Speaking german translate French
139 parallel translation
The first time I met him, he was speaking German
La 1re fois que je l'ai vu, il parlait allemand.
I don't want to run the risk of speaking German, even for a minute.
Je préfère éviter de parler allemand, à partir de maintenant.
If it wasn't for us, you'd all be speaking German! Singing :
Sans nous, vous parleriez tous allemand!
I was a telephone operator. When they started speaking German, I was sent here.
On m'a placé ici après l'instauration de l'allemand.
- Anybody speaking German?
- Des Allemands?
If you guys took this long getting dressed, we'd all be speaking German by now.
Vous traîneriez autant, on parlerait tous l'allemand.
[Speaking German]
Tout est très bien ici. - Ah, ça suffit sergent!
[Speaking German]
- Geel Piet!
Well there's a group in Vienna lead by a young doctor called Freud, a psychologist, [speaking German].
Il existe une association à Vienne, dirigée par le Dr Freud. La Psychologische Mittwoch Gesellschaft.
If it wasn't for my country you'd all be speaking German!
Sans mon pays, vous parleriez allemand.
Put it back. [Speaking German] That's it.
C'est fini, Sethe.
" He was speaking German.
" Il parlait en boche.
No makeup! - [Speaking German]
Pas de maquillage!
Albin, clear the set. [Speaking German]
Albin, fais sortir tout le monde.
I hear a lot of folks saying, "You know, if it wasn't for the US, the, uh, French would be speaking German."
Si les Américains n'avaient pas été là, les Français parleraient allemand.
You'd be speaking German now if it wasn't for me.
N'oubliez pas que sans nous, vous parleriez allemand maintenant.
[Janet, speaking German]
Je crois.
- [Speaking German] - Sorry
And you can't eat the food because you would have to complain about it... and that would mean speaking German. It's a disgusting language. Nobody should ever speak it.
Tu peux pas manger leur bouffe, parce qu'il faudrait que tu t'en plaignes, et ça voudrait dire parler allemand, c'est une langue horrible, personne ne devrait le parler.
Isn't it time you started speaking German like everyone else?
Vous pourriez parler allemand, comme tout le monde!
And this GPS contraption your father insisted on buying is speaking German.
Et ce machin G.P.S. que ton père a tenu à acheter parle allemand.
You must be speaking German now.
- Tu dois bien parler allemand, maintenant.
Now, I've heard you speaking German to some of your tours.
Je t'ai entendu parler allemand pendant tes visites.
[Helen speaking in German] I'm sorry, Miss, but I don't understand a word.
Désolée, mademoiselle, je n'entends mot.
This damned war will never end! - They're not speaking German.
- Ils ne parlent pas allemand.
German-speaking, hold up your hands.
Ceux qui parlent allemand, levez la main.
Your other German-speaking man?
Qui d'autre parle allemand? - Garth.
- [Hank ] Maybe it's a commercial. - [ Man Speaking In German]
Peut-être pour une pub.
And the Eg, Eglow, Eglonitz, Egria, a German-speaking district of Bohemia noted for its numerous glass factories and paper mills, there.
Et le "Eg"... Eglow... Eglonitz...
Then one day, grandfather sent a friend of his to see me. [Speaking German]
Mon grand-père revint du Congo pour vivre dans sa maison de Barbertown où vivaient beaucoup d'Anglais.
Are you aware that you're speaking in German?
Vous rendez-vous compte que vous parlez en allemand?
[Speaking Fake German] Oh, "liken starken sveater?"
Oh, "aimer sévère sveater?"
[Speaking Fake German] "Schleventy eighten dollarzen."
"Shoichante dix-huiten dollarzen."
[Speaking German]
Quand les convois arrivaient, on triait les gens.
[Speaking German]
Pour ceux qui voulaient faire des expériences sur des humains, c'était un lieu de travail idéal.
Fine, but I'm not paying for your wine cellar you thieving, would-be-speaking - German-if-it-weren't-for-us, cheap little man!
En tout cas, je ne paierai pas votre cave à vin. Sans nous, vous seriez allemands! Bande de voleurs!
Fine, but I'm not paying for your wine cellar you thieving, would-be-speaking - German-if-it-weren't-for-us man!
Entre toi et le chapeau, je choisis le chapeau.
Helmut Gruber... ( speaking German )
Ici, ses partenaires viennent de déposer une plainte pour détournement de fonds.
[Speaking In German]
C'est moi, ta mère.
[Andrea speaking German] We met the other evening at the village hall.
On s'est rencontrés à la salle des fêtes.
[Speaking German]
Le train part dans 1 h, il faut y aller.
Non! S'il vous plait! Je vous en supplie -
Merci. Il était sur le point de me tuer.
Ton petit esprit ne comprendra jamais un travail aussi fabuleux
A quoi servent ces papiers?
On est pas les seuls, mon jeune ami... Pas vrai? Assez!
Non! Non!
- Speaking German?
- Ils parlent allemand?
Are you speaking ger- - is that german?
Parlez-vous all... Il est allemand?
What am I speaking, German? Yeah.
Je parle allemand, ou quoi?
german 271
germany 231
germans 65
german accent 31
speaking 300
speak 840
speaker 143
speakers 17
speak of the devil 271
speak english 112
germany 231
germans 65
german accent 31
speaking 300
speak 840
speaker 143
speakers 17
speak of the devil 271
speak english 112
speaking of which 971
speaking foreign language 40
speaking gibberish 33
speaking arabic 43
speak for yourself 272
speak louder 29
speaking in spanish 40
speaking japanese 35
speak up 432
speaking of that 54
speaking foreign language 40
speaking gibberish 33
speaking arabic 43
speak for yourself 272
speak louder 29
speaking in spanish 40
speaking japanese 35
speak up 432
speaking of that 54