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They were right translate French

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But I do. They were right about Miles Holling being murdered.
Ils ont bien deviné le meurtre de Miles Holling.
I decided they were right.
Très bien, elles avaient raison.
And they were right, I was nobody.
Et ils avaient raison, j'étais personne.
- Do you think they were right?
- Tu crois qu'ils avaient raison?
The gate being activated has given them all they need to prove that they were right, all along.
L'activation de la Porte leur a donné ce qu'il fallait pour prouver qu'ils avaient raison de bout en bout.
But for some reason people just either became badly injured or just died... later on, by performing the right ritual... they were able to use... the tree as a main post for the house... by floating it down The Chaophraya river...
Mais pour des raisons obscures, certains furent blessés ou morts. Plus tard, en effectuant le bon rituel, ils purent utiliser l'arbre comme poutre principale de la maison en le faisant descendre la rivière Chaophraya.
So I chose right then and there to give information to the CIA with which they were able to dismantle over 2 dozen terrorist cells.
Alors j'ai choisi immédiatement de donner des informations à la CIA avec lesquelles elle a été capable de démanteler au moins 2 douzaines de cellules terroristes.
And they were subbing drinks left and right.
Ils "doublaient" des verres à tout-va.
Our victims were probably doing blow right before they got shot.
Ils ont dû se faire une ligne avant la fusillade.
If they were here right now... what would they think about their father...
S'ils étaient ici maintenant, que diraient-ils en voyant leur père
He liked to joke that they're the ones that require the most servicing. But I knew it was really because they were the hardest to get right.
Il adorait dire qu'il leur fallait des révisions plus fréquentes, mais la vraie raison, c'était qu'elles étaient dures à régler.
Il n'y était pas, mais toi, tu étais à Innsmouth, hein?
Right, I know, But when he woke up they were hurting.
Oui, tout a fait. Mais quand il s'est réveillé, elles lui faisaient mal.
Just that they were going someplace safe and that I shouldn't worry, that Lee was all right.
Juste qu'ils allaient en lieu sûr et que je ne devais pas m'inquiéter, que Lee allait bien.
Mr Harrison said that Joseph Smith spoke to God and Jesus and they told him none of the religions were right.
Les nouveaux voisins. Ils disent que Dieu a dit à Joseph Smith qu'aucune religion n'était bien.
They were all right about it.
Ils étaient d'accord.
- They were staring right at me.
- Y m'regardaient fixement.
Just wanted to make sure they were treating you right.
Je voulais m'assurer que vous étiez bien traité.
It must have been 10 families in this area alone lost someone that day. And most of them, you know, they were able to keep going... and, Barry, he never seemed to be able to right himself.
Il y a au moins 10 familles dans le quartier qui ont perdu un proche ce jour-là, et la plupart, pourtant, ont été capables de se remettre à vivre, alors que Barry, lui, n'a jamais paru capable de s'en remettre.
They were dreaming of going to Mexico, right?
Ils rêvaient d'aller au Mexique, non?
And if they were trying to make it look like a serial killing... they got really lucky that Linda showed up at the Eon... right around the corner from where Morgan picked up his first victim.
S'ils essayaient de faire croire que c'était un tueur en série, ils ont vraiment eu de la chance que Linda débarque au Eon, juste à côté du bar où Richard Morgan a piégé sa première victime.
They were real right? Or did they come from another dimension?
Ils étaient vrais ou ils venaient d'une autre dimension?
You were right, they really are a serious-looking bunch.
T'avais raison, ils ont vraiment l'air très sérieux.
I don't know who built this, but they were a right cowboy.
Je ne sais pas qui a construit ça, mais c'était des fumistes.
You said the army implants, they were for emergency medical data, right?
Tu disais que ces implants servaient en cas d'urgence médicale, c'est ça?
So they were right.
Avec Olga.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they were spying on us right now.
Si ça se trouve, ils nous espionnent.
There is this the people that they were fed they will be given a place to sleep call, they will be read those right we understood the illegal foreigners
On les nourrit, nous avons un marché avec l'épicier du coin. On leur trouve un endroit où dormir, manger, un téléphone. On leur lit leurs droits.
I think that people spend so much money on these bands, and they were making ridiculous videos, and, when it doesn't all pan out, somebody's gotta pay for it, right?
On dépense tellement sur eux, on fait des clips ridicules, et quand ça foire, quelqu'un doit payer.
She said you wear clothes as if they were tailored right on your body.
Elle a dit que vous portiez le costume comme personne.
- They were very rude. - You're right.
- Elles ont été grossières.
So right as they woke up, they were terrified and told the town preacher.
À leur réveil, elles étaient horrifiées et ont tout raconté au pasteur.
They were from the ClA, right?
Ils étaient de la CIA, non?
They were your friends from SangRim High, right?
C'étaient vos amis de Sang Rim High, n'est-ce pas?
You were right, Sertório, they all came.
Je ne vous avais pas dit que les journaux viendraient tous?
"Your friends were right when they said you will be trapped someday."
"Tes amis avaient raison de dire qu'un jour, tu regretterais."
They were right.
Ils ont raison.
- You turned around, and they were having words? - That's right.
Vous vous êtes retourné et ils échangeaient des mots?
Same spot you were two months ago when they bypassed you to transfer in Tim coleman, right?
Vous étiez également n ° 1 il y a deux mois quand ils ont transféré Tim Coleman alors que ça aurait dû être vous, hein?
Wow, that's good. You knew right away. The first time I looked at them, it took me a while to figure out what they were.
Vous avez tout de suite deviné. J'ai mis du temps à comprendre ce que c'était.
Okay, so they were more than just close friends, right?
Ils étaient donc intimes.
And they're probably sitting at home, wallowing in how right they were.
Et ils sont probablement à la maison, se complaisant du fait qu'ils avaient raison.
They were too busy looking for the tumor- - right till they put the patient in the ground.
On est trop occupé à chercher la tumeur et le patient meurt.
They were close, right?
Ils étaient proches, non?
They were born right after the adoption.
Ils sont nés tout de suite après l'adoption.
They were bad enough. All right, come on.
C'était déjà assez terrible.
For example, they were supposed to install a window in that wall, right there, so I could watch the sun set.
Par exemple... on était censés percer une fenêtre dans ce mur... juste là, pour que je puisse voir le soleil se coucher.
Lester and Marlene were, aah! Lester and Marlene pulled an armored car job two years ago. Right, and they were planning another one.
Lester et Marleen ont fait un braquage il y a deux ans et ils en avaient planifié un autre, mais Marleen était rongée par la culpabilité elle ne pouvait pas le refaire, elle a déversé ses tripes dans cette lettre de suicide
No matter how bad things were in the world, how many Mansons there were how many Kennedys they killed we knew on Sundays, we'd come in here for an hour and everything was gonna be all right.
Peu importe les horreurs de ce monde, les Manson en liberté ou les Kennedy assassinés. On savait que le dimanche, on serait ici et que tout irait bien.
- They were marked so they could be traced and the footprints led right back to you, Neil.
Ils étaient marquées afin d'être retrouvées. Et les empreintes ont mené directement à vous, Neil.
They deserved the right to choose. Instead, they were slaughtered.
On aurait dû leur donner le choix au lieu de les massacrer.

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