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They were murdered translate French

215 parallel translation
They were murdered while tracking down two enemies of the Reich.
Ils ont été assassinés en poursuivant deux ennemis du Reich.
They were murdered by that madman.
Ils ont été assassinés par ce fou.
They were murdered.
Ils ont été assassinés.
No, they were murdered
Il s'agit peut-être d'un suicide amoureux.
They were murdered.
Ils ont été abattus.
They were murdered by poachers.
Ils ont été assassinés par des braconniers.
I want to know if they were murdered, too.
Je veux savoir s'ils ont aussi été assassinés.
Do you think they were murdered? - How do you feel?
Croyez-vous à un assassinat?
Actually Saw Ray And His Wife The Day They Were Murdered.
J'ai même vu Ray et sa femme le jour où ils ont été tués.
they were murdered in 1952 by a xenophobic hate group.
Ils ont été assassinés en 1952 par un groupe xénophobe.
They were murdered.
Elles ont été assassinées.
My parents were killed when I was a boy. - They were murdered.
On a assassiné mes parents quand j'étais petit.
Are you saying they were murdered?
Voulez-vous dire qu'ils ont été assassinés?
Yet they were murdered by the same person.
Ils ont pourtant été tué par la même personne.
How do you explain your DNA on the bedsheets they were murdered in?
- Comment expliquez-vous la présence de votre ADN sur leurs draps?
If you'll run the trace record on his sidearm, you will find it was he who was with the sweeper team when they were murdered.
Inutile, monsieur. En analysant ses données, vous verrez qu'il était avec l'Equipe de nettoyeurs quand ils ont été tués.
Ma'am. Know how they were murdered?
Madame, vous savez comment ils ont été tués?
Yeah, they were murdered.
Ils ont été assassinés.
They were murdered.
They were all murdered.
Ils ont tous été égorgés.
There were at least 10,000 in India, and they murdered 30,000 people a year.
Ils étaient au moins 10000 en Inde et ils tuaient 30000 personnes par an.
Riccardi escaped just as the police were ready to close in on him after they received an anonymous phone call which led them to discover the murdered body of one of their men today.
Riccardi s'est échappé juste au moment où la police allait le cueillir après qu'elle ait reçu un appel anonyme, qui lui a permis de découvrir le cadavre d'un de ses hommes.
And Denise and Valerie were probably murdered because they found out that Gerry wasn't just a magician. - Perhaps they even heard the general's voice on the tape recorder, too, like I did, remember? - Yeah.
Elles ont peut-être entendu la voix aussi.
Three other girls have been murdered, and they were all as poor as church mice.
Trois autres filles ont été assassinées,
Why were they murdered?
Pourquoi ont-il été tués?
In the reign of Henry VIII... When the monasteries in England were dissolved... And the occupants tortured, beheaded in public or murdered secretly, some went into hiding to worship as they pleased.
Durant le règne d'Henry VIII quand les monastères d'Angleterre on été dissous, leurs occupants torturés, décapités en public ou secrètement assassinés, certains se sont cachés pour pratiquer leur religion.
They were both murdered.
Ils ont été tous les deux assassinés.
After being arrested for carrying out acts of rebellion, they were brutally murdered last year.
Après leurs arrestations pour actes de rébellion, ils furent sauvagement abattus l'année dernière.
Does he think that they were all murdered?
Il croit qu'ils ont tous été assassinés?
They were all murdered
On les a tués.
They were all murdered Murdered?
Ils ont tous été assassinés.
Six hookers were murdered in less than 11 days, but they haven't had an assassination in that country since before World War II.
Interpol confirme l'idée de M. Trang, à une exception près.
Those guys who took Ryan's bike... They said Ricky died when his parents were murdered.
Ces types qui ont pris le vélo de Ryan... ils ont dit que Ricky était mort quand ses parents furent assassinés.
They also suggested that Hodges and Kozinski were murdered.
Ils ont aussi suggéré qu'Hodges et Kozinski ont été assassinés.
Her husband and boy were murdered. They were shot dead. They're dead.
Son mari et son fils ont été assassinés, on leur a tiré dessus, ils sont morts.
( Man ) I don't know why these three little boys were murdered, did they see something they were not supposed to see?
Il y a beaucoup de personnes méchantes ici-bas. J'ignore pourquoi ces garçons ont été tués. Ont-ils vu quelque chose qu'ils n'auraient pas dû voir, ou entendu quelque chose?
The normal method is to send you back And if you get murdered, they'll admit you were telling the truth.
En général, on vous renvoie chez vous et si vous êtes tué, on admet que vous aviez raison.
They were in the White House when Carla was murdered!
Ils étaient à la Maison Blanche quand Carla a été assassinée!
They were my agents, murdered by Mark Roberts in cold blood at the U.N. last January.
C'étaient mes agents. Abattus par Mark Roberts... de sang-froid, à l'ONU, en janvier.
If Parker's story is true and all those kids were murdered here... why haven't they torn down Stanley Hall?
Si Parker dit la vérité, pourquoi n'ont-ils pas démoli Stanley Hall?
Because the rest, you murdered because they were have no use to you.
Les autres... vous les avez assassinés car ils ne vous servaient à rien.
As you know, I have murdered hundreds of evil men, but they were all human beings.
Comme quand je t'ai sauvé. J'ai tué des dizaines de criminels. Mais c'étaient des hommes, aussi.
Those guys that were murdered there in 1886 after they were gutted, their heads were arranged in the shape of a pentagram...
Les victimes de 1886. Leurs têtes avaient été disposées en forme de pentagramme.
Well, based on the entry wound, they were both murdered.
D'après leurs blessures, ils ont été tués.
If your whole family was murdered wouldn't you run to them to see if they were still alive?
Si on attaquait ta famille, tu te précipiterais, non?
They were all murdered.
Ils ont tous été assassinés.
Assuming "K" is Kevin they were planning to meet three days after he was murdered.
Si K c'est Kevin, ils devaient se voir 3 jours après le meurtre.
- They were crewmen. Murdered on their own ship. Fifteen dead crewmen.
C'était des membres d'équipage... et on les a assassinés, tous les 15.
- They were found murdered.
Elles ont été assassinées.
Everyone in the Republic of Ireland remembers where they were when they heard that Veronica Guerin had been murdered on the Naas Road.
Chacun en République d'Irlande se souvient où il était quand il a appris l'assassinat de Veronica Guerin sur la route de Naas.
The two murdered ministers took part in the purge. They were among the eight leaders who oversaw it.
Les deux ministres assassinés étaient impliqués et faisaient partie des plus puissants

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