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There was a translate Portuguese

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There was a young woman in her dressing room.
Esteve uma jovem, no camarim dela.
There was a ticket.
Havia um bilhete.
There was a lot going on with the campaign... with us.
Estava a acontecer muita coisa na campanha... Connosco.
Look, at this point, all I knew is that there was a crazy, insane, violent dude blocking my only exit.
Neste momento, eu só sabia que estava um tipo louco e violento a bloquear-me a única saída.
Which means you wouldn't take the chance that there was a kidnapping and not have my money.
Não arriscariam que houvesse um rapto e não terem o meu dinheiro.
There was a... a house.
Havia uma... uma casa.
Left my apartment this morning, and there was a...
Saí de casa esta manhã e encontrei...
I guess there was a party and it got out of hand.
Deve ter sido uma festa que saiu fora do controlo.
Maybe there was a leak, maybe something worse.
Talvez houvesse uma fuga de informação, talvez algo pior.
You also thought there was a mole inside of OPA.
Até chegaste a pensar que havia um espião dentro da OPA.
Apparently, in these bags, there was a lotion and a cream that was worth 1,000 bucks.
Pelos vistos, nesses sacos havia uma loção e um creme que valiam mil dólares.
No, wait, there was a seventh.
Não, espere, havia um sétimo.
There was a stray Ag Drone over our position.
Havia um drone perdido sobre a nossa posição.
There was a girl there, but I didn't sleep with her.
Estava lá uma rapariga, mas não dormi com ela.
There was a moment this year... Where I felt completely broken.
Houve um momento este ano... em que me senti completamente arrasada.
There was a moment in time when the only two people who knew what it was to fly were the Wright Brothers.
Houve uma época em que os únicos que sabiam o que era voar eram os Irmãos Wright.
There was a-a woman... a colleague.
Houve uma mulher... Uma colega.
All of her. - You know, if there was a way I could have stayed in The Movement and still had my family,
Sabes, se houvesse uma forma de eu ter ficado no Movimento continuando a ter a minha família,
I think there was a leak, but I'm not sure it was him.
Acho que havia um infiltrado, mas não tenho a certeza de que era ele.
There was a body in a red life vest!
Havia um corpo num colete salva-vidas vermelho.
But there was a hole in me that even a thousand pans of hot fruit couldn't fill.
Mas havia um buraco em mim que nem 1000 marmitas de fruta quente preencheriam.
She asked me what I was doing there.
Ela perguntou-me o que eu estava lá a fazer.
Had there been a register, we would have known where Arthur Pilbury was.
Se houvesse um registo, teríamos sabido onde estava o Arthur Pilbury.
She was very unwell when she was returned to the Mother House, and since you reported that she was not there, Mother Jesu Emmanuel informed me that she has been sent to a place of greater safety.
Ela não estava nada bem, quando regressou à'Casa Mãe', e desde que relatou que ela não se encontrava lá, a Madre Jesu Emmanuel informou-me que ela tinha sido enviada para um lugar da maior segurança.
Even though I clung to them there was no comfort there.
Mesmo agarrando-me a elas, não havia nelas conforto.
Carlotta, our best... maybe 30... started there when she was 15.
A Carlotta era a nossa melhor. Devia ter 30 anos. Foi para lá trabalhar com 15.
The kind of person you call "Aunt" when you're nine years old, because she was always there.
O tipo de pessoa a quem chamamos tia aos nove anos porque estava sempre lá.
And I was gonna talk to you, because I wanna put the house on the market, and I wanna move down there with the family, and I wanna do what we do down there.
Trouxe-a para falar dela a ti e ao Bruce porque quero vender a casa e mudar-me para lá com a família. Quero fazer lá o que fazemos aqui.
The same car was out there, a block and a half east of the house.
O mesmo carro estava cá fora, a um bloco e meio a leste da casa.
I was there that day when Ser Gregor crushed your lover's head.
Eu estava lá naquele dia, quando Sor Gregor esmagou a cabeça do teu amante.
Back in Braavos, before I got my first face, there was I game I used to play.
Em Braavos, antes de receber a minha primeira cara, havia um jogo que costumava jogar.
I was thinking... there must be a lot of places you wanna see.
Estava a pensar... Deve haver um monte de sítios que queres ver.
If he was, there'd be, like, cops around your place right now.
Se fizesse, já terias a Polícia em casa.
I was there getting coffee this morning.
Estive a beber café lá esta manhã.
It was like a religious revival in there.
Ali dentro era como se fosse um renascimento religioso.
It was the first time I felt like myself again, like I knew who I was, so I went there... to the cabin.
Foi a primeira vez que me senti novamente, como, sabia que era, então fui lá... À cabana.
There's a girl... some woman your father was seeing.
Uma mulher que o teu pai andava a ver.
Was there a lot of blood? Ana, for God's sake...
Havia muito sangue?
Today there was this boy that looked at me like I was a monster.
Hoje, um rapazinho olhou-me como se eu fosse um monstro.
And then there was Lydia.
E depois houve a Lydia.
My mother was Foreign Secretary took me there on a Dip tour when I was 15.
A minha mãe era Ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros e levou-me numa digressão rápida quando eu tinha 15 anos.
There was no drone over your position. No, no.
Não havia nenhum drone sobre a vossa posição.
There were so many times that I wanted to tell you, but then we started Millennial, and I knew you needed me to be the person you believed I was.
Muitas vezes eu quis te contar, mas quando começamos a Geração Y, eu percebi que você precisava que eu fosse a pessoa que você acreditava que eu era.
According to Liza, there was some kind of blackmail involved?
De acordo com a Liza, aconteceu algum tipo de chantagem aqui.
- Was there a guy named Zurich there?
- Estava lá um chamado Zurich?
Some gal in accounting messed up, sent me a charge for a breakfast on a day that I was not there.
Enganaram-se nas contas e cobraram-me um pequeno-almoço num dia que não estive lá.
There's never been a leader of any merit who was free of those doubts.
Nunca existiu um líder livre de dúvidas.
And then there was this guy. He was following me. And then I guess I drank too much.
E este tipo andava a seguir-me, e depois, acho que bebi demasiado.
If there was a way we all could have just walked out together,
Se houvesse um modo de termos partido todos juntos,
There hasn't been a truly inspiring, caring ruler since Rupert Chatwin, and that was so long ago, most barely remember.
Não houve sequer um governante inspirador e carinhoso desde Rupert Chatwin, e isso foi há muito tempo, mal me lembro.
Sitting there and was, like, this noise was over... You think, maybe, we could put the gun down?
- Podes largar a arma?

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