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Keep them up translate Portuguese

380 parallel translation
Come on, boys, walk in that door and keep them up.
Vamos, entrem e mantenham-nos juntos.
The gray coats! Keep them up.
Os sobretudos cinzentos!
Get the horses out of the corral and keep them up!
Tire os cavalos do curral e ponha-os a salvo!
They'll start the fire arrows again, keep them up all night.
Voltarão a lançar flechas em chamas, durante toda a noite.
It's hard to keep them up there, isn't it?
É difícil mantê-las lá em cima, não é?
He tries to keep them up high.
Gosta de as elevar.
Keep them up. Keep them up.
Puxem-nos, puxem-nos!
Keep them up!
E que fiquem no ar!
But we keep them up here where nobody can find them.
Mas guarda-mo-los aqui em cima onde ninguém os consegue encontrar.
Just keep them up there.
Não baixem as mãos.
Keep them up. Push them up.
No contact. - Now you keep them up there.
Mantém-nos lá em cima.
Use what you have sparingly, but keep them up there.
Usa o que tiveres, mas mantém-nos lá em cima.
All right, I said hands up. Keep them up!
Mãos ao alto!
Them topsails will carry away if we keep this up.
As velas vão rebentar se continuarmos assim.
Yes. If you keep up the fuss you're making... you'll have them right on our doorstep.
E se continuares com todo esse barulho... devem de chegar aqui rápidamente.
Buy up every minute of every radio station in the state and keep them spouting against Smith.
Compre os minutos todos nas estaçöes de rádio e faça com falem mal do Smith.
He Was Waiting to soften up his victims, keep them from uniting.
Ele aguardava para impingir mais sofrimento... às suas vítimas e mantê-las desunidas.
You must have some priceless possessions in that room if you keep them locked up.
Devem haver preciosidades de valor incalculável nesse quarto, se as mantém encerradas.
I can't keep up with them. With their moto-bicycles.
América por aqui, América por ali...
Everything's all right. If we can keep the steam up and the boiler don't bust and that mend holds. And we don't pile up on them rocks.
Sim, tudo certo se pudermos manter o vapor... e a caldeira não estourar aquele remendo... e não batermos nas pedras.
Keep up your bright swords for the dew'll rust them.
Guardai essas espadas, que o sereno vai causar-lhes ferrugem.
We'll keep them coming as long as this good hard cash holds up.
As entregas serão tantas quanto dinheiro vivo entregar, também.
The boys can keep track of them tonight, and we'll bring up the nets tomorrow.
Os rapazes segui-Ios-âo esta noite, e nós levaremos as redes amanhã.
Keep it up, and you'll be believing them the same as that no-good Indian.
Continue e vai acabar acreditando nelas como aquele índio inútil.
Now, you get back into them and keep them zipped up.
Portanto, calça-os de novo e mantém-nos apertados.
Our best chance is to keep them bottled up inside the town here.
Nossa melhor chance é mantê-los engarrafados dentro da cidade aqui.
That means we got to keep them bottled up.
Isso significa que temos que manter eles engarrafados.
Zosh I never keep them way up here.
Fui eu que as pus aí em cima.
I wanted them to keep this up.
Eu queria que eles continuassem com isso.
It was all I could do to keep from opening them up and looking at them.
Foi o que pude fazer para impedir que os abrisse e olhasse para eles.
- Yeah we go to keep alert, keep our circulation up, be ready for them.
Temos que nos manter quentes, para estarmos preparados.
Go up to the road and keep firing on them in case they try to come to the front, ja?
Sobe a estrada e mantém o fogo no caso de eles tentarem vir para a frente, sim?
The longer we keep these men on the trail, the harder it's going to be to handle them when we catch up with what we're after.
Quanto mais tempo perseguirmos estes homens, mais difícil será lidarmos com eles quando os apanharmos.
They sure don't keep them locked up.
É certo que aqui não os fecham à chave.
Keep them closed up there.
Mantenham-nos juntos.
Since the age of one, you know, she kept throwing her toys out of her crib so that I would have to keep stooping over to pick them up.
Desde um ano de idade! Sabia que ela jogava os brinquedos do berço, para eu ter de os apanhar?
- Keep them. They'll go up.
- Mantenha, subirão.
Keep up with them.
Now, I'm countin on the two of you to keep'em from gettin up to them mountains.
Estou a contar com vocês dois para os manterem lá e evitar que cheguem às montanhas.
But you have the key and keep them locked up?
Mas tem a chave e mantêm-nos fechados?
Tell them lies to keep up morale?
Mentiras, para manter o moral?
Keep them out of my way, or they're really gonna wind up sausages.
Mantem-los fora do meu caminho,... ou irão realmente acabar como salsichas.
I can keep them busy for a while, but it might be a good idea... to bring them here and give them a drink and sandwich to sweeten them up.
Mas acho boa ideia trazê-los até aqui e oferecer-lhes de beber e uma sanduíche, só para lhes fazer um agrado.
Move them up to the base of the hill and keep their heads down.
Movam-nos para o sopé do monte e mantenham-se escondidos.
Once this lovely lady starts to show this precious darling around, you won't be able to keep up with them.
Assim que esta linda menina começar a mostrar aquela fofura por aí, nem vai ter mãos a medir.
I mean, are we just gonna keep following them till we come up on them or what?
Ou seja, vamos... continuar a segui-los até os encontrarmos... ou quê?
Reilly, keep up with them.
Reilly, fique com eles.
I don't suppose there's any reason to keep them locked up, is there?
Então, suponho que já não haja motivo para os manter presos, não é?
- They're coming up the drive. - Keep them out!
Estão a subir a entrada.
The earth seems to keep breathing them up.
Parece que a terra não pára de produzí-las.

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