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They were engaged translate French

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It's like they were engaged, which is better than married.
Des fiancés. C'est mieux que des mariés.
They were kids in school together, they were engaged, but it's busted up.
Ils étaient à l'école ensemble, ils se sont fiancés, mais ils ont rompu. Je n'ai pas pu...
So they were engaged.
Si je comprends bien, ils étaient fiancés alors.
The combat in which they were engaged was more like a lovers'quarrel.
Le combat qu'ils se livraient était plutôt une lutte d'amour.
The men's wages are neither here nor there. They were engaged in secret meetings, administering illegal oaths, taking the law into their own hands, and this must stop!
Le débat ne porte pas sur les gages de ces hommes, mais sur leurs réunions secrètes et leurs serments illicites.
Oh, they'll forget that they were engaged in the act of eating a cutlet.
Ils n'oublieront jamais cette côtelette.
And when they descended, it was to announce that Ffynnon Garw was indeed a mountain of 1,002 feet and that they were engaged to be married.
Et quand ils descendirent, ce fut pour annoncer que Ffynnon Garw était en effet une montagne de 301 mètres, et qu'ils allaient se marier.
G'Quan believed they were engaged in a war far outside our own world.
G'Quon pensait qu'ils étaient en guerre loin de notre monde.
I've been trying! They were engaged -
J'ai essayé, c'était occupé.
They were engaged in a revolution against their king.
Ils avaient fait une révolution contre leur roi
They were engaged.
Ils étaient fiancés.
They were engaged to each other once.
Ils ont été fiancés l'un à l'autre une fois.
They were engaged... childhood sweethearts and all that.
- Un amour d'enfance. - Voilà qui n'arrange rien.
They were engaged in a round of serious necking when I found them.
Ils se bécotaient avec vigueur quand je suis arrivé.
They were infidels. And they were engaged in activities that spread american policies over the entire world.
Et il étaient engagés dans des activités qui répandent la politique américaine dans le monde entier.
He used to work with Rachel in New Orleans and guess what, they were engaged.
Il travaillait à la Nouvelle-Orléans. Rachel et lui étaient fiancés.
We never got it straight whether they were engaged or not.
On a jamais bien su s'ils s'étaient fiancés ou non.
But there was something about him so when she said they were engaged I told her I was against it but being my daughter, naturally she went ahead and married him anyway.
Mais il me paraissait louche, alors quand ils se sont fiancés, j'étais contre. Mais c'était ma fille, alors naturellement, elle l'a épousé quand même.
His name was Harris Bigg-Wither, and they were engaged for one night.
Il s'appelait Harris Bigg-Wither. Ils ont été fiancés une nuit.
They were engaged with the hostiles.
- Ils combattaient les terroristes.
They were engaged.
Ils étaient mariés.
How could Marianne allow such an intimacy unless they were engaged?
Marianne accepterait-elle une telle intimité s'ils n'étaient pas fiancés? Peut-être ne peuvent-ils pas se marier pour le moment.
My father gave my mother a watch and boom, seven years later they were engaged.
Mon père a offert une montre à ma mère, 7 ans plus tard, ils ont officialisé.
And besides, { \ pos ( 192,240 ) } who doesn't tell their girlfriend that they were engaged to someone { \ pos ( 192,240 ) } who works four feet away from them?
En plus, qui ne dit pas à sa copine qu'il a été fiancé à quelqu'un qui bosse à 1 mètre d'elle?
They were engaged... I mean, intimate.
Ils étaient occupés... de manière intime.
A photo of her and Perry from a year ago when they were engaged.
Elle et Perry, il y a un an, quand ils étaient fiancés.
And three weeks later, they were engaged.
Trois semaines plus tard, ils étaient fiancés.
No, I wouldn't say they were engaged.
Non, on ne peut pas dire ça comme ça.
They were secretly engaged when the King decided to marry her
Ils étaient fiancés lorsque le Roi a décidé de l'épouser.
Who was it who said only a trollop would kiss a man before they were formally engaged?
Qui disait que seules les traînées se laissaient embrasser avant d'être officiellement fiancées?
They were engaged by enemy fighters when they broke through the asteroids.
They were already engaged.
Ils étaient déjà engagés.
Look, they were both engaged to josiah.
Ecoute, elles étaient toutes les deux fiancées à Josiah.
Listen, they told me you were engaged to George.
Écoutez, on m'a dit que vous étiez fiancée à George.
Apparently, they never were engaged. Miss Grey has 50,000.
Ils n'ont jamais été fiancés.
- They were so engaged.
- C'est la première fois.
I mean, he never really - They were never gonna... get engaged or anything, It was just like, you know.
Ils ne devaient pas se fiancer.
We were engaged and they found out about me and I got fired.
On devait se marier, et... mes employeurs m'ont démasquée et ils m'ont virée.
I don't know how I'm going to tell my kids. They love Mike. You and Mike were engaged?
je ne sais pas comment je vais annoncer ça aux enfants ils adorent Mike vous et Mike étaient fiancés?
- Were they engaged? .
- Ils étaient fiancés?
According to the court records, the Tinsleys weren't just fighting over property, they were also engaged in an expensive custody battle.
Ils se disputaient le droit de garde. Quelle garde?
They were getting engaged.
Ils voulaient se fiancer.
The horror was so ruthless that the victims, those who had to confess and demand death penalty for themselves and so on, were deprived of the minimum of their dignity, so that they behaved as puppets, they engaged in dialogues
On était si impitoyable dans l'horreur que les victimes, qui s'étaient confessées et avaient demandé à ce qu'on les mette à mort, étaient privées du minimum de dignité, réduites à l'état de marionnettes récitant leur dialogue,
"were engaged in strangely homoerotic, adderol-fueled spastic movements that they called dance routine."
"ont entrepris d'étranges mouvements homo-érotiques, alimentés au'speed qu'elles appellent'danse'."
They engaged the shooter and between the 2 guards 14 rounds were fired.
Ils ont engagé le tir Et ont fais feu 14 fois.
The men who were killed when they engaged Sally Sheridan's assassin.
Les hommes tués Lors de la fusillade avec l'assassin de Sally Sheridan.
I mean, they were engaged and... I should run along if I were you, Ruthie.
À votre place, je me sauverais.
They were very creative and engaged in supporting political opening and freedom.
Tous étaient très créatifs, et très engagés. Ils défendaient une position d'ouverture et de liberté.
- They were engaged, so...
- Ils étaient fiancés, alors...
They were engaged?
Ils étaient fiancés?
But they were strangers and seemed off-put when I engaged in friendly stall-to-stall chit-chat.
Mais elles m'étaient inconnues et semblaient irritées quand j'engageais la conversation de WC à WC.

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