Which one was it translate French
327 parallel translation
- Well? Which one was it?
Alors, qui l'a poignardé?
- Which one was it?
- Celle d'éther sulfurique, je crois.
Which one was it?
Laquelle c'était?
- Which one was it?
- Qui était-ce?
- Which one was it?
Lequel était-ce?
Which one was it, Pat?
C'est laquelle?
Well, which one was it, Greg or Craig?
c'était qui? Greg ou Craig?
Manuel Peña Rodríguez preserved one copy, which was given in the late 60's to the National Arts Fund. In 1971, this material was destructed after rendering it into a 16 mm.
Une copie en fut conservée plusieurs dizaines d'années dans la collection de Manuel Peña Rodríguez, pour être ensuite transférée à la fin des années 60 au Fond National des Arts.
- Which one did you say it was?
- Tu m'as dit que c'était qui?
In one room a man loses his wallet, and in another room, a man loses his head. When I came here, it was for a little adventure, a little game which you play tonight and forget tomorrow. Please.
Écoutez, en venant ici, je pensais ne vivre qu'une aventure, sans lendemain ni conséquence.
Now, just speaking theoretically... if it was a choice between these two guns... which one would you pick?
Mais parlons juste théoriquement... si vous aviez le choix entre ces deux pistolets... lequel choisiriez-vous?
- They didn't tell me which room it was this friend of mine was in. It must be one of these rooms.
On ne m'a pas précisé la chambre, mais c'est l'une de celles-ci.
It was no more than a piece of youthful bravado but it was one of those acorns from which great oaks are destined to grow.
Bravade de jeune homme, peut-être mais petite semence porte grand fruit.
It is my last reception, and one wants something... that will encourage conversation, particularly at the end of the season, when everybody has practically said whatever they had to say, which, in most cases, was probably not much.
C'est ma dernière soirée, et il faut quelque chose qui facilite la conversation : c'est la fin de la saison, et chacun a dit tout ce qui pouvait être dit. Ce qui bien souvent est probablement peu de choses.
I wrote it in a mountain meadow, between quaking grass and calves, one of which was called Edward.
Je l'ai écrite dans une prairie, entre des brins d'herbe, des veaux, et l'un d'eux s'appelait Edouard.
I wanted to find out which one it was.
Je voulais savoir laquelle.
One day, he was shouting in a particularly nasty way... and it must have been a note in his voice which irritated Adolphe... because, you know, vipers are very musical reptiles... they're much more musical than people think.
Un jour, il hurlait particulièrement méchamment, et une petite note de sa voix a dû irriter Adolphe, les vipères sont des reptiles sensibles à la musique, bien plus qu'on ne le pense.
I knew which one it was. It's right outside here now.
Non, je savais laquelle Elle est devant la maison
The one who, until four days ago, owned the Bal du Paradis, at which time it was taken over by another party.
Celle qui possédait le Bal du Paradis jusqu'a il y a 4 jours, date a laquelle il a été repris par une autre partie.
Well, he wrote asking for his usual suite and I was just checking up to see which one it was.
Il veut sa suite habituelle et je vérifiais laquelle c'était.
It was the time you were going to meet me outside my office building and you were waiting at the wrong entrance which left me standing for one solid hour in the pouring rain.
Pas moi. C'est la fois où tu devais m'attendre à la sortie du bureau et que tu m'as attendu au mauvais endroit en me laissant poireauter une heure sous la pluie battante.
Mother had a potion which took off 10 years and they gave it to me when I was 9 to make me minus one.
Maman avait un philtre qui enlevait dix ans de votre âge. On me l'a donné quand j'avais neuf ans, pour que j'en aie moins un.
You've just killed one of our men, which is a pity because it was his birthday today.
Vous venez de tuer un de nos hommes. C'est dommage, c'était son anniversaire aujourd'hui.
Each one of them carried out specific duties, and yet it was the whole, the group, which gave meaning to each individual activity.
ChaSun exerçant une action spéSifique : et Sependant Siétait la totalité, le groupe, Qui fournissait le sens des Attitudes individuelles.
One spoke and laughed without realizing at which point it was serious.
On parlait et riait sans réaliser à quel point c'était grave.
I can remember one very well, after a bowling match on Thursday night on which he said he couldn't sleep nights, he was smoking a little too much and he thought that this criminal as he put it, might very well be part of a subversive plot.
Je me souviens, une fois, après un match de bowling, il m'a avoué ne pas pouvoir dormir. Il fumait trop. Et ce criminel, comme il l'appelait, pouvait bien faire partie d'un complot subversif.
It was a fantastic success over 80,000 times as powerful... as Britain's great prewar joke, which was used at Munich... and one which Hitler couldn't match.
Ce fut une réussite fantastique, 80 000 fois plus puissante.. que la grande blague britannique d'avant la guerre utilisée à Munich. et une que Hitler n'a pu égaler
It was a misunderstanding... one which could have ruined my parliamentary career. Yes, Mr Dysart.
C'était un malentendu, bien sûr, qui aurait pu briser ma carrière parlementaire.
The time that is to come will be a time of despair if the laws by which we're now governed become established. It's a crippling thought to remember that the world was better at one time.
Si les lois qui nous régissent se perpétuent, nous allons connaître le temps du désespoir.
Speaking of luck, it's J.R. Bonner's luck... to have drawn the country's number one bucking bull... undefeated in 29 rides... the 29th of which was, you guessed it, J.R. Bonner.
En parlant de chance, J.R. Bonner a eu la chance... de tirer le meilleur taureau du pays... invincible lors de 29 épreuves. Lors de la 29e épreuve, il était monté par J.R. Bonner.
I don't know which one he was talking to. But either way it must've been one hell of a night.
Je ne sais pas à qui il parlait, mais ça a dû être une sacrée nuit.
It was one of the three or four long, intimate conversations with him which are all I can boast.
C'était l'une des trois ou quatre longues conversations que j'ai eues avec lui.
One in my safe, one which was in your uncle's safe until I removed it this morning... and, uh, the copy held by the girl.
Le mien, celui de votre oncle que j'ai récupéré dans son coffre, et celui de la fille.
- Which one was it?
The night in which I saw this new principle, I had three dreams, the first two, I must confess, mortally scared me, the third however, was very sweet and pleasant, it was the one in which I seemed to see the birth
Cette nuit-là, je vis ce nouveau principe et je fis trois rêves. Les deux premiers... J'avoue qu'ils m'effrayèrent mortellement.
Which they then defend as soon as they see threatened, it was during one such brief attack that I invited you all to come here this evening
C'est lors d'une telle crise... que je vous ai invités à dîner ce soir.
They delivered only five beakers, and one of the bowls arrived chipped, which it was not when I paid for it.
Je n'en ai reçu que cinq et une des poteries est ébréchée. Elle ne l'était pas quand je l'ai payée.
And... which one of those obviously perfect legs was it that came off in'99?
Et laquelle de ces jambes avez-vous perdue en 1999?
My dear parents... if I left without a word... it was to avoid another one of those discussions... which even the simplest things seem to provoke in our family.
Mes chers parents... si je suis partie sans prévenir... c'est afin d'éviter les explications... que provoquent dans notre famille les choses les plus simples.
Wonder which one was one who done it.
Je me demande qui l'a fait.
- You wouldn`t know which one it was.
Celui que t'as entre les jambes?
And then, perhaps, it was the other one. The one which Jacqueline de Bellefort fired at Simon Doyle.
Que Jackie a tiré sur Simon Doyle?
Oh, and, er, pardon me, but one piece of foolishness, which was the drawing of the letter "J" on the wall of the cabin, so melodramatic it could only have one effect.
Il y a eu tout de même une bêtise. Le "J" sur la paroi de la cabine... qui ne pouvait que vous disculper.
It was the great "Picasso crash"... which created panic at the stock-exchange... when the signatures suddenly disappeared... his painting were put on sale at the art auctions... 100 Picasso's for one Donald Duck...
C'était le grand "crash Picasso"... qui a créé la panique à la bourse... lorsque les signatures ont soudainement disparu... sa peinture a été mise en vente aux enchères d'art... 100 Picasso pour un Donald Duck...
The men were allowed to have several different sexual affairs, but the women were made in such a way that one partner was enough for them and they would only require him to be faithful in his head, which was ideal, since it allowed him to do anything.
Il ne faut pas pousser les autres au désespoir quand on s'arrange soi-même avec la réalité. Et puis il ne faut pas faire semblant de détester la vie quand on tient à elle. - Alors on est d'accord.
This one tells about what happened in 1500 at Melfi, which was a populous and fluorishing city. Yes, it was one of the richest cities in this area.
Celui-ci parle de ce qui s'est passé en 1500 à Melfi, une cité prospère et florissante, une des plus riches de la région.
Then she wasn't sure which one of you it was.
Elle n'était pas sûre que ce soit vous ou l'autre.
It wasn't as green, and... and that was the one which sprayed all its substance on the poor doctor, and made him all...
Il n'était pas aussi vert, et... C'est celui qui a répandu cette substance sur le docteur,
But in our temple, the priest used to read from the Muslim Koran and the Hindu Gita, moving from one to the other as if it mattered not which book was read as long as God was worshiped.
Mais au temple, le prêtre passait... du Coran musulman... à la Bhagavad-Gîta indifféremment... comme si le livre importait peu... du moment qu'on louait Dieu.
It was one way by which you could gauge the people.
C'était une façon de sonder le peuple.
Even if this was not a law, which it is..... I'm afraid I would have a lot of difficulty endorsing an enterprise which is as fraught with genuine peril as I believe this one to be.
Même s'il ne s'agissait pas d'une loi, et c'en est une, il m'aurait paru difficile de donner mon aval à un projet aussi lourd d'authentiques menaces que me semble celui-ci.
which one is it 183
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is that 26
which one's yours 33
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is that 26
which one's yours 33
which one is he 45
which one am i 16
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
which one am i 16
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it that bad 22
was it an accident 37
was it hard 20
was it bad 29
was it him 59
was it not 62
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it that bad 22
was it an accident 37
was it hard 20
was it bad 29
was it him 59
was it not 62