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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ T ] / There was something

There was something translate Portuguese

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But there was something, a really deep hurt amongst some of the art historians which was to do with intrusion of amateurs and crass rationaIists into the preserves of art history.
Mas houve uma profunda mágoa entre certos historiadores de arte, que teve a ver com a intromissão de amadores e racionalistas simplórios nos anais da história da arte.
Tim knew there was something he was missing.
Tim sabia que algo estaria a escapar-lhe.
I had a feeling there was something wrong all summer, and I ignored it, but I was right. Stefan was in a safe.
Tive um pressentimento de que algo estava mal o Verão inteiro e ignorei-o, mas tinha razão, o Stefan estava num cofre.
You made me think there was something wrong with me because I sensed the truth.
Fizeste-me pensar que havia alguma coisa errada comigo, porque eu sentia a verdade.
Well, I wish there was something I could do to help.
Eu queria poder ajudar com algo.
Oh, I just wish there was something I could do to help.
Gostava que pudesse fazer alguma coisa para ajudar.
And my gut said there was something in her e-mail I had to find.
O meu instinto disse que havia uma coisa no e-mail que tinha de encontrar.
There was something else.
- Não. Houve mais alguma coisa.
I wish there was something we could do for him.
Queria poder fazer alguma coisa por ele...
Sir, I'm telling you there was something in that cell with him.
Senhor, estou a dizer que havia alguma coisa na cela com ele.
Oh, there was something else.
Havia algo mais.
What if there was something- -
E se houvesse alguma coisa -
There was something about insurance.
Algo relacionado com o seguro.
There was something...
Havia qualquer coisa nela.
No, but there was something on the flash drive.
- Não. Mas estavam umas coisas na pendrive.
You're saying there was something going on with Charlie.
Está a dizer que havia algo com o Charlie?
But, for Meyerbeer, there was something much more menacing than a dinner invitation that never came.
Mas, para Meyerbeer, havia algo muito mais ameaçador Do que um convite para jantar que nunca veio.
I knew there was something bigger coming.
- eu sabia que havia algo mais. - Podemos pelo menos confirmar?
He was alone at the office, she was the last one to see him, she can't explain where she was after that and I have a feeling there was something really bad going on between them.
- Ele estava sozinho no escritório, ela foi a última a vê-lo, não consegue explicar onde esteve depois disso, e eu tenho a sensação de que algo de mau se passava entre eles.
That you would be in the restaurant in Pennsylvania Station and that there was something you thought I'd want to know.
Que estarias no restaurante em Pennsylvania Station e havia uma coisa que achavas que eu devia saber.
But there was something.
Mas havia qualquer coisa.
I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.
Gostava que houvesse algo que eu pudesse fazer para te sentires melhor.
My... my mom made it sound like there was something bad between them.
A minha mãe deu a entender que havia algo de mau entre eles.
There was something about this place that always creeped me out.
Havia alguma coisa neste lugar que sempre me assustou.
Even as a kid, there was something about that basement that creeped me out.
Mesmo em miúda havia algo na cave que me assustava.
We knew there was something weird with them.
Sabíamos que havia algo estranho com eles.
There was something weird about the girl's dad. I knew we should have said something.
Sabia que devíamos ter dito alguma coisa.
I wish there was something I could do.
Queria que houvesse alguma coisa que eu pudesse fazer.
Who said there was something weird going on with Liv and her dad?
Quem disse que havia uma coisa estranha com a Liv e o pai?
In the end, there was something I wanted more.
No fim, havia algo que eu queria mais.
Look, I know you're keen to go back to the station, but before you do, there was something I wanted to give you.
Sei que queres voltar para a esquadra, mas antes de ires, há uma coisa que eu quero entregar-te.
It was like there was something inside me.
Era como se houvesse algo dentro de mim.
We can x-ray it and see that there's something else underneath, so maybe this was just a throwaway experiment.
Podemos radiografá-lo e ver que tem algo por baixo. Talvez tenha sido apenas uma experiência de teste.
And there's really no logical explanation for that unless he was using something like this.
E não há explicação lógica para isso. A não ser que ele tenha usado um aparelho deste género.
When I woke up in the morning and he wasn't there, I knew something was wrong.
Quando acordei de manhã e ele não estava lá, sabia que tinha alguma coisa errado.
[Clears throat] There was... Kind of, sort of something between Ed and I years ago before I was even married.
Aconteceu uma coisa entre mim e o Ed, há uns anos atrás, antes de eu casar.
Tell me something, if I told you there was a darkness inside of me, what would you say?
Diz-me uma coisa, se disse-se que existe algo negro dentro de mim, o que dirias?
No, was there something else?
Não, havia mais alguma coisa?
I wish that there was something.
Gostava que houvesse alguma coisa...
He was locked in a cell less than five minutes, yet somehow, someone, something got in there and snapped his head backwards like a PEZ dispenser.
Ele estava trancado na cela havia menos de 5 minutos, e de alguma maneira, algo ou alguém entrou e dobrou o pescoço dele como uma mola.
Was there something else?
Mais alguma coisa?
So... unless there's something else I can do for you, like receive your thanks for dragging you out of the gutter when the only public office available to you was substitute teacher, then I'm gonna have to cut this meeting short.
A menos que haja alguma coisa que possa fazer por si, como receber os agradecimentos por o ter tirado da sarjeta quando o único cargo público que tinha para si era de professor substituto, vou ter de encerrar a reunião.
You think something was decomposing down there.
Acha que alguma coisa estava em decomposição debaixo dela.
There was the sorry figure at the centre of it all, and then he did something, maybe for the first time in his life, that broke the rules.
Foi quebrado sobre o joelho do oficial. Havia a figura triste no centro de tudo, E então ele fez alguma coisa, talvez pela primeira vez em sua vida,
There must have been something in it, because next thing I knew, I woke up and... Derek was on top of me.
Devia ter posto alguma coisa nela porque a... próxima coisa que sei, eu acordei e... o Derek estava em cima de mim.
There must have been something in the road. There was nothing in the road.
- Devia haver alguma coisa na estrada.
I mean, listen. The motorman blew the long and the short, and I knew something was up, but by the time I ran out there, it was... it was too late.
Ouve, quando o maquinista deu o sinal sabia que havia alguma coisa, mas quando cheguei lá
Crane, there was something back there.
Crane, havia alguma coisa lá atrás.
There's nobody that was here before me. That means something.
O ciúme do marido está a atormentá-la.
How could I bring something good into a world, where there was always something bad out there?
Como poderia trazer algo de bom a um mundo que terá sempre algo de mau?
But the, yeah, there was, something wasn't right.
Havia alguma coisa que não estava bem.

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