You started this translate French
1,415 parallel translation
You started this!
C'est toi qui as commencé!
Ever since you started this whole presidency thing... you've been drifting.
Depuis que tu veux être présidente, tu t'es laissée aller.
I know you started this war.
C'est lui qui t'a tiré dessus?
Ever since you started this book, you've been spinning out.
Depuis que tu as commencé ce livre, rien ne va plus.
I mean, at one point when he started weeping, you know, this is...
Le meilleur moment, c'est quand il chante.
This started as soon as you arrived, so you're not going anywhere, except with me.
Tout a commencé à votre arrivée alors vous n'allez nulle part. Sauf avec moi.
Now, let's assume you started your voyage 20 thousand years ago this is the time of cromagnon man, paleolithicum, cavepainting in the south of France.
Imaginons que votre voyage ait commencé il y a 25 000 ans :
It was you who started all this.
C'est toi qui as tout déclenché.
When you felt someone's presence near the pond... and your lips started to tremble just like this... I lost myself.
Quand vous avez senti une présence près de l'étang... et vos lèvres se sont mises à trembler juste comme ceci...
When I was there last night after you dropped her off, this guy started beating on the door, and she goes to the door and she opens it up, and he comes in.
Ce soir-là, après que tu l'as déposée, un type a commencé à frapper à sa porte. Elle y va, elle ouvre. Et ce type entre en furie.
You started all this. you know.
C'est toi qui es à l'origine de tout ça, tu sais.
You're sure Tess drew this before they started building?
Vous êtes sûr que Tess a dessiné ça avant qu'ils ne commencent à construire ça?
Hey, dudes, I'll get you a couple of 64-ounce colas to wash down this basket of doughnut and get your nachos started.
Eh, les gars, je vais vous amener deux grands verres de coca pour accompagner ce panier de beignets et commencer vos nachos.
This is a running gun battle that started 20 blocks back. You get that.
La fusillade a commencé à l'autre bout du quartier.
You're gonna tell us how this whole thing started, or the next thing I'm gonna blow up will be you.
Vous allez nous dire comment ça a débuté. Sinon, ce que je vais faire exploser, c'est vous.
Well, see, a few years ago this doctor who used to work here started, you know, hitting on me.
Bien, tu vas voir, il y a quelques années ce docteur qui avait l'habitude de travailler ici, tu sais, a flashé sur moi.
How did you guys get started in this, anyway?
Comment vous avez fait pour en arriver là?
You're the one that started this whole monkey business.
C'est vous qui avez commencé à faire le singe.
So now that this whole Kristen thing is finally finished, it's about time you started to enjoy yourself a little.
Maintenant que tout ce truc avec Kristen est finalement terminé, Il est grand temps de penser a toi un petit peu.
You know, when I started this company in 1971, my mantra was :
Tu sais, quand j'ai monté cette compagnie en 1971, mon mantra était :
If you'll excuse me, I think I'll get started on this article.
Excuse-moi, je pense que je vais aller rédiger mon article.
Now, when a rumor like this gets started, you never know where it's going to end up.
Quand une rumeur comme ça commence, on sait jamais où elle finit.
You realize this all started with you... making me french toast?
Tu réalises que tout à commencé avec toi... me faisant des toast français?
I wanted you to see this before I started closing up.
Je voulais que vous voyiez ça avant que je commence à refermer.
Did you think about any of this before you started cutting open a poor man's body?
J'aime mon boulot!
Give me a reason to get out of this, and I'll tell you who started the rumor about you being a transsexual.
Je vous dirai qui a lancé la rumeur qui dit que vous êtes transsexuelle.
Um, I don't know, it's - well I have this chart, and - it's - you know, started on the back of a napkin but now it takes up an entire wall in my living room.
Euh, je ne sais pas En fait, c'est ce Graphique... et, tu sais, ça a démarré sur un bout de table mais maintenant, il occupe un mur entier de mon salon
You know, when I first started out teaching, there were still many scientists who'd worked at Los Alamos, and there were things that they couldn't talk about... this was after 30 years... so let's just hope that
Tu sais, quand j'ai commencé à enseigner, il y avait encore beaucoup de scientifiques ayant travaillé à Los Alamos, et il y avait des choses dont ils ne pouvaient pas parler et ceci 30 ans après donc, espérons seulement que
I started asking myself why you didn't go through with this scam.
Je me suis demandé pourquoi tu n'étais pas allé au bout de cette escroquerie.
I just want to make sure you don't think she's pulling away, or, you know, you're going to look back on tonight and say " This is when I started losing her.
Je veux m'assurer que tu ne crois pas qu'elle s'éloigne de toi ou que tu ne te dises pas en repensant à ce soir : " C'est à ce moment que j'ai commencé à la perdre.
The other night, when I was goin'down on her, she was tryin'to tell me about this special thing that you do, and I didn't want to hear any more "Tommy" bullshit, so I ran downstairs, started pouting.
quand je lui broutais le minou, elle a voulu m'expliquer un truc spécial que tu fais. J'en avais marre de Tommy, alors je suis descendue et j'ai boudé.
And you think I started all this to keep you two apart?
J'aurais fait ça pour vous séparer?
You know, Puppethead started this war because he didn't like Choppa inside his woman's cooch.
Puppethead a commencé la guerre parce qu'il était jaloux.
I always wondered why, when I said it was so good, you said, "at least I can give you this," and started to cry.
Je me demandais pourquoi quand j'ai dit que c'était si bon, tu m'as dit "c'est le minimum que je puisse faire", et tu t'es mise à pleurer.
You know what? It's time for me to get this day started.
Il faut que je m'habille, alors du balai.
This whole thing was my decision. No, I mean, you should get started on her tuna fish sandwich.
Non, je veux dire, vous devriez commencer à lui préparer son sandwich au thon.
And all of this started when you witnessed a stabbing.
Ça a commencé quand vous avez vu quelqu'un se faire poignarder.
Ifyou don't tell them about this stuff, cc them on email, they think you've started a palace coup.
Si on ne leur parle pas d'un truc comme ça, si on ne leur envoie même pas un e-mail ils pensent que vous commencez une révolution. - Mal...
You know what started all this trouble?
tu sais ce qui a lancé cette dispute?
And it wasn't until history started to talk about this game, you know, in that context, that we realized we were part of something that was bigger than just five blacks and five whites.
Et c'est quand l'histoire s'en est emparée, qu'elle l'a replacée dans le contexte, qu'on a compris que c'était plus que cinq Noirs et cinq Blancs qui s'affrontaient.
Now without further ado, let's get this game started for all of you!
Maintenant, sans plus de cérémonie, que la partie commence!
Some of you know this story... but she's the main reason that we started makin'music originally... because you know she - it was the only way we knew to make her happy.
Certains connaissent l'histoire mais... c'est pour elle qu'on a commencé la musique À l'origine parce qu'elle... C'était la seule façon de la rendre heureuse
No one's saying this hasn't been a difficult time for you, but whatever's been distracting you, Martin, started long before that.
On ne nie pas que tu traverses une passe difficile, mais tu es perturbé depuis plus longtemps que ça.
They hated the idea of my doing any modeling to make my own way. As soon as I started all of this, they're sending telegrams saying, "Oh, you've got to go model, please."
Ils detestaient que je sois mannequin, mais maintenant, ils mrenvoient des telegrammes.
This canteen is no boxing-ring for you guys to get started.
Cette cantine n'est pas une boxe-bague pour vous types devant être commencés.
This all started when you lost your keys.
C'est à cause de tes clés.
You know, all this started when she began working for you.
Tout a commencé quand tu l'as engagée.
You, fish, who started this shit?
Toi, le nouveau, qui a commencé?
For instance, how long ago did you think about her before we started having this conversation?
Par exemple, c'était quand la dernière fois que t'as pensé à elle, avant notre conversation?
I don't know. You know, ever since I started taking this class, things have been going pretty well.
Depuis que j'ai commencé à suivre ses cours, les choses se passent plutôt bien, pour moi.
Guys. Listen. You've been having this argument since the day you both started teaching here.
Depuis que vous êtes ici, c'est toujours Ia même rengaine.
you started it 96
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
this is bad 606
this 8555
this is 5015
this way 5411
this is my bedroom 18
this is your captain speaking 58
this is bullshit 584
this is important 545
this is it 3373
this is bad 606
this is awesome 376
this is different 405
this is me 479
this is weird 356
this one 1756
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is fun 448
this is different 405
this is me 479
this is weird 356
this one 1756
this isn't you 235
this is crazy 1291
this is ridiculous 1419
this is a 428
this is fun 448
this is the guy 68
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083
this isn't right 330
this is not good 352
this is for you 917
this time 1599
this is a bad idea 175
this morning 1627
this is amazing 700
this isn't going to work 72
this is good 1083