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Isn't it beautiful translate Russian

534 parallel translation
Isn't it a beautiful city with beautiful women?
Не правда, красивый город с красивыми женщинами?
It's rather a beautiful word, isn't it?
- Довольно красивое слово, правда?
Отличная вечеринка, не правда ли?
- It is beautiful, isn't it?
- Красиво, да?
- The most beautiful city, isn't it?
- Самый красивый город.
Isn't it beautiful?
Ну, и?
- It's a beautiful place, isn't it? - Mm-hmm.
- Очень приятное место, правда?
- Beautiful, isn't it?
- Красиво, правда?
It's beautiful, isn't it?
Как красиво, да?
Isn't it beautiful!
Разве она не прекрасна?
A beautiful day, isn't it.
Прекрасный денек, не правда ли?
It's very beautiful, isn't it?
Она в точности та, о ком я тебе говорил.
It's beautiful, isn't it?
Красивый, да?
Oh, now that's a beautiful name, isn't it?
Какое красивое имя.
Oh, now that's a beautiful name, isn't it?
Isn't it beautiful?
Разве она не прекрасна?
- [Loretta ] Isn't it beautiful? - [ Vidocq] It looks made for you.
Она словно создана для вас.
Isn't it beautiful?
- У тебя их предостаточно!
Isn't it beautiful?
Разве он не красив?
Beautiful, isn't it?
Красиво, не правда ли?
It's beautiful, isn't it?
Они прекрасны, не так ли?
Isn't it beautiful?
Разве не прекрасна?
It's beautiful here, isn't it?
Здесь красиво, правда?
Oh, it's a beautiful day isn't it?
Какой красивый день, правда?
It's very beautiful, isn't it?
Правда, красиво?
- Isn't it beautiful?
- Красиво?
- Beautiful morning, isn't it?
Хорошая погода, правда?
Isn't it beautiful, darling?
Правда, красиво?
Beautiful spot, isn't it?
Хорошее местечко, а?
Beautiful day, isn't it?
Чудесный день, не правда ли?
Isn't it beautiful?
Разве не здорово?
Beautiful, isn't it?
Красиво, правда?
- It's beautiful, isn't it?
- Красота, правда?
It's a beautiful animal, isn't it?
- Вот это мсье. - Был мсье.
A beautiful pig, isn't it?
Прекрасная свинка. Не так ли?
Beautiful, isn't it?
It isn't true. - You look beautiful.
- Вы очаровательны.
Isn't it beautiful?
Разве он не прекрасен?
- Beautiful, isn't it?
- Прекрасно, не так ли?
This island is so beautiful, isn't it?
Какой красивый остров! Правда?
Isn't it beautiful?
Разве это не красиво?
Isn't it beautiful?
Разве не прекрасно?
Isn't it beautiful here?
Красиво тут, правда?
It's beautiful isn't it?
= Оно прекрасно!
- Isn't it beautiful!
- Красиво, правда?
Beautiful day, isn't it?
Прекрасный день, не правда ли?
Beautiful, isn't it?
- Тебе нравится? - Да.
It's beautiful. Isn't it, Mum?
Мама, посмотри какая красивая?
- It's very beautiful here, isn't it?
- Здесь очень красиво, не так ли?
It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
Прекрасный день, не правда ли?
It's really a darn beautiful ship, isn't it?
Красивый у вас корабль, черт возьми!

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