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And maybe translate Portuguese

22,446 parallel translation
And maybe that's a horrible thing to say to you, but we're trying to be honest with each other now, right?
Pode ser algo horrível para te dizer, mas estamos a ser honestos um com o outro, certo?
Well, yeah. And maybe meet a cool alien best friend to eat candy with or go cruising around in a tripped out space hooptie.
E talvez um melhor amigo alienígena, com quem comer doces ou viajar pelas baladas espaciais.
Every mission needs a nerdy egghead guy who's always complaining and getting scared and maybe gets killed at the end.
Toda missão precisa de um nerd que fica reclamando assustado e talvez morra no fim.
[in German] And maybe a little something else on top, hmm?
Talvez esteja... com mais alguma coisa.
♪ And maybe more. ♪
E talvez mais...
And maybe I wanna be with someone who likes them too.
Talvez queira estar com alguém que as aprecie.
♪ And a-smooching And maybe just a little bit of fucking ♪
E uma beijoca E talvez um pouco de foda
Building the instruments is hard and maybe if you haven't done enough test time and you're thinking to yourself, oh my goodness, you know, this is going to go in another one of these damn rockets.
Construir os instrumentos é difícil e talvez se você não tiver Feito suficiente tempo de teste e você está pensando para si mesmo, Oh meu Deus, você sabe, isso vai entrar
Yes, and maybe you can explain why you haven't come to see me yet.
E talvez me possas explicar porque ainda não me vieste ver.
This is a chance for you to keep it, and maybe now we can actually start off on the right foot.
Esta é uma oportunidade de a poder manter. E, agora, talvez possamos começar com o pé direito.
I was trying to help you and Jacob find your happiness back in the Enchanted Forest, and maybe you could get that here.
Estava a tentar que tu e o Jacob fossem felizes na Floresta Encantada, e talvez consigas isso aqui.
We've been here for 400 years and now he tells us that maybe in 40 years, if you're good, we may let you become president.
Nós estamos aqui há 400 anos e ele chega agora para nos dizer que talvez daqui a 40 anos, se nos portarmos bem, podemos chegar à Presidência.
But I had to survive and make up for all the things that I did. Maybe this is how I do it.
Mas tive que sobreviver para compensar por tudo o que fiz.
Well, maybe it was after you punched me in my face and stole my car.
Se calhar foi por me dares um soco na cara e me roubares o carro.
So if she can tap into this and make something of it, maybe even manipulate it to her advantage, she's got something going for her that's very powerful.
Se ela conseguir apelar para isso e obter alguns resultados, talvez, até, através de manipulação, terá algo a seu favor que é muito poderoso. Vejam!
And if she's saying she saw a boy, maybe he's still there.
E se ela diz que viu um rapaz, talvez ainda esteja lá.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe your chair is the only one that's straight and everybody else's is crooked?
Já parou para pensar que sua cadeira é reta e a de todo mundo é torta?
Uh, maybe just take the swords in and out.
Experimenta inserir e tirar as espadas.
And I need you to go home right now, pack a bag, go to your mother's for a few days, maybe a week.
Faz as malas e vai para casa da tua mãe, talvez por uma semana.
Sheri, maybe, can I suggest you separate out the drink talking and you talking?
Sheri, sugiro que separe a bebedeira do seu discurso.
Well, it's interesting to get philosophical about it. If he fancied some water sports while he was full on cocaine and amphetamines and tequila, well, maybe that's the real issue here. What do you think?
Pode filosofar o que quiser, mas ele gostar de desportos aquáticos carregado de drogas e álcool no corpo é capaz de ter sido o problema, não acha?
I know you got drunk, I know you passed out, but did Ruben maybe skip the swim and just come to bed beside you?
Sei que se embebedou e perdeu os sentidos, mas terá ele esquecido a piscina e decidido ir deitar-se ao seu lado?
Thin. About 5'10 " maybe, and his eyes were kind of intense.
Magro, com cerca de 1,80 m e com um olhar muito intenso.
Maybe he and I can go out for beers - before a flight.
Talvez eu e ele possamos ir beber umas cervejas antes dos voos.
And after that, maybe you could... oh, I don't know, lose a little weight?
E depois disso, talvez pudesses... Não sei, perder algum peso?
Who picks up a copy of Don't Shake the Baby and thinks to themselves, " Oh... maybe there's more to this.
Quem pega numa cópia de Não Abane o Bebé e pensa para consigo : " Deve ter muito que se lhe diga.
You'll be having dinner with my mother and she'll go, " Ah... maybe I will have some chocolate cake.
Estamos a jantar com a minha mãe e ela diz : " Se calhar, vou comer bolo de chocolate.
Maybe your god and your god are the same god, but...
Talvez o teu deus e o teu sejam o mesmo, mas...
Maybe it's time for you and grandpa to do that.
Talvez seja altura de tu e o avô se perdoarem.
Maybe you wanna go get Nose and bring him back to say "good night" to Gracie.
Talvez queiras ir buscar o Narigudo e levá-lo à Gracie para lhe dizer "boa noite".
Do we focus on just trying to get the ship there and then maybe send people some other time?
Nós nos concentramos em apenas tentar pegar o navio lá E então talvez enviar as pessoas em outro momento?
I know it's hard especially now, but maybe the best thing is to take a little time away from the work and refill the well.
Eu sei que é difícil especialmente agora, Mas talvez a melhor coisa é levar um pouco de tempo Longe do trabalho e encher o poço.
Maybe not, but Jessica, I have watched you my whole career, and this is the first time that you've ever backed away from a fight.
Talvez não, mas tenho-te observado durante a minha carreira. Esta é a primeira vez que recuas perante uma luta.
And I thought maybe we could get facials and do yoga and talk in long, discursive sentences.
Podíamos fazer tratamentos faciais, yoga, falar em frases longas e discursivas.
Maybe somebody else will intervene, but no, nobody intervenes, and somebody gets killed or hauled away never to be seen again.
Talvez alguém intervenha, mas... ninguém o faz e alguém morre, ou é raptado e nunca mais é visto.
You know what, Harvey? - Instead of coming here and telling me to betray my cellmate because Gallo will never get parole, maybe you should be helping me get it for him.
Em vez de pedires-me que traia o meu companheiro de cela, porque o Gallo nunca será libertado, devias ajudar-me a consegui-la para ele.
Yeah, maybe instead I'll make sure his company gets in my pocket, never hires you, and your firm is out of business by the end of the quarter.
Pelo contrário, vou certificar-me que a empresa é minha, que nunca o contratará e que a sua firma estará falida até ao final do trimestre.
I was thinking we could see the space, and then maybe go have lunch.
Podíamos ver o espaço e almoçar.
Well, you tell him that while he's getting around to making Cahill honor his goddamn word, maybe he could take just a minute to honor his word and get Gallo his goddamn parole hearing.
Diz-lhe que enquanto anda a tentar fazer com que o Cahill honre a palavra, talvez possa honrar a sua própria palavra e conseguir a audiência para o Gallo.
You turn yourself in, you get maybe three years, and you keep her out.
Entrega-se, fica uns três anos e mantém-na cá fora.
Uh, looks like maybe 71st and Stewart.
Parece que estão na 71st e Stewart.
Maybe it was a half-cooked plan to catch a rep and move on up... but they both had no permission.
Talvez o plano fosse apenas... Apanhar o rapper e seguir em frente... Mas eles não tinham permissão.
Because I'm going to have to deal with his loss, and knowing that maybe he turned his life around would give me some comfort.
Porque vou ter de lidar com a perca dele, e saber que ele talvez tenha dado a volta à vida dele dar-me-ia algum conforto.
And all I'm asking for is a favor... a favor so that maybe I can live my life the way that I'd like to.
E tudo o que peço é um favor... Um favor para que possa viver a minha vida da maneira que gosto.
Watch out for a guy who thinks maybe he's smarter than anybody else, trying to prove something, probably doesn't know what exactly, and thinks he's got the shortcut to the top.
Cuidado com um indivíduo que se acha o mais inteligente de todos. A tentar provar alguma coisas, mas... não sabe exactamente o quê.
Okay... And if you happen to pass a mirror, take a good look, maybe you'll spot him in there.
- E, por acaso, se passares por um espelho, olha bem para ele... talvez o encontres lá dentro.
Maybe I'll get one of them planes with the sign behind it and fly it over your draft party.
Vou arranjar um avião com um letreiro e voar por cima da tua festa do draft.
And if we're really, really lucky, maybe she'll find hope for saving our friends.
E se tivermos mesmo muita sorte, talvez nos dê esperança para salvar os nossos amigos.
You know, Dad and I are really happy that he's gonna stay with us, but maybe we should just talk about one thing.
Sabes, eu e o pai estamos mesmo muito felizes por ele ficar connosco, mas talvez devamos falar apenas sobre uma coisa.
Now if Ali is dealing then maybe the kid in the park just got in the way and Ali was the target.
Agora... se o Ali anda a traficar, então, talvez o miúdo no parque apenas tenha sido apanhado no caminho e o Ali era o alvo.
Gorgeous, maybe Asian and black.
Linda, talvez asiática e negra.

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