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They were great translate French

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Plus, they were great friends after their breakup, and you know, it's... it's just like us!
De plus, ils étaient grands amis après leur rupture, et tu sais... C'est juste comme nous!
I wish they were great big yellow roses.
J'aurais aimé que ça soit de belles roses.
You thought they were great till you met this Hamlet.
Ça te plaisait, avant de rencontrer Hamlet.
They were great together, Mr Staples.
Il formait un sacré couple.
They were great!
J'avais beaucoup apprécié.
They were great years, Richard.
Tu as été mes folles années, Richard!
They were great men.
C'était de grands hommes.
- They were great seats.
- Oui, ils étaient super.
They were great too.
Ils étaient bons aussi.
Though Cortes was pretending to be the ambassador of a great king, he couldn't respond in kind and as gifts to the Aztecs, he scraped up a chair, some trinkets and a velvet cap which their ambassador accepted, though he looked at them as if they were excrement!
Bien que Cortes prétendait d ´ être l'ambassadeur d'un grand roi, il ne pourrait pas répondre de la même maniere et comme cadeaux pour les Aztecs, il ont raflé d'une chaise, quelques bibelots et un chapeau de velours que leur ambassadeur a accepté, bien qu'il les ait regardés comme s ´ ils étaient des excréments!
They were taken back into the city to the Great Pyramid.
Ils les ont été enmenés de nouveau dans la ville à la grande pyramide.
"This part of the river," he says, "they were part of a great federation, the Aparians,"
"la présente partie du fleuve," dit il, "il y avait une grande fédération, les Aparians,"
Dr. Bell said they were getting along great. Aren't they improving?
Le Dr Bell disait que ca allait mieux Ce n'est pas le cas?
But the Great Depression had taken its toll on universal, as well as most of the other studios, and they were in dire straits.
Mais la Crise de 1929 avait beaucoup affecté universal, qui, comme la plupart des studios, était dans une situation désespérée.
Were they cruel to you in the Great House?
Ils étaient si cruels à la Grande Maison?
Peut-être géraient-ils la mine.
And every month in the dark of the moon, the drums would beat, and there "d be a rustle like a great wind and we" d hear them screaming and laughing, and we knew they were all meeting in the jungle.
Chaque mois, à la nouvelle lune, on entendait des tambours puis un bruissement, comme le vent puis des cris et des rires et on savait qu'ils se rencontraient dans la jungle.
They were a great act.
C'était bien!
Someone said, I don't know who it was, that all the great traitors of history were sincere men, and that they believed in their own hearts that they were patriots.
Quelqu'un a dit, j'ai oublié qui, que tous les grands traîtres de l'Histoire étaient des hommes sincères, et qu'ils pensaient du fond du cœur être des patriotes.
They were talking of great reforms, of a solidarity giving everybody an equal chance of happiness.
On y parlait de grands réformes, d'une solidarité qui donnerait une chance du bonheur égal à tous.
And what great lectures they were.
Quel cours vous donniez!
All the great men weren't all that bright But rather stupid and dull when they were little
Il paraît que souvent, les grands hommes n'étaient pas des gamins futés mais plutôt gauches et bornés.
He thought you had great individuality. He thought they were fresh.
Il a été très impressionné.
You know, I was under the impression that they were labouring under great emotion.
Il m'a semblé qu'ils étaient très émus.
And some of our great criminals were topflight operators... before they got out of short pants and pinafores.
Et de nombreux criminels avaient déjà fait leurs preuves, alors qu'ils étaient en culottes courtes!
The need for dreams was great, and they were cheap and easy to come by.
Le besoin était grand, et les rêves accessibles pour peu d'argent.
Just before dark, as they passed the great island of sargasso weed that heaved and swung in the light sea as though the ocean were making love with something under a yellow blanket his small line hooked a dolphin and he brought it into the skiff.
Avant la nuit, en traversant la grande île des sargasses qui se balançaient dans l'eau claire comme si l'océan faisait l'amour sous une couverture jaune, il prit un dauphin à la ligne et il le tira dans la yole.
Those were great people, weren't they?
Des grands Hommes, n'est-ce pas?
There were a lot of men. They paid a great deal of attention to me. Oh, it's so silly.
Tous les hommes étaient très prévenants avec moi, mais j'étais de plus en plus tendue.
They were a present from Great Britain for our Glorious part in the first war.
Un cadeau de la Grande-Bretagne pour notre aide en 14-18.
[Then, finally, their superiors realized... ] [... that Don Camillo and Peppone were men of too great a value... ] [... and that they were wasted where they were.]
En haut lieu, on admit enfin que don Camillo et Peppone avaient trop de valeur pour rester là.
as soon as they were planted squarely within the plumb-lines, these pieces of formless matter torn from matter would begin with great subtlety, like the masts of a ghost ship, their slow passage back to the mineral realm
... à peine plantés en allée rectiligne le long du cordeau,... ces morceaux de matière informe arrachés à la matière... iraient reprendre tout doucement, comme les mâts d'un grand vaisseau fantôme,... leur lente dérivation à travers le règne minéral
They were born here, so I figured that while we're taking this tour at Purdy's expense we can pick up a few of these great acts, and build a real show.
Les grands noms : Hannifords, Bradneys, ceux qui ont fait le cirque! Ils sont nés ici même.
The Phoenicians were great travellers. They colonised Cyprus, Rhodes...
Les Phéniciens, grands voyageurs, colonisèrent Chypre, Rhodes...
Does that suit you, dear? They were Moroccans, with great, round faces and they stood there and grinned at women.
Ces marocains avaient le visage tout rond et nous fixaient en souriant.
It was said of her great-grandmother... that the only cabinet members who weren't her lovers... were those who had reason to believe they might be her father. Yes.
On disait de son arrière-grand-mère que les ministres à ne pas avoir été ses amants étaient ceux qui auraient pu être son père.
They were all great scholars.
- Oh, des érudits.
They thought you were a great big joke.
Vous n'êtes qu'une farce pour elles.
Smile. Smile. These great people, they were gods to me.
Ces gens étaient des dieux pour moi.
But, hearing the news of Sir ltagaki's great victory their confidence was boosted a hundred-fold and they were able to rout the enemy... killing over 4,700!
En apprenant la victoire de Nobukata, leur confiance a été décuplée, et ils ont mis l'ennemi en déroute, en en tuant plus de 4700!
They saw how great we were... a little funny, so very committed.
Ils ont remarqué que nous étions exceptionnels, un peu amusants et impassibles.
They were 3 great cities!
C'étaient 3 grandes villes!
And great stories they were, too.
- C'étaient de nobles récits.
Your life's great ambition, I said, of which you'd often spoken... was to commit an actual, real life murder, hide the body, then leave clues linking you with the crime scattered about the house, convinced that the poor, simple minded Police... would never recognize'em for what they were.
Que la grande ambition de votre vie... était de commettre un vrai meurtre, de cacher le corps, et de laisser des indices vous compromettants partout dans la maison, convaincu que ces idiots de flics... ne les trouverait pas.
For years they'd looked down on us, and we showed them yes, all of them, that we were a great people and we still are a great people!
Durant des années, l'étranger nous avait humiliés, nous avons montré que nous étions un grand peuple. Nous le sommes toujours.
The work was hard, but it was great fun. Because the people you worked with really knew what they were doing.
Le travail était dur mais passionnant car chacun était maître dans sa branche.
Although his films were always about women, they say... he never had a really great love affair.
Même si ses films parlaient toujours de femmes, on dit qu'il n'a jamais connu une véritable histoire d'amour.
They were really great fiestas.
C'était de très grandes fêtes.
What great men they were.
Quelle noblesse d'esprit!
"... how they were fighting the english ; Ohm Krüger versus Lord KiIchener... "... with concentration camps and great harshness
C'était Hess, encore jeune, qui eut pitié d'une guêpe et la sauva du piège.
Throughout history, all great innovators were never really appreciated until they were dead.
Les esprits innovateurs n'ont jamais été appréciés de leur vivant.

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