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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ T ] / There was this

There was this translate Portuguese

6,450 parallel translation
There was this priest, Father Neary, who hated me and I couldn't figure out why'cause I was a sincere kid trying to do my job.
O Padre Neary odiava-me, e eu não conseguia perceber porquê, porque era um miúdo sincero que só tentava fazer o meu trabalho.
And there was this group of guys.
Havia um grupo de rapazes.
You turned your head lamp off, and there was this... glow.
Quando se desligava a lanterna frontal... havia um... brilho.
There was this video that went around.
Houve um vídeo que circulou por aí.
There was this tennis player, Chris Evert, she wore a diamond bracelet to the U.S. Open once, and... well, that's it.
Aquela jogadora de ténis, a Chris Evert, usou uma pulseira de diamantes no US Open, uma vez, e... pronto.
Freshman year, I found this restaurant that had a meal that was really great for under 20 bucks, and there was this waiter that kept screwing up my order.
No primeiro ano de faculdade encontrei um restaurante que tinha uma refeição muito boa por menos de 20 dólares, e tinha um empregado que estava sempre a enganar-se no meu pedido.
There was this girl and her parents were always out and she didn't like it, she got frightened.
Os pais dela ficavam sempre fora. Ela não gostava disso. Ficava com medo.
And there was this big, loud explosion, and these guys came out of nowhere.
Houve uma grande explosão e apareceram uns tipos vindos do nada.
'There was this girl, and her parents were always out.
Havia uma menina. Os pais dela ficavam sempre fora.
" there was this light rain falling
" caía um pouco de chuva.
- There was this girl, from, uh, Texas.
Havia esta miúda do Texas.
Oh, and there was this great little charter school just around the corner.
E havia uma ótima escola ao virar da esquina.
I tried to talk him out of it, but then there was this woman, and she pointed a gun at me.
Tentei falar com ele, mas essa mulher veio, - e ela tem uma arma.
There was this girl...
Havia uma rapariga...
This one day we raided this farmhouse and there was this... old couple.
Um dia, saqueámos uma quinta. Morava lá um casal de idosos.
There was this bloke at work once.
Uma vez, houve um tipo no trabalho.
There was a level of tint on the windows that I'll maintain to this day was not legal in an Illinois licensed vehicle.
Continuo a dizer até hoje que os vidros fumados nas janelas não eram legais no estado do Illinois.
There was over $ 300 profit in that this morning.
Hoje de manhã, estavam aqui mais de 300 dólares de lucro.
- You know, in the 80s and 90s there was, like, this wave of comedy that was...
COMEDIANTE, ATRIZ, THE NOTORIOUS C.H.O. Nas décadas de 80 e 90, houve uma vaga de comédia defensora da verdade.
Like, I generally didn't mind but this guy... there was something just wrong.
Geralmente, não me importava, mas havia algo de errado com aquele tipo.
It was just this kindness that he had, and if it was anything that, you know, if there was anything that he could do to help me, you know, he would be there.
Era aquele tipo de bondade que ele tinha, e, se houvesse alguma coisa que pudesse fazer para ajudar, lá estava ele.
Sometimes I would type this priest's name in the internet to see if there was anybody out there.
Pesquisei o nome do padre na Internet para ver se havia mais alguém como eu.
I have waited for this my whole life. And I know that there was...
Eu esperei a vida toda por isto e eu sei que houve...
I'm assuming that somewhere in this building there's a document claiming that the delivery was much greater, as was the amount that you required the hospital to pay for it.
Presumo que, algures neste edifício, exista um documento a alegar que a entrega foi muito maior, tal como foi a quantia que pediste ao hospital para o pagar.
There was little change at first, but I owed it to this young man to help.
Apena houve uma pequena mudança no princípio, mas eu devia uma ajuda a este jovem.
If there was a hero in any of this, it was Nick.
Se houve um herói no meio disto tudo, esse herói foi o Nick.
Now, Vince said there was more to this place.
O Vince disse que havia algo estranho aqui.
I guess there was a part of me that was a little offended that he would think that there was humor in this.
Acho que, em parte, fiquei um pouco ofendida por ele achar que havia algum humor nisso.
You know, I stood behind this piano and Tig was there, and Louis was behind that curtain.
Não muito bem! Eu estava atrás do piano... DONO DO LARGO... e a Tig estava ali.
It started to grow into this thing of not just being into her, but somebody where there was potential and somebody that I felt like I could really get serious about.
Não era apenas gostar dela, era alguém com potencial e com quem achava que podia ter uma relação séria.
I'm not saying he planned it. I'm saying maybe there was an accident, and then Tyler took the jacket from the woods to cover for his brother'cause that's what this family does... they cover.
Não digo que o tenha planeado, talvez tenha sido um acidente, e depois o Tyler tenha tirado o casaco do bosque para proteger o irmão, porque é o que se faz naquela família, protegem-se.
Almost there. - How long was she like this?
- Há quanto tempo está assim?
Security was on high alert. There's no way that sabine Could've gotten through to detonate this one.
É impossível a Sabine ter conseguido passar para detonar esta.
I mean, what if the machine was picking up something there? That's not how this works.
Quer dizer, e se a máquina estava a detectar alguma coisa lá?
Someone told me there was another important man that lived in this village, but I forget his name.
Alguém me disse que havia um outro homem importante que vive nesta aldeia, mas eu esqueci-me do nome dele.
MARGARET : There was once this woman called Maria, right?
Era uma vez uma mulher chamada Maria, certo?
Well, there was a time when this was all you would eat.
Bem, houve uma altura em que isto era tudo o que tu querias comer.
There was once this woman called Maria, right?
Era uma vez uma mulher chamada Maria, certo?
This one time, I was six, he puts me down there, and I wake up, and it's locked.
Uma vez, quando tinha seis anos... leva-me lá para baixo e quando acordo, a porta estava fechada.
And this head of department walks by and sees me sitting there and I thought I was fired.
E um dos chefes do serviço aproxima-se e vê-me sentada ali e eu pensei que estava despedida.
So there was a serial killer in this neighborhood
Então havia uma serial-killer nesta zona há 9000 anos?
She taught me all there was to know of this world.
Ela ensinou-me tudo neste mundo.
Even I was supposed to go there, but I got stuck with this wedding.
Até eu era para ir, mas tenho este casamento.
- No, no, there was a time when our best chance was you, son. - this problem, sir.
- para resolver este problema, senhor.
So, back when this guy was the keynote at our annual retreat, and Richard made it my job to make sure that he got there on time.
Então quando este tipo era a peça chave do nosso retiro anual, e o Richard deu-me o trabalho de garantir que ele chegava a horas.
I knew there was something wrong with this place the moment I stepped into it.
Eu sabia que havia algo errado aqui, no momento em que cheguei.
There was no sign of this Doctor List.
- Não há sinal desse Dr. List.
I was being selfish... believing that I could have this... that there would be no consequences.
Estava a ser egoísta... acreditando que podia ter isto... que não haveria consequências.
Jane knew there was only one way to get this out of her head.
Jane sabia que só havia uma maneira de tirar isto da cabeça.
- I don't know if you're aware but there was a homicide in this residence 15 years ago.
- Não sei se sabe, mas houve um homicídio nesta residência há uns 15 anos.
Is it not enough that my son was murdered by that man there and that I lost my mum three months back because she was broken by this?
Não basta que o meu filho tenha sido assassinado por aquele homem e que tenha perdido a minha mãe há três meses por estar destroçada por isto?

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