The lawyers translate Portuguese
1,499 parallel translation
Anyway, that 99.9 % conviction rate is convenient for the lawyers too.
A taxa de 99.9 % de condenações também é conveniente para os advogados.
"You can take all the facts of a case... " figure in all the lawyers, extenuating circumstances... and still people forget in the end it all really comes down to thejudge. "
"Podemos pegar em todos os factos, arranjar todos os advogados, circunstâncias atenuantes, mas todos se esquecem que, no fim, a decisão cabe ao juiz."
Your father's talking to the lawyers, and hopefully, you'll be free and clear.
O pai está a falar com os advogados e deves safar-te sem acusações.
Kill all the lawyers.
Mata todos os advogados.
After everything went public, the lawyers came out to play.
Quando o caso se tornou público, os advogados entraram em cena.
How about the lawyers leave?
Que tal os advogados saírem?
: 00 Tuesday. Now I would like to issue a stern warning to everybody - the lawyers, the press.
Quero fazer um forte aviso a toda a gente : advogados e imprensa.
Let's call the lawyers.
Vamos chamar os advogados.
Remember the lawyers? The arguments?
Lembras-te dos advogados, das discussões?
And if it isn't... the lawyers representing whoever did this are certainly going to try to persuade the judge or the jury otherwise.
E se não estiver os advogados que representam quem quer que tenha feito isto vão de certeza tentar convencer o juíz ou o jurí do contrário.
The lawyers drew it up.I was gonna talk to you about it.
Os advogados redigiram-no. Ia falar contigo sobre ele.
Maybe, if you do know something, you should come down and speak to the lawyers with me.
Se sabes alguma coisa, talvez devesses ir comigo falar com os advogados.
But most of the lawyers are happy to do it, by the way.
Não. Mas a maioria dos advogados o faz alegremente, a propósito.
The lawyers will meet me there along with someone from the district attorney's office.
Os advogados vão lá ter comigo. Com alguém do gabinete do promotor.
We'll pick him up tomorrow and I'll get the lawyers involved.
Vamos buscá-lo amanhã e chamamos os advogados.
Is that how the lawyers treat each other here? - Certainly not.
- Claro que não.
And I get many inappropriate prurient letters from people on the outside as well. Sometimes doctors, lawyers.
E recebo muitas cartas lascivas e inconvenientes também de gente cá fora, às vezes médicos, advogados...
I've received three in the last day from one of my own lawyers.
Só ontem, recebi três de um dos meus próprios advogados.
I will have our lawyers continue to work on it, but for the time being, I'm suspending the arrest order.
Vou manter os nossos advogados a trabalhar nisso, mas por agora, estou a suspender a ordem de prisão.
We're starting a high profile crime unit in the DA's office to nail rich folk with fancy lawyers like you.
Parece que 3.000 dólares por noite compram muita privacidade. Que tal o jogo de póker? A Madeline vêm aí para tentar identificar os jogadores.
You know Nick, we got jokes for doctors and lawyers and even trash collectors. But the framing and drywalling guy... Not in our arsenal of snatty come-backs!
Sabes Nick, temos piadas para médicos, advogados e até homens do lixo, mas para o homem do "enchimento e isolamento"... não temos nada no nosso arsenal de piadas estúpidas.
Her lawyers might. You're not doing the surgery.
Os advogados dela podem notar.
I'm gonna be stuck, a single mother raising a child alone, haggling with lawyers on who gets the kid at Christmas.
Vou ficar presa. Uma mãe solteira a criar uma filha, sozinha, regateando com os advogados, quem fica com a criança no Natal.
We get indications from their lawyers that they will plead the fifth to all charges, which leaves me with a whole slew of loose ends.
Os advogados dizem que vão invocar a Quinta Emenda quanto às acusações, o que me deixa com muitas pontas soltas.
Once you reemburce me for room and board and for a non-refundable year of rabbinical school and for the time I bailed you out when you got busted, not to mention lawyers fees, then you'll be compensated, yeah.
Quando me reembolsares pela casa e pela comida... E por um ano de escola rabinical... E pela vez que paguei a tua fiança quando foste preso, sem contar com o advogado...
Sofia just spent the last two hours with the sheriff, the head of the olympia casino, and a couple of dozen lawyers.
A Sofia esteve duas horas com o xerife, com o patrão do casino Olympia e com umas duas dúzias de advogados.
New lawyers, the juiciest murder case in town - a dead judge.
Gente nova e o processo de homicídio mais quente da cidade, a morte da juíza.
Hit the new boyfriend. Daughter-in-law realized what he was doing there lawyers got involved, grandparents lost their chance. Repeatedly.
- Bateu no novo namorado.
Now, we can start talking about this or we can call in the lawyers.
Podemos começar a falar disto ou podemos chamar os advogados.
We're starting a unit in the DA's office to nail rich folks with fancy lawyers.
Vamos criar uma unidade para caçar tipos com advogados como tu.
We're starting a unit in the DA's office to nail folks with lawyers like you.
Vamos criar uma equipa para caçar tipos com advogados como tu.
We can't risk the university's lawyers tying us up.
Arriscamos que os advogados da universidade nos empatem.
Knowing Ames'lawyers, they've already called the press.
De certeza que os advogados do Ames já avisaram a imprensa.
Look, I just wanna hear it from you without the filters of lawyers or judges, anybody.
Só quero ouvir da sua boca sem advogados, juízes.
Yeah, divorce lawyers usually know the ins and outs of drug enforcement.
Sim, os advogados de família costumam perceber de narcóticos.
... The remaining eight Commissioners were all former D.C. insiders and lawyers, evenly split between Republicans and Democrats
Os restantes 8 representantes foram todos ex-advogados com ligações a Washington, repartidos por republicanos e democratas.
Just a theory. But my bet is his lawyers convinced him to drop the pedophile tag... to better set you up as a red herring as my wife's killer.
Aposto que os advogados o convenceram a chamar-lhe pedófilo, para você se encaixar no perfil de assassino dela.
The Pew Research Center says the two most reviled professions in America are in this order, lawyers and doctors.
Os Estudos de Opinião dizem que as 2 profissões mais odiadas na América são por esta ordem, advogados e médicos.
No! I pride myself on the accuracy of my forensics, and lawyers... lawyers are questioning it!
Orgulho-me da exactidão de meu laboratório e advogados... os advogados questionam isto!
Let Scoletti's lawyers do the talking, dummy.
Deixe a conversa para os advogados do Scoletti, idiota.
Yeah, but rich lawyers took the bus.
Pois, um grupo de advogados ricos apanhou o autocarro.
But there are better lawyers than Nick George, who would do a lot more for us for a lot less money and who wouldn't bring this massive attitude of entitlement to the table.
Há melhores advogados que fariam mais por nós, por menos dinheiro e que não se achariam cheios de direitos.
Tripp, certainly there are better equipped lawyers than me - to deal with the family affairs.
Tripp, deve haver advogados mais bem preparados para assuntos de família.
Are you the Hundin lawyers?
Você é o advogado do Hundin?
We're friends of the Hundin lawyers.
Nós somos amigos do advogado do Senhor Hundin.
And none of this is borne out in the research or when you look at people who are long-term users. And there happen to be lawyers, judges, doctors, and, you know, writers.
E nada disso foi confirmado pelas pesquisas, ou quando vemos pessoas que são usuárias antigas, e são advogados, juízes, médicos e escritores.
Judges, lawyers, prosecutors, defense lawyers, prison guards. There's all of those people in the criminal-justice industry. Are their interests being protected?
Juízes, advogados, promotores, defensores, guardas de prisão, toda essa gente na indústria da justiça criminal protegem seus interesses?
If their lawyers can hog-tie the EPA for years, someone's got to go around them.
Se os advogados podem enrolar a APA durante anos, alguém tem que os contornar.
Anexxo's lawyers have the muscle to make a case like this stick. Come on, Meghan.
e os advogados de ANEXXO têm músculos para pôr este caso como prioritário.
Do the whole family, because I don't want to deal with lawyers or inheritance.
Mate a família toda, porque eu mão quero lidar com advogados ou heranças.
Lawyers, vampires and werewolves - they all run in the same circles.
Os advogados, vampiros e lobisomens andam todos nos mesmos caminhos.
lawyers 132
the lord is my shepherd 76
the little mermaid 17
the lights are on 28
the lord be with you 29
the lights went out 23
the line 46
the last few days 25
the lord works in mysterious ways 23
the leg 22
the lord is my shepherd 76
the little mermaid 17
the lights are on 28
the lord be with you 29
the lights went out 23
the line 46
the last few days 25
the lord works in mysterious ways 23
the leg 22
the last one 115
the liar 16
the legend 36
the love of my life 42
the last time you were here 18
the last 153
the lord is with thee 72
the longer we wait 44
the last i heard 37
the letter 112
the liar 16
the legend 36
the love of my life 42
the last time you were here 18
the last 153
the lord is with thee 72
the longer we wait 44
the last i heard 37
the letter 112
the last time i saw you 99
the last time 101
the lights 112
the left 71
the light 187
the last time i checked 40
the leader 45
the law 124
the ladder 16
the lawyer 96
the last time 101
the lights 112
the left 71
the light 187
the last time i checked 40
the leader 45
the law 124
the ladder 16
the lawyer 96