George w translate Portuguese
205 parallel translation
Yes, sir, that's right.
Isso mesmo. George W. Banks.
George W Banks. 17 Cherry Tree Lane.
Rua das Cerejeiras, 1 7.
Gavorki, George W. Agnostic.
Gavorki, George W. Agnóstico.
This is Stan Michaels, coming to you live from G. W. High School... the epicenter of what can only be described as... the senseless slaughter of innocence here in Cherry Falls, Virginia.
Aqui Stan Michaels, em directo do Liceu George Washington, do epicentro, que só pode ser descrito como, a carnificina da inocência, aqui em Cherry Falls, Virginia.
Al Gore? George W Bush?
Al Gore, George Bush?
Did George W Bush quit even after losing the popular vote?
O Bush perdeu depois de perder os votos populares?
George W. Is still pissed.
O George Bush ainda deve estar lixado!
These days, it's all aluminum this and George W. That.
Hoje em dia, só se fala em alumínio isto e George W. Aquilo.
George W. Bush talked to the stock market and...
George W. Bush falou para o mercado da bolsa e...
Over here, George W. Bush, compassionate conservative.
Aqui, George W Bush, compaixonado conservador.
And there's poor W. going, "Shit, I can't even spell that".
E o pobre George W. Bush diz : - Merda, eu nem sei soletrar isso.
- Jumpin'George W.
- Entra George W.
Take the G.W. Bridge?
Atravessou a ponte George Washington?
My prized George W. Swizzle. It is gone.
O meu pauzinho premiado do George W. Foi-se.
Once I got ahold of that George W. Swizzle... I knew I could ride the Bush name straight to the President's office.
Quando consegui o pauzinho do George W... soube que podia usar o nome Bush directo até ao gabinete da presidência.
Did you know that, um, - George W. Bush was a cheerleader in college?
Sabias que o George W. Bush pertenceu à claque na universidade?
Fox News now projects George W. Bush the winner in Florida and thus it appears the winner of the presidency of the United States.
Segundo previsões da Fox News, George W Bush vence na Florida, tornando-se assim o vencedor das Presidenciais dos EUA.
On the day the joint session of both the House of Representatives and the Senate was to certify the election results AI Gore, in his dual role as outgoing vice president and president of the Senate presided over the event that would officially anoint George W. Bush as the new president.
No dia em que a Câmara de Repre - sentantes e o Senado se juntaram para ratificar o resultado das eleições, Al Gore, na qualidade de Vice-Presidente cessante, e Presidente do Senado, presidiu à cerimónia que sagraria oficialmente George W. Bush como novo Presidente.
On the day George W. Bush was inaugurated tens of thousands of Americans poured into the streets of D. C in one last attempt to reclaim what had been taken from them.
No dia em que George WBush tomou posse do cargo, dezenas de milhares de americanos acorreram às ruas de Washington, DC, numa última tentativa de reclamar aquilo que lhes fora retirado.
And for the next eight months, it didn't get any better for George W. Bush.
E, nos oito meses que se seguiram, a situação de George WBush não melhorou.
In his first eight months in office before September 11 th George W. Bush was on vacation, according to The Washington Post 42 percent of the time.
Nos seus primeiros oito meses, que antecederam o 11 de Setembro e, de acordo com o "Washington Post", George W Bush esteve de férias 42 % do tempo.
A report like that might make some men jump but, as in days past, George W. Just went fishing.
Um relatório daqueles poderia fazer saltar alguns homens mas, tal como fizera no passado, George W limitou-se a ir à pesca.
A simple and quiet guy, whose family just happened to have a business relationship with the family of George W. Bush.
Um tipo simples e sossegado cuja família tem, por acaso, uma relação comercial com a família de George W Bush.
In early 2004, in a speech during the New Hampshire primary I called George W. Bush a deserter from his time in the Texas Air National Guard.
No início de 2004, num discurso du - rante as Primárias de New Hampshire, chamei desertor a George Bush, aquando da sua comissão nas Forças Aéreas da Guarda Nacional do Texas.
One was George W. Bush.
Um deles era George WBush.
So where did George W. Bush get his money?
Onde foi então George WBush buscar o dinheiro?
And James Bath himself, in turn, invested in George W. Bush.
James Bath, por seu turno, investiu em George WBush.
And the thing is, Harken had one big thing going for it which is that George W. Bush was on its board of directors at a time when his father was president of the United States.
Resposta : a Harken tinha um grande "capital". George WBush pertencia á direcção num período em que o pai era presidente dos EUA.
The James Baker law partner who helped Bush beat the rap from the SEC was a man by the name of Robert Jordan who, when George W. Became president was appointed ambassador to Saudi Arabia.
O advogado da firma James Baker, que ajudou Bush a ultrapassar ileso a acusação da SEC era um homem chamado Robert Jordan que, quando George W se tornou presidente, foi nomeado embaixador na Arábia Saudita.
Both George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush worked for the Carlyle Group, the same company that counted the bin Laden family among its investors.
Tanto o George WBush como o George HWBush, trabalhavam para a Carlyle, uma empresa em que a família Bin Laden era um dos investidores.
Our commander in chief, President George W. Bush.
O nosso comandante supremo, o Presidente George W Bush.
In 1997, while George W. Bush was governor of Texas a delegation of Taliban leaders from Afghanistan flew to Houston to meet with Unocal executives to discuss the building of a pipeline through Afghanistan bringing natural gas from the Caspian Sea.
Em 1997, quando George W Bush foi governador do Texas, uma delegação de líderes taliban do Afeganistão foi a Houston, para se reunir com executivos da Unocal, e discutir a construção de um gasoduto através do Afeganistão, que trouxesse gás natural do Mar Cáspio.
So George W. Bush made him his attorney general.
Portanto, George Bush nomeou-o Procurador-Geral.
On March 19th, 2003 George W. Bush and the United States military invaded the sovereign nation of Iraq.
A 19 de Março de 2003, George W Bush e as tropas americanas invadiram a nação soberana do Iraque, um país que nunca atacara os Estados Unidos,
George W. Bush? No.
- George W. Bush?
But, ultimately, this was a referendum on the leadership of George W. Bush... on the war against terror and the war in Iraq.
Mas, no final, foi um referendo à liderança de Bush na guerra contra o terrorismo... Tretas!
Enron had been the largest corporate contributor to the first presidential campaign of George W. Bush.
A Enron tinha sido o maior contribuinte da primeira campanha presidencial de George W. Bush.
What about the fact that George W. Bush calls Ken Lay, Kenny Boy?
E como esquecer o facto de que George W. Bush chama a Ken Lay "Menino Kenny"?
George W. Bush was only too happy to make phone calls for Ken Lay.
George W. Bush adorava telefonar para Ken Lay.
In the midst of the energy crisis his friend, George W. Bush, became president
Em plena crise energética, o seu amigo, George W. Bush, tornou-se presidente.
I, George Walker Bush, do solemnly swear.
Eu, George W. Bush, juro solenemente...
Not to mention Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush... and the governor of our fair state, Rick Perry.
Sem contar com Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush... e o nosso governador, Rick Perry.
That's a very small think tank. But in some respects we argue for elements of the Bush doctrine, before the Bush doctrine existed or before George W. Bush became President.
É um grupo bem pequeno, mas em alguns aspectos... acreditamos, acho que posso dizer, de elementos da Doutrina Bush... antes que a Doutrina Bush existisse... ou antes que George W. Bush virasse presidente.
And my name is George W. Bush!
E o meu nome é George W. Bush!
Are you George Francis Thomason..... of Kipling Mansions, Murray Avenue,..... London W9?
É George Francis Thomason, de Kipling Mansions, Murry Avenue, Londres W.9?
GEORGE : Hey. W-Where's he goin'?
Onde é que ele vai?
- Mr. - Folks around here call me "W" but you can call me King George. President?
Sr. presidente?
At that meeting were all of the Carlyle regulars James Baker, likely John Major, definitely George H.W. Bush though he left the morning of September 11 th.
Ao encontro, compareceram os elementos habituais, James Baker, provavelmente John Major e, sem dúvida, George HWBush, embora tenha partido na manhã de 11 de Setembro.
As unseemly as it seems to know that George H.W. Bush was meeting with the bin Laden family while Osama was a wanted terrorist, well before September 11 th it's very discomforting for Americans to know that.
Por muito improvável que pareça, saber que George HWBush se encontrava com a família Bin Laden, embora Osama fosse um terrorista procurado muito antes do 11 de Setembro, é uma ideia muito desconcertante para os americanos.
George H.W. Bush is a man who has, obviously, incredible reach into the White House.
George HW Bush tem uma influência incrível na Casa Branca.
And, I think, in a very real way they are benefiting from the confusion that arises when George H.W. Bush visits Saudi Arabia on behalf of Carlyle and meets with the royal family and meets with the bin Laden family.
E, de forma muito concreta, tiram partido da confusão que se gera, quando George HW Bush visita a Ará - bia Saudita, como enviado da Carlyle, e se encontra com a família real e com a família Bin Laden.
george washington 43
well 438053
wait 72755
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
whoa 32294
what do you mean 18295
where 9895
well 438053
wait 72755
what 176647
what are you doing 28810
what are you talking about 12491
what is it 20402
whoa 32294
what do you mean 18295
where 9895
what happened 16539
what's up 12096
why not 13238
what are you doing here 13243
where is he 5231
woohoo 41
welcome 4679
woah 286
welcome to hell 49
whatever 7954
what's up 12096
why not 13238
what are you doing here 13243
where is he 5231
woohoo 41
welcome 4679
woah 286
welcome to hell 49
whatever 7954
what are you doing right now 114
when 5291
what did you do today 56
wooo 24
what are you wearing 305
where are they 1692
what are they like 58
whoo 4964
what do you want 9254
who are you 9775
when 5291
what did you do today 56
wooo 24
what are you wearing 305
where are they 1692
what are they like 58
whoo 4964
what do you want 9254
who are you 9775