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There was a time translate Portuguese

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There was a time... when you would've told me everything.
Houve uma época... onde me contavas tudo.
You know, sweetie, there was a time when I would've killed for that information, but I'm pleased to announce I've already bought your mother a present.
Sabes, querida, já houve alturas em que eu mataria por essa informação, mas tenho o prazer de anunciar que já comprei um presente para a tua mãe.
Because there was a time when you thought i murdered Alison.
Porque já houve tempos em que pensaste que eu tinha matado a Alison.
There was a time she was worried that wouldn't happen.
Houve uma altura em que temeu que isso não acontecesse.
There was a time when I was everything to you.
Houve uma fase em que eu era tudo para ti.
I mean, there was a time... it was a long time ago...
Quer dizer, há algum tempo, há muito tempo atrás...
There was a time when the words of a vates were considered a gift.
Houve um tempo, em que as palavras dos Vates eram consideradas dádivas.
There was a time when I delved into the darkness of the flesh-hunt.
Houve um tempo, quando mergulhei, na escuridão, da caça à carne.
There was a time I used to love to run through the woods.
Houve um tempo que adoravas correr na floresta.
There was a time in Greece when private debts were nationalised but today there is an effort to privatize the profit that the citizens could enjoy through public services.
Na Grécia, houve uma altura em que as dívidas privadas foram nacionalizadas mas hoje o que se está a fazer é privatizar as vantagens de que os cidadãos poderiam usufruir através dos serviços públicos.
There was a time when nothing was too bad for me as far as you were concerned.
Houve uma altura em que achava que nada era demasiado mau para mim.
There was a time when we solved Fringe cases.
Houve uma época em que resolvíamos casos Fringe.
You know, there was a time in my life when all I thought about was traveling the country with a camera, photographing trains.
Houve uma altura, na minha vida, em que só pensava em percorrer o país com uma câmara para fotografar comboios.
That's still true today. There was a time that place was no bigger than my own.
Vai começar a conversa mal-humorado, mas bastarão cinco minutos para encantá-lo!
There was a time when birds flew freely.
Houve um tempo em que as aves voavam livremente.
You know, there was a time...
Sabe, houve um tempo...
I mean, there was a time I couldn't give this stuff away.
Houve uma altura em que nem conseguia dá-lo.
The last time you poked around down there was after I was raped.
A última vez que mexeu aí, foi após a minha estupro.
Witnesses said that a woman with blonde hair, early 40s, was waiting on a bench for an hour around the same time Karen took her kid there. ROSSl : PRENTISS :
Testemunhas dizem, que uma mulher loura com quarenta e poucos anos, esteve sentada num banco durante uma hora, mais ou menos, na mesma altura em que a Karen levou lá a criança.
We finished the American tour, and we came home, and there was, kind of, some time off.
Nós terminamos a tournée Americana e voltamos para casa, e então houve, tipo, uma pausa.
A long time ago, there was a cold-blooded assassin.
Há muito muito tempo, havia um assassino a sangue-frio.
It's hard to believe there was ever a time when we just said, "stop doing that."
Até custa a acreditar que em tempos se dizia apenas "Pára com isso".
- There was this one time at camp, and it was a few strokes up and down, but we were in the woods and it was kind of spooky, so...
Houve aquela vez no acampamento, eu usava o polegar e o indicador, mas estávamos no bosque e foi assustador, então...
The last time we spoke, there was a lot of talk about peeling each other off the walls.
Da última vez que falámos houve muita conversa sobre rasparmo-nos da parede.
Well, there was that one time. In your little crap village where you shot my best friend with a crossbow?
Sabes, aquela situação na porcaria da tua aldeia quando tu mataste o meu melhor amigo com uma besta?
Real rough and tough and dangerous and Criminally involved but I heard at the same time, There was somebody there that had control of the neighborhoods
Verdadeiramente duro, difícil, perigoso e envolvido em crime, mas, ao mesmo tempo, ouvi dizer que existia ali alguém que controlava os bairros e que fazia coisas pela comunidade e ele foi extraditado para a América,
One time, another guy was there interviewing somebody, but I haven't seen him in a week or so.
Uma vez, um outro tipo estava ali a entrevistar alguém mas já não o vejo há uma semana ou mais.
Searches of her home and business didn't turn up anything and security cameras at her apartment confirm she was there at the time of each murder just like she said she was.
As buscas a sua casa e negócio não deram resultados e as câmaras de vigilância do apartamento dela confirmam que se encontrava lá à hora de cada homicídio. Entra em casa, ambas as noites, antes das 19h, e só sai na manhã seguinte. Tal como nos tinha dito.
Oh... oh, yeah, and then there was the time when Leonard and I took Howard to Las Vegas and paid a hooker to pretend she was Jewish and that she wanted his little kosher pickle.
Oh, pois foi, e depois houve uma vez em que eu e o Leonard levámos o Howard a Las Vegas e pagámos a uma prostituta para fazer de conta que era judia, e que queria o seu pequeno pickle.
She was in their production of "The Merry Wives of Windsor" 16 years ago, which was the only other time that play was produced there.
Actuou no "The Merry Wivesof Windsor" há 16 anos, e essa foi a última vez que a peça foi produzida ali.
There's a price, and for a time, that was fine.
Tive de pagar um preço. E por um tempo, estava tudo bem.
There was a lot of hypocrisy spinning around inside my own mind at the time.
Na altura, havia muita hipocrisia às voltas na minha cabeça.
There was the big fire cross burning, these rather hateful people in these ridiculous kind of outfits, smoking huge cigars and basically saying, "Welcome," but, you know, at the same time intimidating us.
Havia uma cruz enorme a arder. Estas pessoas odiosas nestes uniformes ridículos a fumar charutos enormes. E basicamente a dizer, "Bem-vindos", mas ao mesmo tempo a intimidar-nos.
And this time, before he disappeared, let me guess, there was some sort of a computer glitch?
E nessa época, antes de desaparecer, aconteceu alguma falha de computador? Sim.
But there was one factory... one... where they had accidents with chemicals and stuff all the time.
Mas há lá uma fábrica onde aconteciam acidentes com químicos a toda a hora.
When your dad confessed, you, your mom, and I were thrown into WITSEC, and there was no time to look for answers.
Quando o teu pai confessou, tu, a tua mãe, e eu fomos atirados para a protecção de testemunhas, e não tive tempo para encontrar todas as respostas.
Uh, last time I checked, it's when there was a murder.
Na última vez que verifiquei, era um assassínio.
The trigger, the thing that compelled her to leave then and there, was that I think she really fell in love, and maybe realized for the first time in her life what her life could be.
Acho que aquilo que a levou a ir-se embora naquele momento foi o facto de se ter apaixonado e de ter percebido pela primeira vez como poderia ser a sua vida.
But on the other hand, to some degree, it intensified it, because there's the longing that was involved, and I think that we remained in love for a very long time.
Mas, por outro lado, tornava as coisas mais intensas, pois preservava o desejo. Acho que continuámos apaixonados durante muito tempo.
The whole time I was there, Christine's what kept me alive.
Ela esteve sempre lá, a Christine manteve-me vivo.
I feel like, there's a lot up in the air and it was serendipitous that the holiday break came at the time when there was this make-or-break kind of place we happen to be in, for the record, for the creative parts of the album, for the lawsuit.
Sinto que há muito suspenso no ar e foi acidental que esta pausa das festas tenha acontecido no momento em que há esta situação de ou vai ou racha em que estamos em relação ao álbum nas partes criativas do álbum,
But at the same time, they knew there's not a chance in a fucking hell I was gonna play them a single second of this record.
Mas ao mesmo tempo, eles sabiam que não havia a mínima possibilidade de eu lhes dar a ouvir um único segundo deste álbum.
I was just thinking about the first time your mom and I dropped you off at preschool... and how when you realized we were leaving you there, you started bawling your head off.
Estava a lembrar-me da primeira vez... que a tua mãe e eu deixamos-te na pré-escola... e que quando notaste que ias ficar ali... começaste a fazer um escândalo.
Like, I walked into the bathroom the other day I kid you not, he was sitting there, taking a shit and drinking milk at the same time, and just stared at me.
Outro dia entrei na casa de banho ele estava sentado na sanita a beber leite, ao mesmo tempo, e ficou a olhar para mim.
The last time I saw your dad, he was making a speech, telling my crew not to believe all the gossip, that there was no way Queen Consolidated was moving production to China.
A última vez que vi o teu pai, ele discursava e dizia-me à minha equipa que não acredita-se nas más-línguas, de que não havia hipóteses da Queen Consolidated transferir a produção para a China.
The midwife and the candles and the music, and... there I was the whole time swearing like a sailor on crack or something.
A parteira, as velas, a música e... E praguejei o tempo todo, como um marinheiro drogado.
I knew there was a reason he was leaving on time!
Eu sabia que havia uma razão para ele sair a horas.
There was a time when I stood right here...
Our goal was to identify which one by determining which satellites were in the area at the time it was taken. Well, how many were there?
O objectivo era identificar o satélite determinando quais estavam na área e no momento que a foto foi tirada.
Like someone was there the whole time looking out for me.
Como se a toda a hora houvesse lá alguém, a tomar conta de mim.
And speaking of sleep, were you and Conny tossing and turning, knowing your accomplice in that kidnapping fiasco was still out there, or has he been dead this whole time?
- E por falar em dormir, quando tu e o Conny andavam agitados a darem voltas na cama, por saberem que o cúmplice daquele sequestro aldrabado, estava à solta... ou será que ele não estaria já morto?

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