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Covered in blood translate Portuguese

483 parallel translation
She was covered in blood.
Estava coberta de sangue.
That she saw me or a statue of me covered in blood.
Que me via, ou a uma estátua minha, coberta de sangue.
You're covered in blood.
Está coberto de sangue.
You're covered in blood.
Está todo ensanguentado.
Come on, you're covered in blood.
Vamos, está coberto de sangue.
Her face was covered in blood, swollen, discoloured.
A cara coberta de sangue, inchada, lívida.
If you cut the jugular vein, you and the walls would be covered in blood.
Se cortar a veia jugular, ficará tudo coberto de sangue.
Was she covered in blood?
- Estava coberta de sangue? - Não.
We got a report of a man covered in blood harassing two girls at the gas station on Waxman Road.
Queixaram-se que um homem a sangrar perseguia 2 raparigas na bomba de gasolina em Waxman Road.
I was covered in blood.
Eu estava coberta de sangue.
Joseph, you're covered in blood.
Joseph, você está coberto de sangue.
Anyway, this guy is covered in blood. Covered!
O cara está coberto de sangue.
He was covered in blood and he was telling me what he was about to do and then he needed my permission to do it.
Estava coberto de sangue. Disse-me o que estava a ponto de fazer, e pediu minha permissão.
Its hands are covered in blood.
As suas mãos estão cobertas de sangue.
I ordered them to kill Bajoran scum and they'd do it, they'd murder them and they'd come back covered in blood, but they felt clean.
Eu mandava-os sair e matar escória bajoriana. E eles faziam-no, matavam-nos. Voltavam cobertos de sangue mas sentiam-se limpos.
She was covered in blood, young lady,
Ela estava cheia de sangue, rapariga...
She was standing there, three steps from me, stunned, her face covered in blood.
E a menina ali, a três passos de mim, de pé, com o rostinho espantado a escorrer sangue.
How can a child that age, covered in blood, carry on talking like that?
Como é que uma criança daquela idade toda a escorrer sangue, pode falar assim.
Well, when I woke up, I was covered in blood.
Bom, quando eu acordei, estava coberto de sangue.
Next thing he knows, sirens are screaming, he's covered in blood.
Quando acordou ouviu sirenes, e estava coberto de sangue.
They clearly identify the heinous nature of the crime, and they connect the defendant, found covered in blood, to the crime scene.
Não é verdade! Elas determinam a natureza hedionda do crime e ligam o réu, encontrado coberto de sangue, à cena do crime.
Which means he walked in here covered in blood after killing his family, leaned over to the window and wrote the numbers, and left no blood anywhere else.
O que implica ter entrado aqui, cheio de sangue, tendo-os morto, esticou-se para a janela escreveu os números, mas não deixou sangue em nenhum lado.
It was covered in blood.
E eu fui até aos estábulos e... vi aquilo nas suas mãos... estava coberta de sangue.
I'd rather die covered in blood than an old man lying in my piss.
Prefiro morrer coberto de sangue que velho, e encharcado em mijo.
This dress is covered in blood.
Esse vestido está todo manchado de sangue.
it was covered in blood.
estava coberta de sangue.
There I was, covered in blood next to a dead girl a white man staring at me like I was...
Lá estava eu, coberto de sangue com uma rapariga morta ao meu lado um branco a olhar para mim como se eu fosse...
There's a man in here. His head's covered in blood.
Há um homem, tem a cabeça cheia de sangue...
- He was carrying a nine-millimeter Smith Wesson... and was covered in blood - Thomas Gates's blood.
- Trazia uma Smith Wesson, 9 mm... e estava coberto de sangue O sangue do Thomas Gates.
It's covered in blood.
Está coberto de sangue, Xerife.
My head was pounding... and I looked down and my shirt is covered in blood.
Minha cabeça latejava e a camisa estava cheia de sangue.
Everything was covered in blood.
Estava tudo coberto de sangue.
- Covered in blood.
- Coberto de sangue.
Kern came out covered in blood.
O Kern saiu coberto de sangue.
Security guard spotted him covered in blood, dressed in SWAT gear.
O segurança viu-o, coberto de sangue, com a farda das forças especiais.
Look, I woke up and my sheets were covered in blood.
Olha, eu acordei e as minhas coisas estavam cobertas de sangue.
They're taking photographs of a civil rights banner covered in blood.
Fotografam uma bandeirola dos direitos civis, coberta de sangue.
They're covered in blood, so I must have cut him badly!
Estão cheios de sangue. Com certeza que lhe parti a mão a esse cabrão.
And all of a sudden a black shadow shaped like a billowing sail covered it completely. What can this mean, Euryclea? For years now you have been desperately seeking for omens of the return of Ulysses- - in the flight of the birds, in the blood of sacrificial offerings, in the shape of clouds.
Esta é a história de Ulisses, que ousou desafiar o deus e continuou a sua jornada para Ítaca, o seu lar onde a sua esposa Penélope esperava... e esperava...
How did you get covered in all this blood?
Por que está coberto de sangue?
Someone covered with blood suddenly came in
- Shi Zhengzong. Shi Zhengzong?
The villagers find them in the morning by chance. He lay there covered with blood. It was a miracle he survived.
Pela manhã, uns patrícios o encontraram por acaso, em um estado lamentável, com sangue por toda parte.
He was covered in sweat and blood.
Estava coberto de suor e de sangue.
- Lucy was covered in Amy Jacobs'blood.
- A Lucy tinha sangue da Amy.
The man was covered in the dead guard's blood. He was carrying his wallet. He tried to cut his head off with an ax.
O homem estava cheio de sangue do morto, tinha a carteira dele, tentou cortar-lhe a cabeça com um machado...
I'm sure it's blood. I'm covered in it.
- Sim, estou coberta de sangue.
Our old shirts were covered in deer blood and broken glass.
As nossas camisolas estavam cobertas com sangue de veado e vidros partidos.
Your step-daughter and the pool boy came in... where they saw you standing over the body... covered in his blood.
Ok, sua enteada e o rapaz da piscina entraram... e a viram sobre o corpo... coberta em seu sangue.
Look at you- - you're covered in blood.
- Olha para ti, todo sujo de sangue.
- Mr Renteria your apartment walls are covered in human blood.
- Sr. Renteria as paredes do seu apartamento estão cheiras de sangue humano.
I had to throw it out. It was covered in the blood from the accident victim. Why?
- Tive de a deitar fora.

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