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Translate.vc / English → French / [ T ] / They were good

They were good translate French

1,002 parallel translation
Hospitality They were good to me
Quelle hospitalité Et aussi quelle bonté
Someone said they were good.
- On m'a dit qu'elles étaient bonnes.
Yes, they were good notices, weren't they?
Oui, c'était de bonnes critiques.
If they were good this afternoon they're still good.
Si elles étaient bonnes cet après-midi, elles le sont encore.
Since they were good and they're still good they have to be good.
- Eh bien, comme elles étaient bonnes et le sont toujours, c'est qu'elles sont bonnes.
- They were good too.
- Ils assuraient aussi.
I knew they were good. Now I'll take that money.
Je savais qu'elles étaient bonnes.
They were good boys.
C'était de bons garçons.
The success of my books since this Emily thing proves that they were good in the first place.
Mon succès depuis l'affaire prouve que mes livres étaient bons.
He gave me his reasons, and they were good enough for me.
Il m'a donné ses raisons et elles étaient assez bonnes pour moi.
They were good letters.
C'était bien.
They were good men.
De braves hommes.
- Well, were they good?
- Eh bien, elles étaient bonnes?
They were awfully good but I think I can show you one that'll top anything you've ever seen.
Ils étaient très bons, mais j'en connais un qui va surpasser les vôtres.
I was only thinking that if two people lived in it who were not good companions, they might get a little lonely.
Si ces 2 personnes ne s'entendaient pas bien. Elles se sentiraient seules.
They went to school together and were very good friends.
Ils sont allés à l'école ensemble, et étaient de bons amis.
Good as new. Lucky they were well-greased.
Ils sont comme neufs.
They were playing "good night, ladies."
- Ils jouaient "Goodnight Ladies".
And they were all good too.
Et rien que des bonnes, en plus.
Oh, I wish I were dead. When Romeo and Juliet ran away, they didn't stop to say good-bye.
Roméo et Juliette n'ont pris congé de personne.
They were a very good family... and he thought his son should marry someone better than a shopgirl.
C'était une très bonne famille, il voulait mieux qu'une vendeuse pour son fils.
I'll try to keep all the good things as they were.
J'essaierai de songer à tous nos bons moments.
They were both pretty good and they were deadly rivals, but only on the links.
Ils rivalisaient sans pitié sur le green.
I remember your saying once, there's a fatality about good resolutions. They're always made too late. - Mine certainly were.
C'est vrai, on prend toujours trop tard les bonnes résolutions.
They were such good friends.
Ils étaient bons amis.
Look as if they were made of black wool and licorice. [Princess] Good shot.
C'est charmant, les petits caniches.
They were very good too.
Ils étaient très bien.
I've just been having a little talk with the mine owners inside here and they seem to think it would be a good idea if I were to set up a bank.
J'ai parlé à vos patrons. J'ai leur accord pour ouvrir une banque.
They were in there for a good half hour.
Ils sont restés là, pendant plus d'une demie heure.
If they stood on their heads, it wouldn't bother me if they were having a good time.
Ça m'est égal ce qu'ils font, si ça leur plaît.
I thought they were very good.
Je les trouve excellents.
They were sending him back for good.
Pour ne pas retourner en prison.
They taught me that, when the odds were against a good fighter, to cover up if you wanted to keep on your feet because even though you lose the decision, it's better than a knockout.
Et j'ai appris que quand on a peu de chance de gagner, mieux vaut se couvrir si l'on veut rester debout, parce que perdre un combat debout, c'est toujours mieux que d'être mis K. - O.
The gods were in good spirits when they made her.
Une créature de Dieu particulièrement réussie.
Were they just as good?
Tu as bien misé toutes ces fois-là?
It appears that, by a mistake, you were sold a new experimental type... Which they're anxious to have back. They'll exchange them for others equally good.
On vous a vendu par erreur des spécimens que ces Messieurs aimeraient récupérer, en échange de tours aussi belles.
- They told me you were a good rebel. - l am.
- Vous êtes un rebelle oui ou non?
What good were they doing sitting here?
- Á quoi ces vivres servaient ici?
But they were pretty good days at that, eh Horace? What are you eating, Uncle Matt?
Qu'est-ce que vous mangez, oncle Matt?
If only they were as good at Latin.
S'ils tiraient aussi bien la version latine...
They thought they were doing it for the good of the navy.
Ils pensaient agir pour le bien de la Marine.
They are good ones, too. They were made for me in Paris.
Pourtant, ils sont de Paris.
I've worked on so many plans, and they were all good, but this was the best.
J'en ai fait, des plans, tous parfaits.
Sound levels weren't too good, though, were they?
Les niveaux n'étaient pas égaux.
They were darn good friends from that day on
Ses fourrures vendues Pour un bon prix
Your father and my father werert very good friends, were they?
Votre père et le mien rétaient pas très amis, hein?
They were angry with the station man because he wasted their time. But then they wished good luck to me and everybody friends.
Ils étaient fâchés contre le chef de gare, car il leur a fait perdre leur temps, mais ils m'ont souhaité bonne chance, et tout le monde était heureux.
Young, good-looking and pure... they were the best of friends
Ils étaient jeunes, ils étaient beaux et purs. C'étaient les meilleurs amis du monde.
I thought they were all good.
Elles étaient toutes très bonnes.
Only about the good times, when they were together.
Juste aux bons moments, quand ils étaient ensemble.
They weren't very good, were they? I'm so embarrassed.
Elles ne devaient pas être très bonnes, je suis désolée.

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