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There was no way translate Portuguese

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There was no way to apologize after that.
Não havia como pedir desculpas depois disso.
I just wanted out of the country - - and there was no way out.
JUBILEU DE PRATA DA RAINHA 7 de Junho de 1977 Eu só queria sair do país, mas não havia saída.
There was no way I could photograph.
Não havia maneira de fotografar.
There was no way we could predict it's application.
Não sabíamos de sua aplicação.
There was no way it was gonna work!
Não havia hipótese de isso alguma vez funcionar!
There was no way anybody or anything else could have escaped... and that's the story of Hal Carver.
A base estava em alerta máximo. Não havia hipóteses de alguém escapar... e essa é a história de Hal Carver.
I realised that there was no way I was gonna get through.
Percebi que não iria conseguir passar pelo escudo.
There was no way to determine if they were friend or foe.
Não podíamos saber se eram amigos ou inimigos.
There was no way in the world I was going back to prison.
De maneira alguma eu iria outra vez para a prisão.
( man ) It was a terrible waste of human life and money, but it had to be done and there was no way we could have avoided it.
Foi um desperdício terrível de vidas e de dinheiro, mas tinha de ser feito e era impossível de evitar.
I knew you guys had to be in some kind of trouble, because there was no way that you would just take off without telling me.
Sabia que deviam estar metidos em algum problema. Não sairiam sem dizer nada...
I knew there was no way I would be able to contain him if I tried.
Eu sabia que não podia prendê-lo se tentasse.
When I looked at the dates, there was no way.
Quando estudei as datas, não havia como.
There was no way I was gonna let my brother die in vain.
Não iria deixar o meu irmão morrer em vão.
Now, my dad's porn was so weird... there was no way he was gonna talk about it.
Agora o porno do meu pai, era tão esquisito... que não havia maneira de ele falar sobre isso.
Afterwards, I realized that there was no way I could have been nervous just then because just then I didn't know there was anything to be nervous about.
Mais tarde, percebi que era impossível eu ter ficado nervoso nessa altura, pois não sabia se havia alguma coisa que me pudesse deixar nervoso.
There was no way of telling who was holding whom...
Não havia maneira de saber quem abraçava quem...
You knew there was no way you could beat Steele in a fair fight.
Sabia que era impossível vencer o Steele num combate justo.
Yeah, me, too,'cause there was no way I was gonna stop with the jokes.
Eu também, porque em circunstância alguma acabaria com as piadas.
There was no way he was gonna drop that money. - He did.
E ele nunca iria largar o dinheiro.
It was a miracle. - There's no way...
Foi um milagre.
There's no way that was travelling.
Aquilo não podia ser passos.
I suspected there was some past horror that made him this way.
Desconfiava de que algo no seu passado o havia deixado assim.
Like, Mick was all the way over there and I was over here and Joe was in the middle, and that's how it was.
Mick se punha ali e eu aqui, e Joe no meio, e assim é como era.
There was no other way to approach me.
Não havia outra maneira de me abordar.
He was in a car wreck last week, he's in a body case, There's no way that's him.
Teve um acidente de automóvel na semana passada, está morto, não pode ser ele.
There was a sergeant on our force, a regular guy, just like you and me, who had no idea he was that way until his trip to Hawaii.
Havia um sargento, na Polícia, um tipo comum, como nós, que não fazia ideia de que era assim até fazer uma viagem ao Havai.
There's no way I could convince my parents he was Korean.
Nunca convenceria os meus pais de que ele é coreano.
Look, I told the man he could run his unit any way he wanted, as long as the violence was kept down. You know, since Querns took over, there's been no significant nonsense in Em City. Okay?
Disse-lhe ao homem que poderia dirigir sua unidade como quisesse, em tanto a violência mantivera-se ao mínimo.
There was no way off.
Não havia como fugir.
But in the open water, with no way to know what was down there... it scared me to death.
Mas em mar aberto não havia maneira de saber o que estava abaixo e isso me dava muito medo.
Well, considering that Engineering was eight decks down and the only way to get there was to crawl through pitch-black Jefferies tubes... it's fair to say that I was never more frightened in my life.
Bem, considerando que a Engenharia ficava 8 deques abaixo, e o único caminho para lá era rastejar no escuro pelos tubos Jefferies... é justo dizer que nunca tive tanto medo na minha vida.
Jackie, that is so weird because I was just telling the gang... how there's no way you could be cuter than last year.
Jackie, isso é estranho, porque eu estava aqui a dizer ao pessoal... que não há maneira de tu ficares mais bonita do que no ano passado.
There's no way that that car was driven onto this beach.
É impossível que alguém tenha conduzido aquele carro até a esta praia.
There was no need for things to get that way.
Não havia necessidade de as coisas chegarem àquilo.
There's no way this car was moving forward when it ran over Brian Clemonds'body.
O carro não estava a ir em frente quando atropelou o Brian.
No, he was a half demon, that's probably lived for about a century, so that means he knows his way around "down there" pretty well.
Não, ele era meio demónio, que deve ter vivido durante quase um século inteiro, o que significa que ele se sabe orientar muito bem "lá em baixo".
I saw the way she looked at you, and there was no love there.
Vi a forma como ela olhava para si e não havia um pingo de amor.
- No, this is the first time I'd seen him... there was just something about the way he held the chalk...
- Não, foi a primeira vez que o vi... havia qualquer coisa na maneira como segurava no giz...
I believe the worst thing for me was the time when we were trapped and just saw no way out, and each succeeding explosion accentuated the fact that you weren't gonna get out of there.
O pior de tudo, para mim, foi quando ficámos encurralados, sem saída. E a cada explosão tínhamos mais a noção de que não escapávamos.
Newbie, I always punch the tabs out of my tapes so there's no way they can be recorded over. So please tell me you didn't use the tape that was already in the camera.
Novato, eu parto sempre a patilha às cassetes que gravo, de forma a que não possam ser gravadas por cima, por isso, por-favor, diz-me que não usaste a cassete que já estava dentro da câmara.
There is no way that Alice was still carrying that around.
- Vou apenas fazê-lo. Grace, eu... - Oh, dás-me licença por um minuto?
I hope you're not suggesting that what this car hit was a man, because there's no way.
Espero que não esteja a sugerir que o carro embateu num homem. Isso seria impossível.
I thought so too, but there was no other way.
Eu também pensei assim, mas não tinha outra saída.
Detention at our school... meant helping the janitor clean the building... and that meant that there was only one man... standing in our way.
Castigo na nossa escola... quis dizer ajudar o contínuo a limpa o edifício... e isso quis dizer que havia apenas um homem... a meter-se no nosso caminho.
I've hit bottom, and I was on my way back there before the accident.
Bati no fundo, e ia a caminho de novo antes do acidente.
Then I realized there was only one way to free up the mountain so all men could use it, and that was to do the one thing that no man had ever done before :
Depois apercebi-me que só havia uma maneira de libertar a montanha para que todos a pudessem utilizar, e isso era fazer a única coisa que nunca ninguém tinha feito :
No, there was a time where I though you were the smartest person I had never met, but listening to you now, if that is the way you think, then I was wrong about you as you are about me.
Sabe, houve uma altura em que pensei que era a pessoa mais inteligente que alguma vez tinha encontrado, mas ao ouvi-lo agora... se é assim que pensa, estava errada sobre si do mesmo modo que estava sobre mim.
anyway, joe and julia ran off together, and i tried to chase after them, but it was really hard'cause there were no rivers running that way.
O Joe e a Julia fugiram juntos e eu tentei correr atrás deles, mas era muito difícil porque não havia rios a correr naquele sentido.
There's no way it was me.
Penses o que pensares, é impossível ter sido eu.
There was nothing in the journal about any other way out
Não há nada no diário acerca de outra saída.

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