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And how was that translate Portuguese

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And how was that?
E como correu?
If I was in that place for that... I'd have spent my time thinking about how... I could break out of there... and whack that son of a bitch.
Se eu estivesse naquele lugar por causa disso teria passado o tempo a pensar como poderia sair de lá e como dava uma sova ao filho da puta.
I know it was a mistake, but you know well, Holiness, the strength that love can have and how it blinds us.
Sabia que era um erro, mas você bem sabe, Santidade, a força que tem o amor e como nos cega.
That's how I knew that she was a Delacroy employee and that she was fired.
Foi assim que eu soube que ela tinha trabalhado aí e sido despedida.
So listen, I was thinking about everything and how great this is, but it's all happening so fast, and I was afraid that maybe you thought it was happening too fast.
Escuta, eu pensei nisto tudo, e em como é bonito, mas foi tudo muito rápido. E cheguei a temer, que tu pensasses, que foi tudo demasiado rápido.
Of course, I tried not to laugh and I tried to put other things in my head, but every step that we took was a fresh reminder of just how funny the whole thing was!
E claro que eu tentei não me rir e tentei lembrar-me de outras coisas, mas a cada passo que dava, eu lembrava-me de como tudo aquilo era engraçado!
When the snow falls, it traps little bubbles of atmosphere and they can go in and measure how much CO2 was in the atmosphere the year that that snow fell.
Quando a neve cai, captura pequenas bolhas da atmosfera e eles podem ir lá e medir a quantidade de CO2 na atmosfera no ano em que aquela neve caiu.
The only reason that I am here is to try and figure out why and how he was assassinated.
O único motivo para eu estar aqui é tentar perceber porquê e como ele foi assassinado.
So in other words, Paul Richmont fired the gun somewhere else after Rachel Jeffries was murdered, and that's how he got the GSR on his hand and his shirt?
Por outras palavras, o Paul Richmont disparou a arma noutro local, depois da Rachel Jeffries ter sido morta, e foi assim que os resíduos de pólvora estão na sua mão e na sua camisa?
How could you stand there and laugh and make jokes, while that awful woman was saying those things!
Como é que pudeste ficar a li a rir, e a dizer piadas? Enquanto aquela mulher horrível estava a dizer aquelas coisas?
I mean, I understand how Gretchen's spirit was released and all that... but why was I the only one that could see her?
Quero dizer, percebo como o espírito da Gretchen foi libertado, e tudo isso, mas porque era eu a única a vê-la?
I did hear him telling other people how Junior was getting more and more confused... calling my husband Johnny, which was his father's name ; resisting getting a haircut, that kind of thing.
Ouvi-o dizer às pessoas que o Junior estava cada vez mais confuso, chamando Johnny ao meu marido - era o nome do pai dele - recusando-se a cortar o cabelo...
And if their Intel was good enough to get their hands on something that sensitive, - then how come they didn't know about Selmak?
E se eles conseguem pôr as mãos em algo tão sensível, como não sabiam de Selmak?
You explain to me how that was fair and I'll explain to you how this is fair.
Explicas-me a justiça disso e eu disto.
Well, that would explain how the killer was able to carry him up to the roof and then foist him down the chimney.
Daí o assassino poder ter conseguido carregá-lo até ao telhado e tê-lo mandado pela chaminé.
See how many years you got when they realized which crew was working in that room and dug that hole.
Vou ver quantos anos apanhaste quando perceberem que equipa trabalhava naquela sala e cavou aquele buraco.
I'd go to my priest and I would cry and say how bad I felt about how my husband made his money, but that was bullshit.
Ia confessar-me ao padre, chorava e dizia quão triste me sentia com a vida do meu marido, mas era mentira.
I'm thinking about a story that I'm working on about how when I was 12, I used to masturbate like 20 times a day... and I'm not sure... whether I should make it like fiction... or like a New Yorker style essay piece.
Estou a pensar numa história que estou a escrever... sobre como, quando eu tinha 12 anos, me masturbava umas 20 vezes por dia... e não sei bem se a devo tornar ficção ou... um ensaio ao estilo de New Yorker.
He was telling anybody who listened how he hustled Liam Fitzpatrick, and word was out that Liam was looking for him.
Andava a contar a toda a gente como andava a irritar o Liam Fitzpatrick.
Caitlin, I woke up every day and realised how lucky I was to be with someone like you. Didn't you know that?
Caitlin, eu acordava todos os dias e via o quanto era feliz com alguém como você.
We talked about how easy it was gonna be to rob the diner and we made sure Rodney heard that the job had to happen at 4 : 35.
Falámos sobre como seria fácil roubar o restaurante, e arranjámos maneira de o Rodney saber que o roubo teria lugar às 16 : 35.
How did you know Jake wasn't "the one?" I'm gonna tell you something... that I never told anybody else, but when Jake was down on one knee... and he looked up at me with that ring in his hand,
Como sabias que o Jake não era "o tal"? Vou dizer-te uma coisa que nunca disse a ninguém, mas quando o Jake estava de joelhos e olhou para mim com aquele anel na mão, a única cara que conseguia ver era a do Danny.
And that's how I was in the pirates of penzance as the worst fourth pirate in history.
E foi assim que eu entrei em "Piratas de Penzance" como... o pior "pirata no 4" da história. ( Penzance - cidade da Inglaterra )
It was obvious in my face and how I reacted towards people that I couldn't stand them, you know.
E era óbvio na minha expressão e em como reagia com as pessoas que não os suportava.
And that's how you knew it was the same person?
E foi assim que soube que era a mesma pessoa?
And she had one. I don't know exactly how this happened, but one of her friends started passing around some stuff. And they said that it was clove cigarettes.
Não sei ao certo como aconteceu, mas uma das amigas dela começou a passar umas coisas e disseram que eram cigarros de cravinho.
Once I got the money back from randy, I explained to paul all about my list, the lotto ticket, and how that money was really his.
Quando o Randy me devolveu o dinheiro, contei ao Paul da minha lista, do bilhete de lotaria, e que o dinheiro era dele.
Our heavenly father was in that truck when your grandfather died and he saw how Roman wrestled his way to where he is now.
O nosso Pai Celestial ia naquela carrinha, quando o seu avô morreu, e viu como o Roman forçou o caminho para chegar onde chegou.
This is how we found out you were the second Kira... and that the 13-day rule was a fake.
Depois concluí que tu eras o Segundo Kira. A regra do 13º dia também é falsa.
I just want him to understand the depth of the pain that I suffer on a regular basis, that how, when I see a Dodge Duster, which was the car that he drove at the time, how I still pull over and dry heave.
Como, quando eu vejo um Dodge Duster, que era o carro que ele conduzia na altura, ainda tenho de encostar e tenho vómitos.
I felt at the time... I think he was merely calling to check how I was doing, because he obviously knew I had been very stressed out over the situation, and I told him that, you know.
Senti na altura, que ele estava a telefonar-me para saber como é que eu estava, porque ele sabia obviamente que eu tinha ficado bastante abalado com a situação, e eu disse-lhe isso mesmo.
Debbie was the best thing that ever happened to me. And you drove her away because of your stupid obsession with how people look.
A Debbie foi a melhor coisa que já me aconteceu... e afastaste-a pela tua estúpida obsessão pela aparencia das pessoas.
Hi, how are you doing? And it was seeing these theories being translated into the real world that first got me hooked as a child.
Este brilho prolongado seria visível e poderia durar vários dias.
Gus, she was hot, and she was dressed as a nurse. You know how I feel about that.
Gus, ela é gira e estava vestida de enfermeira, sabes o que sinto por elas.
And I think that's just because I was too stupid to realize how wonderful you are.
Porque era demasiado estúpida para perceber o quão maravilhoso és.
Means it was on the diamonds, and our vic probably tried to remove it and that's how she came into contact.
Significa que estava nos diamantes e provavelmente a vítima tentou removê-lo e assim deu-se o contacto.
And that Warden Pope, how he was granting favors to Scofield because Scofield helped him with his personal projects.
E de como o tal Director Pope estava feito com o Scofield, por o Scofield o ter ajudado em projectos pessoais.
How was I supposed to know that my Mental Mouse and Taggart's nanobugs shared the same frequency?
Como ia adivinhar que o meu Rato Mental e os "nanobichos" do Taggart estavam na mesma frequência?
I like Ferris wheels, so that's what I thought about and the fact that the woman teaching me how to meditate was very attractive.
Eu gosto de roda gigante, então foi no que eu pensei... e no fato de que aquela mulher que me ensinou... a meditar era... muito atraente.
I saw how much you loved your husband when you thought that he was dead, and would you really be this happy if you were still with kyle?
Eu vi o quanto você ama o seu marido quando você pensou que ele estava morto, e ficaria assim tão feliz se ainda estivesse com o Kyle?
How can anyone watch it, without some kind of a psy-op or verbiage accompanying it, and not look at that and say : "Hey, that building was just demolished!"
Desse modo me tornei verdadeiramente consciente destas obras do governo quando McNamara fez sua turnê com seu filme e ele foi em Harvard quando eu era um professor lá.
And the bottle of Pinot Grigio Santa Margherita 2005, how was that?
E a garrafa de Pinot Grigio Santa Margherita 2005, como é que estava?
And when I saw the picture of the victim... how much she looked like Barbara... I realized that Scott was probably carrying on... some sick, twisted version of the love affair... he'd always wanted to have with his mother, for which I blame her!
E, quando vi a fotografia da vítima, o quanto ela se parecia com a Barbara, percebi que, provavelmente, o Scott tinha uma versão doentia e pervertida do caso amoroso que sempre desejou ter com a mãe, pelo qual eu a culpo.
So much so that the floors were shaking, that's how noticeable it was It was almost as if something heavy was being moved, and then it was being taken off wheels, and it was like, BOOM!
Era como se algo... bem, muito pesado estivesse se movendo, e então, quando se tiravam as rodas, era como...
I was showing her how vitamin E can prevent them. Then you walked in and that's pretty much it. - Oh, really?
Naomi estava quase a ficar com estrias e eu estava a passar-lhe óleo de vitamina E, que pode evitar, tu sabes como fiz contigo e então tudo entraste e foi só isso.
Yeah, but how would they know that he was working ballistics, and would get gsr on his hands?
Mas como sabiam que tinha estado na balística e tinha resíduos de pólvora?
- Did ya now? [Earl Narrating] Wendy told me about makin'Will a mix CD... and how she was too scared to give him the first one she made that was all love songs.
Ela contou que gravara o CD para o Will e que tinha tido medo de lhe dar o primeiro que gravara, que eram só canções de amor.
That's when I realized, it didn't matter how ecological I was living if... Joy was going to pollute and cancel me out.
Foi aí que percebi, por mais ecológico que eu fosse, a poluição da Joy cancelava o que eu fazia.
Good morning, Mr. O'Malley. I wanted to stop by before the surgery and see how that collarbone was healing.
Passei cá antes da cirurgia para ver se a clavícula está a sarar.
Yeah, I was thinking about that week in Maui and how you wore an orchid - in your hair every day and I...
Estava a pensar naquela semana em Maui em que usaste uma orquídea no cabelo todos os dias e...
Political weddings - the last one that meant anything was charles and diana, and look how well that turned out.
De políticos? O último que significou alguma coisa foi o de Carlos e Diana e veja o que aconteceu.

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