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There was a fight translate Portuguese

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I called on Cheyenne for help. He came, there was a fight.
Chamei o Cheyenne para que me ajudasse.
There was a fight And somebody took some scissors, and they stabbed this man in the back I though you said you couldn't see everything?
Ontem à noite fui para a escada de incêndio e subi para a de cima porque estava mais fresco.
- There was a fight.
- Houve uma briga.
If there was a fight at the Garden, he wouldn't show up.
Se houvesse um combate no Madison Square Garden, ele não aparecia.
And there was a fight... and finally we got them outside in the street... and we beat them up... and turned them over to the police.
Houve uma luta... e finalmente conseguimos expulsá-los... batemos neles... e entregámo-los à polícia.
There was a fight.
Houve uma luta.
What little snoop told you there was a fight in here? - Was she perhaps blonde?
Quem foi a abelhuda que lhe falou na discussão?
He tells me there was a fight.
- Dizem que houve muitos tiros...
There was a fight.
E começaram a brigar.
Today at a bar, there was a fight.
Hoje houve uma briga num bar.
This is were the trail ends. There was a fight here.
As marcas param aqui, esta areia remexida prova que houve luta.
Then there was a fight.
Depois, houve uma luta.
There was a fight, undoubtedly, and the young person Oglander punched in the face of the Reedburn.
Houve uma briga, sem dúvida, e o jovem Oglander deu um murro na cara do Reedburn.
- BJ said there was a fight. See it?
Não vais acreditar quem está cá.
There was a fight, he was killed.
Houve uma luta, ele morreu.
Looks like there was a fight.
Parece que houve uma luta.
There was a fight.
Havia uma briga.
I remember there was a fight scene.
Lembro-me perfeitamente que tinha uma cena de luta.
There was a new slogan - "Now we mean it, fight on to victory".
Havia um slogan novo : "Agora é a sério. Lutar para vencer."
She knew then that there was nothing to do but fight back with all available means.
Ela soube então que não havia mais nada a fazer que lutar com todos os meios ao seu alcance.
But there was a restlessness in you I couldn't fight any longer.
Mas havia uma inquietude em ti que nao consegui combater mais.
There was a huge fight.
Foi uma grande luta.
It wasn't like I was sleepin', more like dozing'kinda'. I'd have heard a fight if there was one.
Não dormia profundamente, teria reparado se estivessem a discutir.
If there was a battle to be fought, Douglas was going to fight it.
Se havia uma batalha a ser travada, Douglas estava a caminho da luta.
If there was a marriage to fight for, I'd stay here the rest of my life, but there isn't.
Se houvesse um casamento porque deva lutar, eu lutava... mas não há.
I don't believe there ever was a fight in this room.
Não acredito sequer, que tenha havido uma luta nesta sala.
You and I served together for six years, and I know there's no better soldier in a fight. And I thought there was no better man.
Você e eu servimos juntos há seis anos... e sei que não há melhor soldado numa luta.
There'd been a fight, and I was drunk.
Tinha havido uma briga e eu estava bêbado.
Apparently, sir, a bloke was telling me if you're in the army and there's a war, you have to go and fight.
Um tipo disse-me que, segundo parece, quem está no Exército, em caso de guerra, tem de combater.
But there was land here for the taking and keeping... if you were willing to fight.
Mas havia terras aqui para conquistar... se estivéssemos dispostos a lutar.
Well, there's a chance... a pretty good chance that if the fight was with Sir Roger... No.
É possível, bastante possível, se a luta foi com Sir Roger...
There was a big fight.
Houve uma grande luta.
Well, I remember this night with my dad driving over there to the Shoebridge's all alone, and then getting in a big fight with Ma, because he'd come home at 4 : 00 a.m., and he wouldn't tell her what he was doing or something.
Lembro-me duma noite em que o meu pai foi sozinho a casa dos Shoebridge e discutiu com a minha mãe, porque só voltara às 4 da manhã, mas não lhe quis dizer o que estivera a fazer.
There was a determination about him, like he was going to fight.
Estava muito decidido. Como se fosse lutar.
You know, that was one hell of a fight you put up over there.
Proporcionaste-nos ali uma luta e peras.
But there was one man who taught us to fight.
Mas havia um homem que nos ensinou a lutar.
Well for years now I have taken the attitude that there was only one struggle on this planet worth a damn the fight against world communism.
Bem, há quatro anos tomei a decisão... que só havia uma luta neste planeta que valia algo. A luta contra o mundo comunista.
When I was in Leavenworth there was a bunch of Mennonites, mainly because they wouldn't fight in the war, it's against their religion.
Quando estava em Leavenworth, havia um grupo de Menonitas Eles não queriam a guerra, porque a sua religião não a permitia.
There was no real fight.
Foi tudo a fingir ;
- Was there a fight?
- Houve uma briga?
Was there a cat fight? Oh please, tell me there was a cat fight.
Por favor, diz-me que houve uma luta de gatas.
There was a big cat fight.
Elas foram muito, muito perversas.
There was a big fight, you see, and there was a lot of damage in my shop, and... are these the men who started the trouble or not?
Foram estes os homens que causaram os problemas ou não? - Sim! - O quê?
There was a hand-to-hand fight in the corridor.
Houve luta corpo a corpo no corredor.
I was concerned that there might be a fight upon arrival.
Eu estava preocupado com o facto de poder haver uma luta.
Finally. There was no reason for a fight.
Então agora temos de ter certeza de que o bebé não o fará.
I was the one chosen to fight Callisto because if there's anyone mightier than Xena it's Joxer, the Magnificent.
Eu fui o escolhido para combater a Callisto porque se houver alguém mais poderoso que a Xena, é o Joxer o Magnífico.
I didn't think I was going to get out of there without a fight.
Não pensei que fosse sair de lá sem luta.
While you were looking out for him, there was a gun fight... some grand larceny, a little extortion... and the transportation of a minor across state lines.
- Tivemos luta armada, roubo... E também extorsão, transporte de um menor através da fronteira.
- There was obviously a fight.
O que quer que tenha acontecido houve claramente uma luta.
He said there was something about a fight.
Ele disse algo sobre uma luta.

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