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Things are different now translate Portuguese

227 parallel translation
I know I made a bad start. But things are different now.
Sei que não me portei bem contigo de início, mas as coisas mudaram.
Yes, but things are different now.
Sim, mas as coisas agora estão diferentes.
Things are different now.
Agora as coisas estão diferentes.
But things are different now, aren't they?
Mas agora as coisas são diferentes, não são?
Things are different now.
As coisas mudaram.
Things are different now.
As coisas estão diferentes.
But things are different now.
Mas agora as coisas são diferentes.
- Things are different now.
- As coisas agora são diferentes.
Things are different now.
As coisas agora são diferentes. É hoje.
Things are different now.
As coisas agora são diferentes.
It's just that things are different now.
Só que agora é diferente.
Things are different now, Slick.
As coisas trocaram.
Yeah, but... things are different now.
Sim, mas... as coisas são diferentes agora. Mudei a minha opinião. Foi por causa do Lawrence?
I just want her to see that things are different now, that I'm different now.
Só quero que veja que tudo está diferente, que eu estou diferente.
Things are different now and- -
- As coisas agora são diferentes.
Things are different now.
Agora as coisas são diferentes.
- Well, things are different now.
- Agora as coisas são diferentes.
Little Miss Tough Chick of the Universe. That's me. But things are different now.
- Este é o meu mundo, John...
Lots of things are different now from Johnny's and my day.
Muita coisa mudou desde os meus tempos e os do Johnny.
Things are different now!
Mas as coisas mudaram!
- You know, things are different now.
Sabes, as coisas agora são diferentes.
Even if those things are different now.
Mesmo que essas coisas agora estejam diferentes.
- Things are going to be different from now on.
Têm de ser bem diferentes, Sargento Fletcher.
Things are so different now.
Agora é diferente.
Things are different in Chicago now.
As coisas são diferentes, doravante, em Chicago.
Now things are going to be different.
Agora as coisas serão diferentes.
- Well, things are a little different now.
As coisas agora são diferentes.
Certain things are no different now than they ever were.
Certas coisas não são diferentes agora do que sempre foram.
Things are going to be different now between us.
Agora as coisas serão diferentes entre nós.
Things are different out here now, Papa.
As coisas são diferentes agora.
But from now on, things are gonna be different.
Mas a partir de agora, as coisas vão ser diferentes.
" Things are gonna be different from now on.
"Daqui para a frente as coisas vão ser diferentes."
From now on, things are gonna be different.
Daqui para a frente, as coisas serão diferentes.
You know, things are a little different now.
As coisas mudaram um bocadinho, agora.
That was true, but now things are different.
É verdade, mas as coisas agora mudaram-se. A escola toda tem que aprender.
From now on, things are gonna be very, very different around here- with your new principal, Ned Flanders.
A partir de agora, as coisas vão ser muito, muito diferentes aqui. com o novo director, Ned Flanders.
I didn't think you'd want me for a friend now that things are different.
Pensei que não me querias para amiga... agora que as coisas são diferentes.
I know I said I wouldn't ask you, but things are different now.
Sabe, esta dádiva...
Things are gonna be different for me now.
Agora, as coisas vão ser muito diferentes para mim.
Times are definitely different now and things are different.
Os tempos são outros e as coisas são diferentes.
I'm not saying what we had wasn't special,'cause it was. I probably wouldn't be here now if it weren't for you, but you know, things are different.
Não quer dizer que o que se passou entre nós não foi especial, porque foi e provavelmente não estaria aqui se não fosse por tua causa, mas as coisas são diferentes.
And maybe right now her interests are different from yours, but girls have things to say.
E provavelmente agora seus interesses... Sejam muito diferentes aos teus, mas as garotas têm muito de que falar.
As a matter of fact, Things are gonna be different from now on.
Por acaso as coisas serão diferentes agora.
Your face and body can be fixed now, but things are very different now.
O seu rosto e corpo podem ser reparados, mas as coisas estão muito diferentes.
Now that the House of Mouse is our house... things are going to be a little different.
Agora que o Clube do Rato é a nossa casa... as coisas vão ser um pouco diferentes.
You know, now it's like things are different.
Agora, as coisas estão diferentes.
Things are different for you now, and I believe Harry was right.
Agora as coisas são diferentes para ti, e acredito que o Harry estava certo.
Now people are visiting them, but their way of life is wonderfully strange and different, and their idea of how the universe was created is something that really sort of shakes you. They all laid on dances and things.
Entre os anos 1920 e 1950, Tânger era um porto livre no qual europeus e americanos construíram vivendas elegantes, seduzidos pelos céus azuis e a moral relaxada.
Well, I know what we felt 15 years ago, but things are very different now, Garret.
Sei o que sentíamos há 15 anos, mas é diferente.
You assassinate one System Lord after another, take their ships and warriors, all of whom are willing to die for you. And this is different than the way things are now... how?
Assassinas todos os Senhores do Sistema, apoderas-te das suas naves e guerreiros, todos eles dispostos a morrer por ti, e isso é diferente de como as coisas são agora?
Things are gonna be a lot different... around here from now on.
De agora em diante vai ser tudo diferente.

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