were getting in each other's way.
Il y avait tellement de volontaires qu'on se gênait plus qu'autre chose.
I wish there were more time... if only so that we could adjust to the situation.
J'aimerais qu'il y ait plus de temps... ne serait-ce que pour s'adapter à la situation.
If so, the Romulans could attack into Federation territory before we knew they were there, before a vessel or a planet could even begin to get their defences up.
Ils auraient pu attaquer avant que nous les repérions, avant qu'un vaisseau ou une planète n'ait le temps de se défendre.
Now, you were shootin'low out there, so we'll put that front side right about there for you.
Maintenant, tu visais trop vers le bas. On a placé ces cibles juste là, devant, pour toi.
A Judy Bishop of 505 LaGuardia Place... and, uh... uh... it seems that there's some mistake, because I have come here under the assumption that we were to have a date tonight, and, uh, it seems that Miss Bishop knows nothing about it... and so I would like to find out what's happening here.
Judy Bishop, au 505 LaGuardia Place, et il semble qu'il y ait erreur, car je suis venu ici en pensant que nous avions rendez-vous ce soir, et il semble que Mlle Bishop ne soit au courant de rien... et j'aimerais savoir ce qui a bien pu se passer.
- So, we were sitting there and this- -
- On était assis et ce...
Because we went in peace to what we thought would be a dead city. But, in case there were some survivors, we took MacDonald with us so that he could parley with them and secure permission for our search.
Car nous sommes venus en amis dans une ville que nous croyions morte, mais MacDonald est venu au cas où il y aurait eu des survivants, pour pouvoir parlementer avec eux en vue d'effectuer notre recherche.
I know that you were only following orders, so there is no reason why we cannot be friends, is there?
Tu ne faisais qu'obéir à des ordres, donc on peut être amis, non?
So, there we are, looking sexy, and we were in Amalfi, and we stop for a gelato.
Donc, nous y sommes, l'air sexy, et on était à Amalfi, et nous nous sommes arrêtés pour une glace.
So we were there.
Alors, on y était.
there were evenings when we were so tired we couldn't even
.. certains soirs, on n'avait plus la force...
We were so poor. There wasn't much opportunity for a girl.
Si pauvres qu'il y avait peu d'avenir pour une fille.
I think Ludie knows how I feel about getting back to Bountiful because... once when we were talking about something that happened back there in the old days... he burst out crying... and so overcome, he had to leave the room.
Je crois que Ludie comprend que je veuille tant retourner à Bountiful, parce qu'une fois, on parlait de ce qui s'y était passé à l'époque, et il a fondu en larmes, il était si bouleversé qu'il a dû quitter la pièce.
If we start buzzing about down there, we're liable to find their mental power is so great, they could reach out and swat this ship as though it were a fly.
Si nous commençons à fouiner, là en bas, nous risquons d'apprendre que leur pouvoir mental est si grand qu'ils peuvent atteindre et écraser ce vaisseau comme une mouche.
The day of the murder, I decided to tell Roman how I really felt, that we were so much happier before in Germany, that we would be happier there now, together.
Le jour du crime, je décidai d'avouer mes sentiments a Roman. Nous avions été si heureux en Allemagne, nous pouvions encore l'etre la-bas, ensemble.
We were going to have clouds in Beverly Hills but the Council voted, decided against it, so there'll be no rain in Beverly Hills.
Il y avait des nuages mais le conseil municipal a voté contre, donc pas de pluie à Beverly Hills.
So then we would go into work... and usually we'd go in and see if there were any scientific papers... that people sent out.
Ensuite, on se mettait au travail après avoir regardé si on ne nous avait pas envoyé des articles scientifiques.
Doc said there were so many things to learn that we couldn't waste even one second. Mother used to say the same thing.
Les uns après les autres les oiseaux de solitude s'envolèrent en emportant les regrets qu'ils avaient laissés dans mon coeur.
There we were, a fleet so large it nearly eclipsed the sun.
On y etaient, une flotte si grande qu'elle eclipsait presque le soleil.
So, if I were to say "I've never been to Mars" then neither of us put our fingers down,'cause we haven't been there.
Si je dis... "Je ne suis jamais allée sur Mars". Comme on n'y est jamais allé, personne ne baisse de doigt.
So we were wondering if there was anybody you could recommend?
On se demandait si tu pourrais nous recommander quelqu'un?
There were no signs that anyone would be moving back in so we decided to move in and make it our new home.
Il ne semblait pas qu'il y aurait de nouveaux occupants alors nous avons décidé de nous y installer et d'en faire notre maison.
So, were we having our first fight back there?
On a eu notre première dispute?
There were planes out there, but it was raining, so we put paper on the window and blew the window out so it just looked bright.
Il y avait des avions mais il pleuvait. On a donc mis du papier sur la fenêtre et on l'a maquillée pour donner l'impression qu'il faisait beau.
perhaps we were the first postwar film generation and i say we because there were so many of us who tried to describe the world as it was we showed only micro worlds the titles suggest this the school the factory
Nous avons été la première génération d'après-guerre - je dis "nous" parce que nous étions nombreux - à avoir tenté de montrer le monde tel qu'il était. Nous montrions des micro-univers, comme ces titres le suggèrent :
It was a great feeling because we were booked to go there directly after the Paris trip so it was handy to have a number one
Vous êtes no. 1 au hit-parade américain " C'était génial parce que nous devions jouer aux USA directement aprés Paris
It was a great feeling because we were booked to go there directly after Paris, so it was handy to have a number 1
C'était génial parce que nous devions jouer aux USA directement aprés Paris, la premiére place arrivait trés bien
killing the boys in a different location, because there's no mosquito bites on'em, so we know that after the boys were killed, and during, they weren't outside.
Tous les éléments concordent à dire qu'une personne se trouvant dans un autre lieu a tué les garçons là-bas. Ils n'ont pas de piqûres de moustique, donc on sait qu'après et pendant le meurtre, ils n'étaient pas dehors.
With Apple we were great creators and we could do all of that but nobody had half an idea about a budget So we were spending more than we were earning There was nobody managing Apple
Avec Apple on était de grands créateurs et on pouvait faire tout ça mais personne n'avait la moindre idée de ce qu'était un budget et on dépensait plus que ce qu'on gagnait ll n'y avait personne qui gérait Apple
The place was with the inside bedrooms already taken so we were on the floor for five days right there on the floor, right in the hall.
Ils nous ont emmenés dans un endroit où toutes les chambres étaient déjà occupées. Nous avons passé cinq jours par terre, á même le sol, dans le corridor.
so there you go 70
so there 102
so there i was 29
so there's that 85
so there i am 22
so there you are 54
so there is 17
so there we are 33
so there you have it 27
so there's nothing to worry about 19
so there 102
so there i was 29
so there's that 85
so there i am 22
so there you are 54
so there is 17
so there we are 33
so there you have it 27
so there's nothing to worry about 19
so therefore 25
so there it is 43
so there's 27
there we were 28
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
so there it is 43
so there's 27
there we were 28
we were here 38
we were 914
we were there 68
we were close 44
we weren't 120
we were together 65
we were talking 74
we were just friends 20
we were young 47
we were here first 26
we were friends 142
we were lucky 44
we were married for 17
we were in love 65
we were just kids 26
we were happy 66
we were just friends 20
we were young 47
we were here first 26
we were friends 142
we were lucky 44
we were married for 17
we were in love 65
we were just kids 26
we were happy 66