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Aren't they beautiful translate Russian

82 parallel translation
И декорации прекрасные, не так ли?
They're beautiful, aren't they?
Они прекрасны, не так ли? Давайте ещё.
Beautiful, aren't they?
Красивые, правда?
- Aren't they beautiful?
- Разве они не прекрасны?
- Aren't they beautiful?
- Правда, милые?
- Beautiful rubies, aren't they.
Не правда ли, прекрасные рубины?
Aren't they beautiful?
Они изумительные.
Aren't they beautiful?
Правда, красиво?
- Oh, aren't they beautiful, Lillian?
- Разве они не прекрасны, Лиллиан?
- Aren't they beautiful?
- Разве они не красивы?
Beautiful, aren't they?
Верно, прекрасные?
- They're beautiful, aren't they? - Are they ever.
- Они прекрасны, не правда ли?
Beautiful, aren't they?
Красиво, не так ли?
Aren't they beautiful...
Какие они прекрасные.
Aren't they beautiful?
Правда они прекрасные?
Aren't they beautiful? ...
Разве они не прекрасны?
They're beautiful, aren't they? Oh, they're gorgeous.
Копченым беконом, трюфелями.
Look what Tommy gave me, Mama. Aren't they beautiful?
Пoсмoтри, мама, чтo мне пoдарил Тoмми.
It's only one of those spells that happens when our poor old head can't get enough circulation and since the heart and kidneys aren't what they used to be it might be better to spend some time in the hospital, in a beautiful big room where everything will be taken care of.
когда наша старая голова не получает кровообращения, и сердце, и почки уже не такие, какие они должны быть, и лучше было бы какое-то время провести в больнице.
Aren't they beautiful?
Как они прекрасны!
Beautiful, aren't they?
Они прекрасны, правда?
Aren't they beautiful?
Правда, они прекрасны?
Yes, aren't they beautiful?
Дивные, правда?
Oh, aren't they beautiful?
О, ну разве они не обворожительны?
They're beautiful, aren't they?
Красивые, правда?
Aren't they beautiful?
Разве они не прекрасны?
Aren't they beautiful?
Правда, красивые?
- Aren't they beautiful!
Очень красивые.
Aren't they beautiful?
Какая прелесть!
Aren't they beautiful? - Buffy!
Полюбуйтесь, какие красавицы!
Aren't they beautiful?
Красивые, правда?
[Tolling] Aren't they beautiful?
Разве они не прелестны?
They are beautiful, aren't they?
Они красивыe, нe правда ли?
Aren't they beautiful?
Правда красиво?
They are beautiful animals, aren't they? You must admit they are very, very beautiful animals.
Надо признать, очень красивые животные, не так ли?
Beautiful, aren't they?
Какая красота!
They're really beautiful aren't they?
Они и вправду красивые, да?
Look at these, aren't they beautiful?
Посмотрите на них, какая красота! Кабель?
They're beautiful. Aren't they?
Красивые, правда?
Oh, those are beautiful, aren't they?
Изумительные цветы.
- Oh, aren't they beautiful.
- О, разве они не прекрасны?
Aren't they beautiful?
Разве они не очаровательны?
Beautiful, aren't they?
- Красивые, правда?
They're beautiful, aren't they?
Они прекрасны, разве нет?
Now aren't they better just marble, worn a little into something wise, as well as beautiful?
Теперь они не лучше обычного мрамора, который мудро носить, так же как и красиво?
They're quite beautiful, aren't they?
Они прекрасны, не так ли?
- Beautiful, aren't they?
- А они красивые, да?
Aren't they a beautiful couple?
Правда, они красивая пара?
Aren't they beautiful?
Какие они красивые.
Beautiful, aren't they?
Они прекрасны, не правда ли?
They're beautiful, aren't they?
Они прекрасны, не правда ли?

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