You told me to translate Portuguese
8,844 parallel translation
You told me to stop feeding on your demons. Well...
Mandaste-me parar de me alimentar dos teus demónios.
Walter, you told me to trust you.
Walter, pediste para confiar em ti.
Once, in this room, you told me to open my eye.
Uma vez, nesta sala, disse-me para abrir o olho.
Richard told me that... right before he declared he was going to win you back.
O Richard disse-me, mesmo antes de dizer que te ia reconquistar.
Uh, your office told me where to find you.
- O seu gabinete disse-me onde o encontrar.
Look, I told you to stop calling me Sammy.
Já te disse para parares de me chamar Sammy.
They told me you'd try to get into my head.
Eles avisaram-me que tentarias dar-me a volta à cabeça.
Which is very different to the lie you told your mother and me.
O que é muito diferente da mentira que contaste à tua mãe e a mim.
Your lawyer told me you're ready to talk.
O seu advogado disse-me que está pronto para falar.
I went to a party because you told me I should.
Eu fui a uma festa porque você me disse que eu deveria.
Fitz never told you that this man came to me?
O Fitz nunca disse-te que este homem veio até mim?
I told you to give me the code.
Eu já te tinha pedido o código.
Well, I was dancing around in my room this morning and I put my hands up, you know,'cause the song told me to and I smashed my fingers into my skeleton head disco ball.
- Estava a dançar no meu quarto esta manhã e pus as mãos no ar, porque a música o pedia e esmaguei os dedos na minha bola de discoteca em forma de crânio.
If you had told me, 30 years ago, of an e-mail, sent from a bracelet, that rated your activity in bed, my response to you would have been...
Se me tivesses falado disso, há 30 anos, de um e-mail, enviado de um bracelete, que classificou a tua actividade na cama, a minha resposta teria sido...
When you told me Fitz loved me and that I should go to him, what you really meant was that you wanted me to say I didn't love him and... I was supposed to choose you.
Quando disseste-me que o Fitz amava-me e eu devia ficar com ele, o que querias realmente dizer era que querias que eu dissesse que não o amava e... que era suposto ter-te escolhido.
And now he's lying to me, and I don't know if it's because you told him to or if it's because he doesn't trust me, but I can't take it, Nate.
Ele está a mentir e não sei se é porque contaste ou porque ele não confia em mim, mas não aguento, Nate.
I kept searching for the secret baby even though you told me not to.
Continuei a procurar o bebé secreto, - apesar de teres dito para não o fazer.
I kept searching for the secret baby even though you told me not to.
Procurei pelo bebé secreto apesar de teres dito para não fazer.
I was told to back off of you, not Mr. Lahey.
Disseram-me para ficar longe de si, não do Sr. Lahey.
Can I at least explain to you my version so you can hear it from me instead of Sinclair, who I assume is the one that told you?
Posso pelo menos contar a minha versão, para ouvires o meu lado em vez da Sinclair que foi quem deve ter-te contado?
He told me about it yesterday, made me promise not to say anything'cause he wanted to surprise you guys.
Ele disse-me ontem, obrigou-me a prometer não dizer nada, porque queria fazer uma surpresa.
"Do you remember when you came to first visit me? " You told me I was guilty because of all the overwhelming evidence.
" Lembra-se da primeira vez que me veio ver, que me disse que era culpado, dadas as provas irrefutáveis?
Dr. Karev, I was told to come find you?
Dr. Karev, mandaram-me procurá-lo.
- hey. Victor told me that if I ever got into trouble to find you.
O Victor disse-me que se tivesse problemas o procurasse.
You told me about a ritual you did to bind us together.
Contastes-me sobre um ritual que fizestes para nos ligar. - Foi assim que vos encontrei.
You once told me I had to decide what kind of man I wanted to be.
Uma vez disseste-me que tinha de decidir que género de homem queria ser.
The night you found me, after Ginny patched me up, she gave me her number and told me to call her if an enemy of the family ever came after me again.
A noite em que me encontraste, depois de a Ginny ajudar-me, ela deu-me o número dela e disse para eu ligar caso um inimigo da família viesse atrás de mim outra vez.
Yeah, I thought I told you that I didn't need you to pick me up.
Também é bom ver-te, mãe. Está bem, pensei ter-te dito que não precisavas de vir buscar-me.
And I had no idea why she agreed to meet with you in person, but then her phone told me why.
E eu não fazia ideia porque ela concordou em encontrar-se consigo pessoalmente, mas o telemóvel dela disse-me porquê.
Stephan, it was only a few weeks ago you told me we had to stay far away from her.
Ainda há poucas semanas me tínheis dito que tínhamos de manter-nos longe dela.
You know, Naz told me to go to the safe house.
Sabias que a Naz disse-me para eu ir para a casa segura.
You know, I was supposed to meet Mitra, and at the last minute my mom told me not to go.
Sabes que era suposto eu ter-me encontrado com a Mitra? E no último minuto, a minha mãe disse-me para não ir.
You told me not to quit, and I didn't.
Disse-me para não desistir, e eu não desistir.
I told you, Nick's like a brother to me.
Já te tinha dito, o Nick é como se fosse o meu irmão.
You told me I need to figure out a way to win Karen back.
Disseste que tinha de reconquistar a Karen.
You know, he told me to close the sun roof, so the bugs wouldn't get in.
Ele disse para fechar o tejadilho para que não entrassem insectos.
When you came into my home and tried to drag Carter out, I told her to go with you, that it was the right thing to do, and this is how you repay me?
Quando você entrou na minha casa e tentou arrastar a Carter para fora, eu disse a ela para ir com você, que era a coisa certa a fazer,
Well, I told you not to harp on me about the lights.
- Eu disse-te para não reclamares das luzes.
Okay, um, so I talked to your teacher, and she told me how great you're doing, and I just want to tell you I'm really proud of you.
Está bem. Conversei com a tua professora, e ela disse-me que estás a ir bem, e só queria dizer que estou orgulhosa.
Well, told you ought to let me do this one alone.
Disse-te para me deixares fazer isto sozinho.
Oh, come on, I told you- - you don't have to worry about me.
Não precisas de te preocupar comigo.
The sheriff told me "I got you now" when I got to jail.
O xerife disse-me : "apanhei-te", quando fui para a prisão.
They always told me, " If you admit to it, we'll let you out.
INSTITUIÇÃO DE CORREÇÃO DE FOX LAKE Sempre me disseram : " Se admitires, deixamos-te sair.
They told me that I ruined his Christmas Eve, that he refused to leave your side until you were done with me.
Contaram-me que lhe arruinei a véspera de Natal, que se recusou a deixá-lo até que terminasse comigo.
I was told by your attorney that you wanted to talk to us...
O teu advogado disse-me que querias falar connosco...
You're the one who told me to let him run like a damn horse.
Tu é que me disseste para o deixar livre como um maldito cavalo.
Honey, you told me you spoke to all the groomsmen.
Dissestes que tinhas falado com eles.
Petra told me you used to jump for America.
A Petra disse-me que saltava pela América.
Now, I'm told you question every lesson... Preferring to teach yourself.
Agora, dizem-me que questiona todas as lições, preferindo aprender por si próprio.
You told me once to fight like my life depended on it... Because one day, it might.
Disseste-me uma vez para lutar como se a minha vida dependesse disso, porque um dia poderia depender.
He just told me that you would know what to do.
Ele só me disse que tu saberias o que fazer.
you told me you loved me 16
you told me 307
you told me that 69
you told me not to 20
you told him 151
you told him that 21
you told us 28
you told her 125
you told them 55
you told 19
you told me 307
you told me that 69
you told me not to 20
you told him 151
you told him that 21
you told us 28
you told her 125
you told them 55
you told 19
me too 5976
you tell 24
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you took your time 70
you took everything from me 17
you talk too much 145
you think you're funny 32
you tell 24
you think you're better than me 60
you too 3331
you talking to me 61
you think you know me 62
you took your time 70
you took everything from me 17
you talk too much 145
you think you're funny 32
you think i'm stupid 121
you took 32
you take care of yourself 138
you think you can handle that 27
you think too much 36
you think you're so smart 30
you took an oath 26
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm lying 56
you think 2028
you took 32
you take care of yourself 138
you think you can handle that 27
you think too much 36
you think you're so smart 30
you took an oath 26
you thinking what i'm thinking 75
you think i'm lying 56
you think 2028