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Yeter dedim translate English

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- Yeter dedim!
That's quite enough!
Yeter dedim.
That's enough.
- Sana yeter dedim.
- I said you've had enough!
Hey, sana yeter dedim!
Hey, I said enough!
Yeter dedim.
Quit it, I say.
Yeter dedim.
Enough, I said.
Yeter dedim.
That's all.
Yeter dedim.
I said that's enough.
Yeter dedim!
Bakın, yeter dedim.
Listen, that's enough, huh?
Yeter dedim.
I said, that'd be enough.
- Bu kadarı yeter dedim.
- I said that was all.
Sana yeter dedim!
I said you had enough!
Ernst, Yeter dedim!
Ernst, I said that's enough!
Yeter dedim!
That's enough, I said!
Yeter dedim.
All right, knock it off.
Yeter dedim.
I said, that's enough.
Yeter dedim!
I said that's enough!
- Bu kadar yeter dedim sana.
- I said that's enough.
Yeter, yeter dedim!
good, good
- Alışveriş yaparken- - - Yeter dedim.
When you ´ re shopping, you see... I said, that ´ s enough.
Yeter dedim.
It's out, I said!
Yeter dedim!
Leave him alone!
- Bu kadar yeter dedim!
- I said that's enough!
Size yeter dedim!
I said, enough!
- Yeter dedim!
- Stop it!
Yeter dedim!
Wait a minute!
- Yeter dedim sana, pis Domuz.
- Enough, I said, ugly disgusting pig! Go away!
Sana yeter dedim, Tanrı aşkına!
I mean, for Christ's sake!
- Yeter dedim!
- I said that's enough!
Yeter dedim!
I said enough!
Yeter dedim!
I've had it with you!
Yeter dedim mi, yeter.
Enough's enough.
Yeter dedim.
I said that's enough!
Yeter dedim! İstemiyor işte!
No more, Otis!
Sana yeter dedim!
That's enough!
Para cebimde duruyor demedim... onu ödemeye hazirim dedim. Bankalar açik oldugu zaman... birkaç dakika yeter bunun için.
I did not mean that I have the money in my pocket but I am ready to get it for you on a few minutes'notice anytime during banking hours.
"Yeter" dedim. "Yeter." "Aşağı in, birazdan gelip seninle konuşacağım."
"Stop it," I said. "Go downstairs and presently I'll come down and talk to you."
Yeter mi dedim?
You had enough?
"Düşüncem önemli değil, o futbolcuyu etkile yeter." dedim.
I told her, what I thought didn't matter. Just impress that football player.
- "Bu kadar yeter" dedim.
- I said, "That does it."
- Ay sonunu getiremeyen işçilere. - Yeter, dedim.
- I said stop it!
Eskiden böyle konuşmazdın dedim. Yeter!
I still say you wouldn't have spoken like that once.
- Yeter artık kes dedim.
Oh, stop it, will you?
Tamam dedim, bu kadar yeter.
Okay, okay, that's enough.
Yeter, Zezé, Olmaz dedim.
Enough, Zezé, I already said no.
Evet dedim ve artık yeter! Seni kovuyorum!
I tell you it is, and give a week's notice!
Yeter artık! Aç dedim!
Open up!
- Seni domuz, siktir git buradan! Hadi dedim. - Yeter bu kadar.
You swine, get the fuck out of here!
İşte o zaman, "bu kadar yeter" dedim.
It was then that I decided I had had enough.
- Yeter dedim! - Seni küçük ahmak!
- I said that's enough!

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