Your father called translate French
189 parallel translation
Your father called today.
Ton père a appelé, aujourd'hui.
C'était un plaisir.
Your father called Your grandmother has just passed
Ton père a appelé. Ta grand-mère vient de mourir.
I forgot. Your father called, he wants to see you this morning.
Ton père a appelé.
Kids, we have been arguing like this since your father called and said he had a bad fall and hurt his head.
Les enfants, on en parle depuis que votre père a appelé pour dire qu'il s'était blessé à la tête.
Your father called the future "the undiscovered country".
Votre père appelait l'avenir "la Terre Inconnue."
You remember... you used to play on the ponds until after dark, until your father called you back.
Tu jouais sur Ies mares jusqu'au soir, jusqu'à ce que ton père t'appelle.
Is your father called Angel?
Ton père s'appelle Angel?
Little Harm. That's what your father called you, isn't it?
Il vous appelait Little Harm, non?
Sorry for the interruption, sir, but your father called again.
Navré de vous déranger, mais votre père a rappelé.
Your father called, and he also told me that you ran off and left him with everything this morning.
Ton père a appelé, et il m'a aussi dit que tu es partie vite en le laissant avec tout ça ce matin.
Your father called. So?
- Ton père a téléphoné.
Director Oh, Director Oh... Even if I was called so sickly and treated even less than a bug, such things can still be erased. However, because your bulls * * tting philosophy that you should even abandon your father for a drama,
Directeur Oh... De telles choses peuvent encore être effacées.
- About your so-called rich father, who sends you money.
- Que ton père est riche et tout ça. Laisse tomber.
Being the eldest son, you were naturally called after your father.
En tant que fils aîné, vous avez reçu le prénom de votre père.
- He called my father Joe. - Your father was European.
Aucun doute, votre père était irlandais.
I'd say you were an only child. Very spoiled. You were called Hilary because your mother and father were disappointed that you were not a boy.
Je dirais que vous êtes fille unique, très gâtée, et vos parents vous ont appelée Hilary parce qu'ils ont été déçus de n'avoir pas eu un garçon..
I'll call your father. What's it called there?
Je vais lui téléphoner moi votre père, comment on appelle chez vous?
Your mother called us to report the sad news about your father.
Nous avons appris la triste nouvelle au sujet de votre père.
Father, do you know what your church is called here?
"Monsieur le curé, savez-vous comment on appelle votre église?"
It's about your father. And Mr. Finnegan called.
- C'est au sujet de ton père.
Your father used to call her Kate... and she called him Willie.
Votre père l'appelait Kate... et elle l'appelait Willie.
Your so-called father wakes up every night and drinks a glass of milk.
Celui qui se dit ton père se réveille chaque nuit pour boire du lait.
God our Father... in his infinite wisdom, has called you home to him still in the bloom of your youth.
Dieu, notre père... dans Son infinie sagesse... t'a rappelée à Lui, dans la fleur de ta jeunesse.
- Your father was called Chien?
Ça signifie "simple".
Your father always called him the house genius.
Votre père l'appelait le génie de la maison.
You were comfortably entrenched in your father's oil empire, you resented a brash young WildCattEr, a so-CallEd sElf-MadE Man.
Tu étais bien établi dans l'empire pétrolier de ton père. Tu n'aimais pas ce jeune foreur ambitieux, un supposé self-made-man.
And I am also called Hanai... you mean Mr Hanai's your father?
Exactement. Et je m'appelle aussi Hanaî... Attends... tu veux dire que t'es...
Your father's attorney Mr Shapiro called us from New York.
L'avocat de votre père, M. Shapiro, nous a appelés de New-York.
Why don't you go back to your father and sell vans or rec-Vs or whatever they're called.
Pourquoi ne pas repartir voir ton père et vendre des vans ou des camp... - des bidules, là!
You called and talked to your father about all this?
Vous avez parlé de tout ça à votre père?
Since your mother died, and your so-called father left you, I sent you to school, I remind you, Nicolas.
Depuis la mort de ta mère et que ton soi-disant père t'a quitté, je te rappelle que je t'ai envoyé à l'école, Nicolas.
But rather, it was your love and caring that called your father back from where he'd gone.
On dirait que ce sont votre amour et vos soins qui ont ramené votre père à la conscience.
Thus, when he fell in Araby, your father Gamuret called his son,
Ainsi, lorsqu'au pays arabe il tomba, ton père Gamuret nommait son fils,
It must have been very galling for your father to be called William by one such as myself.
Votre père a sans doute été irrité d " être appelé William... par une personne comme moi.
Your father, God rest him he called you stubborn from the day you were born.
Ton père, Dieu ait son âme, t'a déclaré têtu dès le jour de ta naissance.
" When I heard you were seeking your father in Svischevo, I knew it must be the man I called Tete.
Quand j'ai su que vous cherchiez votre père à Svischevo, j'ai su tout de suite que c'était celui que j'appelle "Tete".
- So where does your father live? - A place called Capeside. - You're kidding.
A mon signal, allez-y.
Cryton, the Courageous... Isn't that what you called your father?
Le vaillant Kryton, c'est bien ça?
Is your father also called Marcello Mercoledi?
Votre père s'appelle aussi Marcello Mercoledi?
- Why? - Your father has a strict interpretation of something called the Pendleton Act, which prohibits campaign donations to be solicited on government property.
Votre père a une interprétation très stricte... de ce qu'on appelle la loi Pendleton.
Have you called your father?
Au fait, tu as appelé ton père?
Well, I'll tell you... back when your father and I were seeing each other, he found out that I had a date with a man called Chuck Pecorella.
Je vais te raconter quelque chose. À l'époque où je sortais avec ton père, lui était encore très volage. Un jour il a su que j'avais rendez-vous avec un autre homme, Chuck Pecorella, et ça l'a rendu tellement jaloux qu'il est revenu vers moi.
Last year your father made a contribution to something called the Holy Land Defender.
L'année dernière, votre père a fait un don... à un organisme appelé "Les Défenseurs de la Terre Sainte".
And I called your father.
Et j'ai appelé ton père.
Your father, Jack Bauer, called me, asked me to come get you, take you to CTU.
Votre père m'a appelée, il m'a dit de venir et de vous conduire à la CTU.
Well, you thought the charcoal would burn up, destroying any evidence of the crime, but your father woke up, called 911.
Le charbon aurait dû se consumer sans laisser de trace. Mais votre père s'est réveillé et a appelé les secours.
Diya, your father just called
Diya, ton père vient juste d'appeller
What your father means is you haven't seemed like yourself since you called off the wedding.
Ce que veut dire ton père c'est que tu n'es plus toi-même depuis que tu as annulé le mariage.
Any reason you felt the need to go there... right after we were called in on your father's case?
Vous aviez une raison d'aller là-bas, juste après qu'on nous ait appelés?
Well, I couldn't get pregnant... but your father and I really wanted to have a child... so we went to what's called an adoption agency... and the man at the agency showed us many, many children.
Je ne pouvais pas avoir d'enfant, mais ton père et moi, on en voulait vraiment un, alors on est allés à une agence d'adoption. Le monsieur de l'agence nous a montré des tas d'enfants.
your father is dead 32
your father would be proud 16
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father and i 34
your father's right 30
your father died 20
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
your father would be proud 16
your father 992
your father's dead 26
your father and i 34
your father's right 30
your father died 20
your father was a good man 17
your father's here 23
your father's 22
called 487
called it 35
called me 28
called friends 21
called it in 23
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
called it 35
called me 28
called friends 21
called it in 23
your hat 64
your own 34
your phone 169
your honor 7894
your full name 16
your teacher 17
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your tea 43
your best friend 68
your ex 322
your name 485
your majesty 3240
your mum 57
your mother 885
your sister 409
your point being 45
your mom 327
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your mind 60
your dad 423
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246
your mother is dead 28
your old man 28
your mind 60
your dad 423
your brother 593
your highness 1544
your heart 112
your call 269
your face 246