That lady translate French
6,716 parallel translation
How about that lady in the sweat suit, speed-walking?
Et la dame en survêtement, qui fait du jogging?
Yeah, why you have to run that lady off the road? !
Pourquoi t'a poussé cette dame hors de la route?
Take that lady around the world.
Emmène cette femme autour du monde
No! That lady took my birthday!
Cette dame a volé mon anniversaire!
So, Lefty, the poisoned wine that Lady Coddington drank, it was a gift from you.
Donc, Lefty, le vin empoisonné que Lady Coddington a bu, était un cadeau de votre part.
- That was her. - That lady.
- C'était elle, la femme.
I love shoes, but not stupid customers like that lady.
Oui, mais j'en peux plus des clientes dans son genre!
That lady Trisha was mean.
- Cette dame Trisha était méchante.
"I'm allergic to that lady," he says!
Mais "cette bonne femme l'horripile"...
I'm not giving that lady the wrong idea.
Je ne veux pas donner à cette dame une mauvaise idée. Allons.
Mommy, why are you hurting that lady's "bagina"?
Maman! Pourquoi tu fais mal au "bagin" de la dame?
And that lady's lamb chop.
Et l'agneau de cette femme.
That lady came in late, right?
Cette femme est arrivée plus tard, non?
You think that lady got all that money by playing fair?
Tu crois que cette femme a obtenu tout cet argent en suivant les règles?
I think that lady New York finally parted her thighs for old Neal Bradford.
J'en pense que demoiselle New York écarte enfin les cuisses pour ce bon vieux Neal Bradford.
I mean, I've seen people do that before. RICK : Well, look at that old lady.
Et cette vieille dame promène un chat en laisse!
Ah, well, I remember feeling that way about a young lady named "your mom," and that's not an urban diss.
Eh bien, ca me rappelle... ce que je ressentais pour cette jeune femme appelée "ta maman" jeune femme appelée "ta maman" et ce n'est pas un néologisme.
Is that any way to talk to a lady?
Est-ce une façon de parler à une dame?
How about that old lady with the walker?
Et la vieille dame avec le déambulateur?
That runs off to defend the honor of a lady?
Qui court pour défendre l'honneur d'une dame?
A guy that has a lady and the ex and the baby daughter all stashed out of state?
Un gars qui a une dame et dont l'ex et sa fille se planquent hors l'état?
I am aware that the pheromones emitted from the orifices of your porous, bird-lady pelvis can cause an overwhelming urge to copulate in some emotionally stunted man-children, with butt-chins, who befriend teenagers and can't rap.
Je suis consciente que les phéromones sortant des orifices de ton petit bassin visqueux puissent engendrer une envie surpuissante de copuler sensuellement avec un grand gamin retardé aux fossettes au menton, ami avec des ados et incapable de chanter du rap.
Lady Muck or not, that old girl's gonna get the sharp edge of my tongue the next time I see her.
Mlle ordure ou non, cette vieille fille va m'entendre la prochaine fois que je la vois.
Mrs. Masters is some other lady that drew the short straw.
Mrs. Masters est une autre demoiselle qui a tiré à la courte paille.
That there were two doctors, and one of them was a lady.
Qu'il y avait deux médecins, et que l'un d'entre eux était une femme.
- That's what the Lady said.
C'est ce qu'elle nous a dit.
- I don't want to do that. The Lady made it really fun.
Ahjumma était vraiment amusante...
That's Lady's seat.
C'est la place d'Ahjumma.
The cup rice that the Lady makes us tastes a hundred times better!
Le bol de riz de Ahjumma est 100 fois meilleur que ça!
- That's right. We played tag and drew pictures... and the Lady took pictures, too!
On a joué au loup et on a dessiné, et Ahjumma a pris des photos!
Our Lady says to give that person a hug if they're hungry.
Notre Ahjumma a dit de donner un câlin quand quelqu'un a faim.
She must be a good lady to tell you something like that.
Elle doit être une bonne Ahjumma pour dire des choses comme ça.
I thought that song was about the lunch lady in the cafeteria who never changed her apron.
Je pensais que cette chanson parlait de la dame à la cafétéria qui ne changeait jamais son tablier.
Shut up. Why is it that every time I'm about to have sex with a lady... he's all up in there somehow?
Pourquoi est-ce qu'à chaque fois que je suis sur le point de baiser... il est là d'une manière ou d'une autre?
According to this one lady, Tom told her that he was Clara's grandson.
Selon une dame, Tom lui a dit être le petit-fils de Clara.
What's the deal with that lady-dude?
C'est quoi le deal avec cette femme mec?
She's that very Catholic lady that sleeps next to you.
C'est cette femme très catholique qui dort à côté de toi.
But anyway, that's why this lady has to watch whenever I play with you.
C'est pour ça qu'on me surveille quand je joue avec toi.
Elderly lady and the lighting was not great, I know that.
Une vieille dame et l'éclairage n'était pas très bon.
Okay. Who is that guy, by the way, going toe-to-toe with the dragon lady?
Qui est ce gars, au fait, qui fait face à madame dragon?
- Yeah. Well, the codices say that these guys are descendants from the mistress, who was a nice young lady that the snake God transformed into a bloodsucking demi-Goddess.
Les manuscrits disent que ces types sont descendants de la maîtresse de la nuit, qui était une belle jeune femme que le serpent roi transforma en une suceuse de sang demi-déesse.
That's right, little lady, it's your birthday party, not hers.
Oui, ma princesse, c'est ta fête, pas la sienne.
Sweetums used to stock our office with free sodas as a promotional thing, but that Kathryn Pinewood lady just took'em away.
Sweetums nous livrait des boissons gratuites pour faire de la pub, mais Kathryn Pinewood a tout repris.
I see that you are stressed and busy lady.
Je constate que vous êtes une femme débordée.
You stole something from that nice lady.
Tu as volé quelque chose à cette gentille dame.
That old lady just got hers.
C'était le tour de cette dame.
Yeah, but I should have realized after you pulled your gun on me in the dungeon that the lady doesn't like surprises.
J'aurais dû me rendre compte après que tu m'as menacé avec ton arme dans le donjon que madame n'aime pas les surprises.
Well, and that kind of gets me in my lady gut.
Et bien, ce genre de trucs me rend tout chose.
I couldn't help but overhear that this lady is to be played for this evening.
Je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher d'entendre que cette femme est à jouer pour ce soir.
There's only one soul with whom I conspire, my lady, and that's yours.
Il n'y a qu'une seule âme avec qui je manigance, ma dame, et c'est la vôtre.
Did you tell your mummy one time that you saw a naked lady in your house?
Est-ce que tu as dit un jour à ta maman que tu avais vu une femme nue dans ta maison?
lady 3151
lady gaga 29
lady catherine 25
lady bracknell 16
lady lola 17
lady mary 65
lady mother 22
lady stark 25
lady sarah 16
lady grantham 59
lady gaga 29
lady catherine 25
lady bracknell 16
lady lola 17
lady mary 65
lady mother 22
lady stark 25
lady sarah 16
lady grantham 59
lady anne 32
lady rochford 23
lady sansa 17
lady margaret 51
lady ashley 29
lady kenna 23
lady felicia 50
lady riesen 21
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
lady rochford 23
lady sansa 17
lady margaret 51
lady ashley 29
lady kenna 23
lady felicia 50
lady riesen 21
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that is not fair 93
that was close 355
that sounds good 394
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that is not fair 93
that was close 355
that sounds good 394
that sounds fun 130
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that way 1811
that one over there 16
that sounds great 436
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that was stupid 112
that way 1811
that is all 319
that is right 117
that was quick 252
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is ridiculous 146
that is a lie 69
that is great 150
that is right 117
that was quick 252
that is an order 68
that is so cool 125
that is enough 189
that is ridiculous 146
that is a lie 69
that is great 150