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Translate.vc / English → French / [ T ] / They were beautiful

They were beautiful translate French

181 parallel translation
Those flowers you sent to me, they were beautiful.
Vos fleurs étaient si belles.
They knew they were beautiful.
Elles savaient qu'elles étaient belles.
Thanks for the roses. They were beautiful.
Merci pour les magnifiques roses.
Well, they were beautiful when you sang there.
Devenaient beaux en ta présence.
They were beautiful and they could do no wrong.
Puisqu'ils étaient beaux, ils ne pouvaient agir qu'avec bonté.
They were beautiful.
Elles étaient très belles.
- Yes, they were beautiful.
- Oui, elles sont magnifiques.
They were beautiful. And her face too.
Ses mains et son visage étaient superbes.
They were beautiful times.
C'était le bon temps!
They were beautiful beyond belief.
Elles étaient de toute beauté.
They were beautiful but naive.
Elles étaient très belles, mais très naïves.
Don't misunderstand. They were beautiful. But so you see two or three, then enough already.
Elles étaient belles, mais après la 3ème, on a envie de changer de registre!
- Not like these. They were beautiful.
Pas aussi beaux que ceux-là.
They were beautiful.
Ils étaient si beaux.
They were beautiful letters.
Elles étaient belles, ces lettres
They were beautiful once.
Elles étaient belles, tu sais.
I've gone out with some bums, but they were beautiful.
Je suis sortie avec des branlots, mais beaux.
Baby, they were plenty smart when they made you beautiful.
Ce n'était pas bête de te rendre si jolie.
Oh, Doady I bought the most beautiful little barrel of oysters and the man said they were delicious.
J'ai acheté une magnifique bourriche d'huîtres. Délicieuses, selon le monsieur.
Built my way and they were very beautiful.
Construites à ma façon et elles étaient très belles.
- And they were all beautiful.
Chante-le Jerry.
A beautiful set of books they were too.
- De beaux livres, en plus de ça. - Je n'en doute pas.
Those others whom you... were they beautiful?
Les autres que vous... elles étaient belles?
Tous les habits que je lui avais achetés, elle les a laissés.
Et ils étaient en route pour le bal pour danser, écouter de la musique, d'être admiré, d'être des belles filles comme d'autres belles filles qui dansent, écoutent de la musique et sont admirés.
Till I beheld you, O princess my memory of them was that they were all beautiful.
Avant de vous apercevoir, ô, princesse, je m'en souvenais comme de jolies femmes.
These girls, were they as beautiful to you as I am?
Ces filles, elles étaient aussi belles pour toi que je le suis?
I didn't know they were making such beautiful cars in America.
Je ne savais pas qu'ils faisaient de si belles voitures en Amérique.
They were beautiful.
- Non.
But I'm not sure they were as beautiful.
Mais je suis pas sûr qu'elles étaient aussi belles.
I've heard a lot about how beautiful you are, Madame... but I see they were understatements.
J'avais beaucoup entendu parler de la beauté de Madame Mahé... mais je vois que c'était au-dessous de la vérité.
Beautiful because they were so full of hope.
Parce que justement, pleines d'espoir elles aussi.
They were so beautiful, I just couldn't resist.
Mais c'est sérieux la vie Elles étaient si belles Que je n'ai pas pu résister
They said you were beautiful. but they did you small justice.
On te dit très belle, mais c'est en dessous de la vérité.
They say you were the most beautiful woman in the world.
On dit que tu étais la plus belle femme du monde.
We saw them. They were so beautiful.
Ils étaient vivants et si jolis...
They were all beautiful little boys with black hair, piercing blue eyes...
C'étaient de magnifiques garçons : des cheveux noirs, de beaux yeux bleu clair.
What a beautiful family they were...
Ils avaient l'air heureux.
I said they were Long and beautiful.
J'ai dit qu'ils étaient Longs et beaux.
By a beautiful summer night In Uji They were two bashful lovers
Par une nuit d'été à Uji Les deux amoureux transis
They were beautiful and lived alone.
Ils étaient beaux et vivaient seuls.
That they were the beautiful hands of a hard worker.
Elle m'a dit que c'était la belle main d'un travailleur acharné.
It was beautiful! They were dying for the stuff! I just walked in...
"C'était super" / lls en rêvent, je suis arrivé...
The people were so beautiful. They spoke so cleverly and do such romantic things.
Ils sont tous si beaux et intelligents, et font des choses si romantiques.
No, no they were all identical. They're all with a beautiful decoration, which I ordered especially.
Non, ils étaient tous identiques, et tous avec les ornements magnifiques que j'avais spécialement commandés.
They were all beautiful.
Des femmes magnifiques.
They were quite beautiful. He was also thinking of birches for the dales where, he told me, there was moisture just below the surface of the soil.
Il pensait également à des bouleaux pour les fonds où, me dit-il, une certaine humidité dormait à quelques mètres du sol.
I bet they were all beautiful.
Ils sont sûrement tous beaux.
How beautiful they were!
Qu'elles étaient belles!
I met a lot of drag queens, transvestites, that I didn " t believe were, because they were so beautiful.
J'ai rencontré beaucoup de drag queens, de travestis, qui étaient si belles que je ne croyais pas qu'elles en étaient.
They were brand-new, beautiful shoes.
Elles étaient toutes neuves et très belles.

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