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They have her translate Portuguese

1,104 parallel translation
Quero que "lave" o meu dinheiro rápido.
But they could easily have shot her where she stood.
Mas eles podiam tê-la atingido facilmente onde ela estava.
And they... They said if I didn't give them Laura, they'd have me kill her too.
E disseram que se eu não entregasse a Laura me obrigariam a matá-la também.
Their mistake was to have misjudged the power of this unique feeling which they had never felt, since there was only one Isabelle and they didn't know her.
O erro deles todos era não entenderem a força de uma sensação única no mundo que não tinha experimentado, já que havia só uma única Isabelle e eles não a conheciam.
And if you send her in there and anything happens tonight, they'll have our ugly asses in court.
Se tu a mandas lá e alguma coisa acontece esta noite, os nossos rabinhos feios vão a tribunal.
They'd know a package was leaving my house... and they'd even have the time and flight number, thanks to her.
Sabiam que ia sair droga de minha casa e até sabiam qual era o número do voo graças a ela.
They just would have slowed her down.
Tê-la-iam feito abrandar.
It does seem to me that they could not have murdered Lady Frances and thought to have disposed of her body in that coffin for they would then be faced with burying the old lady.
Parece-me que eles não podiam ter morto a Lady Frances e depositado o cadáver naquele caixão. E depois surge o enterro daquela senhora de idade.
You should have seen her eyes when they were taking her away.
Deveu ver seus olhos quando a levavam.
They may not have seemed untrue to her.
Talvez não lhe parecessem falsas.
They say I'm a slut... and goes to the shady part of town... to have her body fondled by a Chinaman.
Chamaram-me de vadia. "Aquela que se deixa acariciar por um chinês".
They must have discharged her early.
Devem ter-lhe dado alta mais cedo.
She still wore the divided skirts of a horsewoman although they must have been a hardship in her new profession.
Ela continuava a usar uma saia de amazona, que devia ser muito desconfortável na sua profissão actual.
Oh, no, they must have taken her soul!
Oh, não, eles devem ter tomado a tua alma!
It is the defense's burden to establish justification and they don't have anything except her word.
o dever da Defesa é apresentar uma justificação e só têm a palavra dela.
I was on this plane where the flight attendant - It was her first day on the job. So they didn't have a uniform for her yet.
Estava eu num voo com uma hospedeira, era o primeiro dia de trabalho dela, e ela ainda não tinha farda.
Carole and her ex kiss and make up, they never have to work a day the rest of their lives.
Carole e o ex fazem as pazes e nunca mais precisam de trabalhar.
- They must have threatened her and...
- Devem tê-la ameaçado e...
They said they have an excellent programme that can help her.
Dizem que têm um excelente programa que a pode ajudar.
- Like her dead husband, and then they have that talk.
Vê o marido morto. E depois têm a tal conversa que antes não conseguia ter.
They have to fucking kill her!
Eles têm que matá-la!
Well, her parents won't be going overseas now. They have to cancel their trip.
Os pais dela já não vão para fora, vão ter de cancelar a viagem.
Those bastards didn't take her, so they have money now.
Os estupores não a levaram, por isso agora têm dinheiro.
You'd have to see how they look at her... when she's not looking.
Teriam que ver como elas a miram... quando ela não as está assistindo.
If anyone harms her they'll have to deal with me.
Se alguém tentar fazer-lhe mal, terá de se ver comigo.
They have seen her Pontiac near the Hammonds place... right around the kidnapping, right?
Viram o carro dela perto da casa dos Hammond... na ocasiäo do sequestro, certo?
They could have taken her car without her knowing maybe.
Devem ter pego o carro dela sem ela saber.
so I came up with the little scene where she spills something on herself... she gives her something, they touch that way, they have a kiss... and then you go into all of the curtains blowing over their bodies stuff.
Assim que me ocorreu esta pequena cena em que ela se derrama algo em cima, lhe acontece algo, assim se tocam, beijam-se e logo vêm todas essas cortinas movendo-se sobre seus corpos.
They have placed garlands of garlic around her room.
Puseram alho em todo o quarto.
You know, I have a sister, but I ain't seen her since they put me in jail.
Sabe, eu tenho uma irmã, mas... Não a vejo desde que fui preso.
What have they done to her?
O que é que lhe fizeram?
If they make it, we'll have her trapped.
Se eles lá conseguirem chegar, apanhamo-la.
If those cops had gotten her, they'd have found out who she was wearing for and gone after them.
Para apagar a pista. Senão, ficavam a saber quem era e iam atrás dele.
She brought this whole circus with her, and they don't have a clue.
Ela trouxe este circo todo e ninguém tem ideia de nada.
They don't have any reason to kill her.
Não a vão matar.
My Lord Boterel, ever since the Sub-Prior of Worcester sent word that they were lost, we have been in search of Lady Ermina Hugonin and her companions.
Meu Senhor Boterel, desde que o sub prior de Worcester, nos comunicou que estavam perdidos, temos procurado a Menina Ermina Hugonin e os seus acompanhantes.
They won't let me have her.
Não me vão deixar ficar com ela.
Because I can promise you, before they can get here I will have everything that I need from her.
Porque prometo-lhe, antes de chegarem cá, já terei tudo o que preciso dela.
They kept her for observation overnight... but in another day I'm gonna have to get Social Services on her... or giveJillian back.
Ficou sob observação durante a noite. Mas vou ter de chamar a Segurança Social ou entregar a Jillian.
The way they make them, I'll never have to tell her.
Da forma como são feitos hoje, nunca teria de lhe contar.
They must have taken her to organ processing.
Devem tê-la levado para o processamento de órgãos.
They're just relieved to have her back safe.
Mas estão aliviados por ela estar bem.
Lucy may have died for Amy, but without you they never would have found her.
A Lucy pode ter morrido pela Amy, mas sem ti nunca a teriam encontrado.
Since you replaced the rivet in her spectacles... not only have they been as good as new, they have been better.
Desde que trocou os parafusos dos óculos dela... eles ficaram melhores que novos!
They still have her headless body in some church in Italy.
Ainda tem o seu corpo decapitado numa qualquer igreja em Itália.
They may still have some of her stuff.
Talvez ainda tenha coisas dela.
If they had paid her any attention, they'd have seen she was special.
Se lhe tivessem dado atenção, teriam visto que era especial.
And when they're done after they've killed her tiny womb murdered any chance for her to bear children to have life beyond her own they use her for target practice.
E quando acabam, depois de terem... destruído o seu pequeno ventre, morto qualquer hipótese de ter filhos, de ter uma vida... para além da sua, usam-na para tiro ao alvo.
You can't be black. Nina is black. I get the impression from her they have strict rules about these things.
A Nina é preta, e eles têm muitas regras rígidas.
You have a wife who thinks it's impossible to find a couple where you like him, I like her, they like us and we like them.
Tem uma mulher que pensa que é impossível encontrar um casal... onde tu gostas dele, eu gosto dela, eles gostam de nós e nós gostamos deles.
They don't have confidence in her ability to give a convincing testimony.
Não acreditam que ela consiga fazer um testemunho convincente.

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