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Send him away translate Portuguese

180 parallel translation
- Send him away.
- Manda-o embora.
Send him away.
Mande-o embora.
Darling, please send him away and let love come into the house.
Querido, por favor, manda-o embora e deixa o amor entrar em casa.
Do you want to send him away?
Quer jogar?
Yet I asked my husband to send him away?
E ia pedir ao meu marido que o despedisse?
If you do not send him away there will be war.
Se você não o mandar embora... haverá guerra.
Shall I send him away?
Devo mandá-lo embora?
Send him away!
Mande-o embora!
Did you send him away?
Pode dizer-me onde ele foi?
Please send him away.
Mande-o embora.
- I'm sick of this If you can't handle him, let's send him away to boarding school so I can have some peace for a change
Se não sabes lidar com ele, manda-o para um colégio interno... para que eu possa ter um pouco de paz!
Oh, William, don't let them send him away!
Oh, William, não deixes que o levem!
- Don't let them send him away!
- Não deixem que o levem!
They won't send him away.
Não vão levá-lo.
- Don't send him away, Hud.
- Não o mandes embora, Hud.
You can't send him away unarmed.
Nesse caso, ouviremos os tiros.
You must send him away from Petersburg.
Mande-o embora de Petersburgo.
Lahuna, send him away!
Lahuna, manda-os ir embora!
Do you want me to send him away?
Quer que o mande embora?
A guy should be stopping by later, a friend but if you stay, I'll send him away.
Mais tarde passa aqui um tipo, um amigo... - mas se ficas, mando-o embora. - Não, Mónica, não posso.
When he came to me today, he was so violent that I said I would come to you and have you send him away.
Hoje foi tão agressivo comigo que lhe disse que te contaria e seria expulso.
I send him away for studying, and this jerk falls in love!
Eu mandei-o para estudar, e este idiota se apaixona!
Killing us is a way to send him away, and I should have been sacrificed to him as well.
Para o afastar têm que nos matar. Eu ia ser sacrificada a ele de madrugada.
Send him away.
Livre-nos disto. E nada de maroscas.
And so if this Knight come around again... you're gonna send him away and you're gonna call me, right?
E se esse Knight voltar outra vez manda-o embora e vens chamar-me, certo?
I could not send him away even for that. So I sent Arthur away instead.
Nem por essa razão o conseguia mandar embora, por isso mandei o Arthur embora.
They're going to send him away.
Creio que me vão tirar o menino.
Send him away?
Vão tirar-lhe o menino?
We just want to send him away.
Só queremos mandá-lo embora.
If I send him away now, it's gonna take Jerry months to get him back.
Se eu o mandar embora, o Jerry só conseguirá chamá-lo daqui a meses.
If there are spots, cuts, or a drop comes out give a long ring, and we'll send him away.
Se vires alguma mancha, corte, ou se sair algum corrimento, "rien à faire". Dá um toque longo e nós mandamo-lo embora.
Send him away at once.
Mande-o embora.
- Send him away!
- Mandem-no embora!
- An excuse to send him away.
- Uma desculpa para o afastar.
Well, you'd have to send him away.
- Bom, tem de o mandar embora uns dias.
Send him away!
Manda-o embora!
Send him a telegram right away.
Mande-lhe já um telegrama.
Let me take the old general away with me and I'll send him back to you in the morning.
Vou levar o velho general comigo... e o enviarei para você de manhã.
That fairy tale you invented to send Ilsa away with him.
E aquele conto de fadas que inventou para mandar a lisa com ele.
Send him away and we will speak of peace.
Mande-o embora e falaremos de Paz.
Don't send him away like that.
- Não, espere um momento.
Well, we got a telegram from the music publisher and he wants us to put the song on a record and send it to him right away.
Então faz um disco com ela. Não, eu quero que tu o graves.
- All right, we'll send him by Jeep right away.
- Mandamo-lo já de jipe.
I'll send Zeebo out right away to pick him up.
Vou já mandar o Zeebo para o vir buscar.
- Send him away.
Manda-o embora.
That's how I got him to send Aurora away.
É como eu fiz ele mandar Aurora embora.
Sheryl said her mom had found out she'd been sneaking out to see him, and she was going to send Sheryl away.
A Sheryl disse que a mãe dela descobrira que ela saía às escondidas para o ver e que ia mandar a Sheryl para longe.
I'll send him there right away.
Vou mandá-lo já para lá.
Send him right away to Birch Ridge, South Dakota.
Envie-o para Birch Ridge, em South Dakota.
No, I am not going to send him out till I see you tell them to put their guns away!
Não vou buscá-Io até que os mande baixar as armas!
We could, of course, try to save him but it would be costly, difficult, and we'd have to send away for some special, really tiny instruments.
Podíamos tentar salvá-lo, mas seria dispendioso, difícil, e teríamos de mandar pedir instrumentos minúsculos.

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