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When i was there translate Portuguese

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And last week, when I was there his boss got really pissed at him.
E, na semana passada, quando eu estava lá... o chefe dele ficou muito irritado.
But when I pulled myself on, he was just lying there.
Mas, quando eu me atirei, ele estava lá deitado.
- When I was up there.
- Quando eu estava lá em cima.
( Johnny ) When I was up there, I saw a building or something.
Quando estava lá em cima, vi um edifício ou coisa do género.
When I arrived there, she was just... her eyes were, like, dilated, and there was no- - no one knew any- - anything.
Quando eu aqui cheguei, ela estava meio... os olhos estavam, tipo, dilatados, e ninguém... ninguém sabia de... de nada.
When I showed Neeko and Carolina there's still some, you know, really sad-looking food here... there was the rice that maybe could still be eaten.
Quando eu mostrei ao Neeko e à Carolina que ainda havia alguma, sabes, comida com mau aspecto, aqui... havia arroz que talvez ainda pudesse ser comido.
I was there when the missiles were taken.
Eu estava lá quando os mísseis foram levados.
He was in my apartment when I got there.
Ele estava no meu apartamento quando lá cheguei.
I knew there was something wrong when he asked to stay the night.
Eu sabia que se passava alguma coisa quando me pediu para ficar durante a noite.
You were never there for me when I was little, so I guess it's no different now, is it?
Nunca pude contar contigo quando era nova, portanto, continua tudo igual, não é?
I should know, having played it myself, but there was a time when the affinity between us was quite real.
Eu sei. Afinal, eu já actuei. Entretanto, houve uma época em que a nossa afinidade era real.
And when I asked him who he wanted there, the first person he said was Uncle Michael.
E quando lhe perguntei quem ele queria que viesse, a primeira pessoa que ele falou foi "o Tio Michael". - Acho que não entendeste.
When I was a rookie, there was this guy, "Crazy Eddie,"
Quando eu era um novato, havia um tipo, o "Crazy Eddie,"
When I woke up in the morning and he wasn't there, I knew something was wrong.
Quando acordei de manhã e ele não estava lá, sabia que tinha alguma coisa errado.
When I saw what happened to you in Denver last year... I realized that there were only two ways the situation was going to end... with you dead or with you in jail.
Quando eu vi o que aconteceu contigo em Denver, no ano passado, percebi que havia apenas dois caminhos para isto terminar.
Tommy was only there because I was too stubborn! To stubborn to get out when I had the chance.
O Tommy só estava ali porque eu fui teimosa... teimosa demais para ir embora quando devia.
I mean, she showed up in the D.A.'s office when you were there... And in the chemical plant where the Doll Maker was holed up.
Ela apareceu no gabinete do Promotor quando estava lá... e na fábrica de químicos onde estava o Criador de Bonecas.
When I was a child in Guadalajara, there was a time of great sorrow.
Quando era menina em Guadalajara, houve uma época de grande tristeza.
I was out there checking langlaufing conditions when I heard the clatter.
Estava lá fora a ver como está o tempo quando ouvi o barulho.
I was there when Annie abetted Teo Braga's escape from CIA custody.
Eu estava lá quando a Annie facilitou a fuga do Teo Braga.
When Mikaela crashed on the bridge, I wish there was some way...
Queria que houvesse alguém. Quanto ao acidente da Mikaela tomara que houvesse alguém para salvar o miúdo.
I was there when the bomb went off.
Eu estava lá quando a bomba explodiu.
When I was Henry's asset, he wouldn't let me out of his sight when there was a meet.
Quando trabalhei com o Henry, ele não me perdia de vista.
She was right there when I found her.
Ela estava mesmo ali quando eu a encontrei.
When I was looking at the dangerous building's map it hit me that all the arsonist's targets were on there and in our district.
Quando eu estava a olhar para o mapa dos prédios perigosos apercebi-me que todos os alvos do incendiário estavam lá e dentro do nosso distrito.
When I was looking at the dangerous buildings map, it hit me that all the arsonist's targets were on there.
Quando eu estava a olhar para o mapa dos edifícios perigosos, apercebi-me que todos os alvos do incendiário estavam lá.
I was hoping I could get the keys so I can be there when the boys wake up.
Vim pedir-te as tuas chaves, para eu estar lá quando os meninos acordarem.
I felt like that there was enough fighting going on between your mother and I at the time, and I told Vanessa that when you turned 18, I was coming back into your life, but... And then she died.
Achei que na altura já havia bastantes lutas entre mim e a sua mãe, e eu disse à Vanessa que quando você fizesse 18 anos, eu voltaria para a sua vida, mas... ela morreu.
You know, I was always there for you, for whatever you needed, and now this is when I need you, and you're supposed to help me.
- Sempre te ajudei. Sempre que precisaste. Agora, eu preciso de ti.
So... unless there's something else I can do for you, like receive your thanks for dragging you out of the gutter when the only public office available to you was substitute teacher, then I'm gonna have to cut this meeting short.
A menos que haja alguma coisa que possa fazer por si, como receber os agradecimentos por o ter tirado da sarjeta quando o único cargo público que tinha para si era de professor substituto, vou ter de encerrar a reunião.
Kyle, when she abandoned you, I was there. You can't just replace me.
Kyle, quando ela te abandonou, eu ajudei-te.
I went in, and when I got there, he was already dead.
Quando entrei, ele já estava morto.
I'm given to wonder if I'd just been born when it was a little... quieter out there, would I have even become an addict in the first place?
Eu começo a perguntar-me se tivesse nascido quando era um pouco... mais silencioso lá fora, eu teria-me tornado um viciado na mesma?
When I was diagnosed, she got in touch, asked if there was anything she could do to help.
Quando eu fui diagnosticado, ela entrou em contacto, perguntou-me se havia alguma coisa que ela pudesse ajudar.
When the King summoned me, I knew there was only one man I could trust to navigate this difficult journey... my little brother.
Quando o Rei me convocou, sabia que só havia um homem em quem podia confiar nesta perigosa viagem... o meu irmãozinho.
What are you trying to say? That there is a way that I can stay here, a way that I can get the pixie dust to work so I can fly again... just like I was when I was a boy.
Que há uma forma de poder cá ficar, uma forma de fazer com que o pó mágico funcione para poder voltar a voar... tal como quando era criança.
But when I got back from my break, he was gone and the file was still sitting there.
Mas quando regressei do meu intervalo, ele tinha-se ido embora e o arquivo ainda estava aqui.
Susy! Was Nathaniel with you when you saw the scorpion? I am glad he was there, otherwise, I might have died of the fright.
Sabes o que acontece, se não o encontrarmos, se tivermos de mandar embora aqueles clientes, poderá causar um enorme dano às nossas esperanças.
And I was floating out there for days when this ship...
Flutuei durante uns dias, quando um navio...
Okay, I was there for you when you fell off the deck at Chester's graduation.
Estava presente quando caíste do alpendre do Chester.
You know, there were these moments in that safe, a stillness in time when I was dead right before I was about to come back to life,
Sabes, houve alguns momentos naquele cofre... Uma paragem no tempo, quando estava morto e prestes a ressuscitar.
No. I was travelling there to seek work when the Maenads abducted me.
Não, procurava trabalho, quando as ménades me capturaram.
When you didn't visit, I thought there was another woman.
Quando nunca mais me visitaste, pensei que havia outra mulher.
But Alice was already dead when I got there.
A procurar pela pedra, mas a Alice já estava morta quando lá cheguei.
I saw an access door on the roof when I was up there.
Vi uma porta de acesso no telhado.
I was there when the bombs fell.
Eu estava lá quando as bombas caíram.
She was upset when I got there, she hugged me, that's it.
Ela estava alterada quando eu lá cheguei, e abraçou-me, foi só isso.
It's the story that made me want to be an historian in the first place, for I understood when I was quite small that there were two special things about the Jews - that we'd endured for over 3,000 years,
É a história que me fez querer ser um historiador em primeiro lugar, Pois entendi quando era bastante pequeno Que havia duas coisas especiais sobre os judeus -
Yes, yes, okay, she was there when I attacked Reynolds, when I killed Windsor...
Ela estava lá quando ataquei o Reynolds, quando matei o Windsor.
I used to play down there when I was a child.
Eu costumava brincar lá quando era criança.
Even though there were days when I could see that the only thing holding her together was her own force of will.
Tenho receio. E achas que eu não?

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