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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ I ] / I think i did

I think i did translate Portuguese

7,068 parallel translation
I think I did.
Penso que fui eu.
- I don't think we did. Okay. Ready?
- Acho que não conseguimos.
Did you honestly think I'd hurt my own grandson?
Achas mesmo que fazia mal ao meu próprio neto?
I used to think, "Why did I marry Don Cobain?"
Costumava pensar : "Porque casei com o Don Cobain?"
- What do I think? Did you hear my reaction when he asked me if I wanted to do one?
Ouviu a minha reacção quando ele me pediu uma?
Did you think when I said I was going to bury you in shit, I meant legal work?
Achas que te vou enterrar com processos jurídicos?
So you think my giving you this, and every other nice thing that I ever did for you, was just to keep you from finding out about Mike?
Achas que dar-te isto e todas as outras coisas que fiz por ti eram para impedir que descobrisses a verdade?
But I do think, if you had the chance to take back all those nice things you did in exchange for me never finding out about your little secret, you'd do it in a heartbeat.
Mas acho que se tivesses hipótese de retirar tudo o que fizeste em troca de eu nunca descobrir o segredo, não hesitavas.
If I have a second brain need, did you think I first think of you?
Que foi? Achas que és a minha primeira escolha quando preciso de outro cérebro?
George called me about the same time, I think, a-as Trey did.
O George ligou-me na mesma altura, acho eu, que o Trey o fez.
I don't think he did it.
Acho que não se suicidou.
I actually think this girl did it.
Penso que foi esta rapariga.
Although I don't think he ever did get around to obeying her.
Embora acho que ele nunca lhe tenha obedecido.
- You think about it, I did you a favor.
- - Se pensares bem, fiz-te um favor.
Mama deserves to suffer for what she did, but I don't think I can make it on my own.
A mamã merece sofrer por aquilo que fez, mas sozinha acho que não sou capaz de sobreviver.
I'm telling you, swearing to you, whatever you think I did, you have the wrong guy.
Estou a dizer, juro, o que quer que pense que fiz, sou o tipo errado.
I think you guys actually did that.
Acho que foram vocês que fizeram isso.
Who the fuck did you think I was?
Quem é que raio pensavas que eu era?
And you think, you want to get up and retaliate, but you also think, "I got 75 other people " who are all likely to tackle me if I did "... and then you got the sheer shock of it.
E pensamos que queremos levantar-nos e ripostar, mas também sabemos que estão ali 75 pessoas que provavelmente vão atacar-me se eu o fizer.
Not that I think you still love me, that you ever did.
Não por achar que ainda me ames. Mas por já me teres amado.
Come on. You didn't think I was gonna be stuck in Vice forever, did you?
Não pensaste que eu ficaria nos Costumes para sempre, pensaste?
Did you not think I saw thy sluttish looks to him, bewitching his eye as any whore?
Pensas que não vi os olhares que lhe lançavas, enfeitiçando-lhe os olhos como uma prostituta?
Did you really think I wouldn't find out You had been tracking me?
Pensaste que não ia descobrir que estiveste a rastrear-me?
I mean, what did you think was gonna happen?
Que achaste que ia acontecer?
Did a couple of talk shows. I think he even wrote a book?
- Acho que até escreveu um livro?
You didn't really think I'd stay banished for long, now, did you?
Não pensaste que eu ficaria banido por muito tempo, pois não?
Especially if she experienced that same, uh, Dorniya rebirth that you did, but I don't think she's in there.
Especialmente se ela passou pelo mesmo renascimento Dorniya que tu passaste, mas penso que ela não está ali.
I didn't think I needed to tell you everything I did.
Achei que não precisasse contar-te tudo o que faço.
I think it's time that we... did something about that.
Acho que está na hora de nós... fazermos alguma coisa a respeito disso.
I think I already did.
Acho que já encontrei.
And don't think I'd forgotten what you... What you did to me.
E não penses que me esqueci daquilo que tu... Daquilo que me fizeste.
I did not think it would be such an event.
Não achei que seria um evento tão importante.
When did you think that was okay? Good morning. I'm fine.
Estou bem, e tu?
Did you really think I'd trade my ship without taking a souvenir?
Tu achavas mesmo que eu ia trocar o meu navio sem ficar com uma lembrança?
Did you really think I'd trade my ship without taking a souvenir?
Achavas mesmo que trocaria o meu barco sem tirar uma lembrança?
Well, you didn't think I'd leave here with nothing, did you?
Não pensavas que tinha saído de lá de mãos a abanar, pois não?
Did you really think I'd let this happen?
Achaste que eu deixaria isto acontecer?
I don't think you ever did.
Acho que nunca o teve.
You didn't think I was going to allow you to dupe my father-in-law and lie to his heir, did you?
Não pensava que enganava o meu sogro e eu deixava-a enganar os seus herdeiros?
And I don't think you could've written what you did if there wasn't some small part of you that thought that way about us.
E não acho que tu poderias ter escrito aquilo, se uma parte de ti não se sentisse daquele maneira.
Why do you think I did that?
Porque é que achas que eu fiz isso?
The broken headlight, I did that, I think.
Eu parti o farol, eu fiz isso, acho eu.
I think I know what I did wrong.
Acho que sei onde errei.
Damn it, why did I ever think you were smart?
Porque é que eu alguma vez pensei que eras inteligente?
Anyways, I think we wiped them all out, just like the homo sapiens did to the Neanderthals.
Bem, acho que os destruímos, como o Homo Sapiens destruiu o Neandertal.
Yeah, I think we did.
Sim, acho que sim.
I don't think he did it.
Acho que não foi ele. Não acho ele tenha raptado a Tess.
[Archer] Who I think just did our job for us, because we are out of Axis powers.
Acho que fizeram o nosso trabalho, acabaram-se os poderes do Eixo.
I get it, she's 12. But, uh, I did not think that I would have a, um, a front-row seat to the, uh, prepubescent pillow talk.
Mas, pensei que não iria ter uma vista privilegiada para as conversas íntimas dela.
I don't think he did, mom.
- Não acho que o tenha feito, mãe.
As I live and breathe, I did not think you were gonna make it, dear brother.
Fiz uma aposta como não vinhas, querido irmão.

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