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The hell was that translate Portuguese

2,612 parallel translation
What the hell was that?
O que foi aquilo?
What the hell was that?
Que raio foi aquilo?
What the hell was that?
O que foi isto?
Now! Run! - What the hell was that?
- Que é que foi aquilo?
Ah... what the hell was that?
- Que diabos foi aquilo?
What the hell was that?
Que diabos foi isso?
What the hell was that?
O que isso quer dizer?
What the hell was that about?
- Sobre o que foi isto?
What the hell was that?
Que raios era aquilo?
What the hell was that?
- Que raios era aquilo?
What the hell was that all about?
Que diabo foi aquilo tudo?
I don't want to look back and think, "Who the hell was that?" Oh, okay.
Não quero olhar para trás e pensar : "Quem raio era aquele?" Está bem.
What the hell was that?
Que diabos foi aquilo?
What the hell was that?
O que raio foi isto?
- Jesus. - What the hell was that?
O que foi isto?
What the hell was that?
O que diabos foi isso?
- What the hell was that?
- O que foi isto?
What the hell was that?
Que diabos foi isto?
[DOOR SLAMS] What the hell was that all about?
Que diabo foi isso?
Okay, what the hell was that? !
O que diabos foi aquilo?
What the hell was that?
Que diabos foi isto? Temos que voltar.
What the hell was that?
Que raios foi isto?
What the hell was that? !
O que raio foi aquilo?
- What the hell was that.
- Que raio foi isso?
Because what the hell was that? !
Porque o que raio foi aquilo?
What the hell was that?
Que raios foi isso?
What the hell was that today?
Mas que raio foi aquilo hoje?
What the hell was that?
O que foi isso? Pensei que ninguém soubesse de nós.
What the hell was that?
Que diabos foi isso? Não sei.
What the hell was that?
Que merda foi esta?
What the hell was that all about?
O que raio foi aquilo?
What the hell was that?
- O que raio foi isso?
- What the hell was that?
- O que raio foi aquilo?
The hell was that?
O que foi isso?
Then what the hell was he doing in that house?
Então, que diabos fazia ele naquela casa?
What the hell was that?
O que raio foi aquilo?
I didn't know where the hell he was getting that from. Now I do.
Não sabia onde diabos ele queria chegar com isso.
Previously on Teen Wolf. - What the hell was that?
- Que raio era isto?
I'm sorry if I made a bad impression on Mike Cruz during his Jerry Maguire moment or whatever the hell that was.
Lamento se causei uma má impressão ao Mike Cruz durante o momento Jerry Maguire, ou o que quer que aquilo tenha sido.
Okay? I wanted something that was as fast as hell, seated six people, and had a trunk the size of an SUV's.
Eu queria um carro rapidíssimo, que levasse seis pessoas e tivesse uma bagageira do tamanho da de um SUV.
What the hell made you think that was a good idea?
O que te levou a pensar que era boa ideia?
What the hell was on that recording?
O que havia nessas gravações?
Other than fear, rage, and shame, my constant companion was the abiding fantasy that someday, somehow, my mother would do what she needed to do to rescue me from the hell I was in.
Para além do medo, fúria e vergonha, foi a companhia constante da fantasia que um dia, de qualquer forma, a minha mãe iria tirar-me do inferno em que vivia.
What the hell was that all about?
Listen, whoever the hell you are, I don't have a declaration of war and I see no reason for this order to come through a secondary channel, which we all know was designed only to be used in the event that D.C. command was wiped out.
Ouça, quem quer que seja, não tenho uma declaração de guerra e não vejo razão para essa ordem passar por uma rede secundária, que sabemos, foi feita para ser usada apenas quando o comando de Washington fosse tomado.
What the hell was that?
O que diabos foi isto?
- What the hell was that?
- Que raio foi aquilo?
But, hell, I figured that was just the deal you and Lobell made with her.
Mas infernos, pensei que fosse o acordo que tu e o Lobell fizeram.
If it's about the rent, he can wait till hell freezes over, because that place was not fit for pigs.
Dos antigos. - O processo diz que foi drogada.
What the hell was that thing?
Que raios era aquela coisa?
You have any idea what the hell that was about?
Tem alguma ideia do que diabo foi aquilo? Não.

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