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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ S ] / Somethíng

Somethíng translate Portuguese

4 parallel translation
You know somethíng?
- Quer saber?
When there's somethíng you need, grab it. Take it away from the other guy.
Se quer alguma coisa, agarre-a.
- You know that other party... ...who saíd he saw somethíng that we know dídn't happen?
- Sabes aquela pessoa que disse ter visto algo que nós sabemos não aconteceu?
Well, ít's a long shot, but I thought maybe... íf somethíng happened to Eleanor whíle she was workíng here at the Mayflower... maybe the security cameras caught something.
Bem é um tiro no escuro, mas eu pensei... que se alguma coisa aconteceu à Eleanor aqui na Mayflower... talvez as câmaras de segurança tenham captado algo.

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