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Can you see him traducir español

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Can you see him?
¿ Lo ves?
Can you see him in two seconds?
¿ Puedes cuidarlo un poco?
Can you see him?
¿ Puedes verlos?
- Can you see him?
- ¿ Puedes verlo?
Can you see him?
¿ Le véis?
Can you see him?
¿ Lo ve?
Can you see him, Inspector?
¿ Lo ve, inspector?
- Can you see him?
- ¿ Puedes verlo? - Espera.
You can decide when you see him.
Toma tu decisión después de verle.
You can go to see him.
Puedes verlo.
I'll come and get you as soon as you can go up and see him.
Lo sé. Vendré en cuanto pueda subir para verle.
Very funny. When you see him, can you get him to call Sam?
Muy gracioso. ¿ Cuando le veáis, podéis decirle que llame a Sam?
- We're moving him into the city. And if we hurry, you can see him by nightfall.
Lo estamos moviendo a la cuidad, y si nos apresuramos, podrás verlo al anochecer.
Though I love him, I still let him go? But I still want to see the person that I love. But there is no way I can let you up on the plane.
Aunque lo amo, lo dejé ir... pero aún quiero ver a la persona que amo.
If you look more closely, you can see the little people of our shire who fought against him and his killing breed.
Si miran detenidamente podrán ver a las personas de nuestro condado que lucharon contra él y su raza asesina.
Maybe you just can't see him.
Quizás no puedas verlo.
Why don't you follow him up, see what you can find.
¿ Por qué no lo sigues a ver qué encuentran?
You guys, I can see him.
¡ Lo veo!
It's true. - Because if you can really just see somebody as a thing, you can do anything to him.
Porque si puede ver a alguien como a una cosa podrá hacerle cualquier cosa.
As you can see, I'm completely over him.
Como puedes ver, lo superé completamente.
Forgive him, but as you can see, he has no brain.
Perdónelo, pero como ve, no tiene cerebro.
- You can not see him.
- No puedes conocerlo.
His assistant just called me and asked if you can see him today.
Su asistente acaba de llamar y pidió si podías ir a verlo hoy.
The only way you can make this up to me is if you promise I never have to see him again.
Solo puedes compensar esto si prometes que nunca tendré que volver a verlo.
See if you can find him a silver Surfer comic.
A ver si usted tiene un comic Silver Surfer para él.
Your father is the most generous, kind, thoughtful, sincere man I have ever met in my entire life. And I'm just really sorry you all can't see him like that.
Su padre es el hombre más generoso amable, considerado y sincero que he conocido en mi vida y siento mucho que no puedan verlo.
Can you maybe get him in to see Darek?
¿ Podrías, tal vez, conseguir que lo vea Darek?
I'd like to see him at the hospital, if you can give me the information.
Quisiera verlo en el hospital, si me dices dónde es.
Will you all please clear a space between the camera and the body so I can see him?
Despejen el espacio entre la cámara y el cuerpo así puedo verlo.
Well, when you do see him you can call me, but now there is nothing I can do.
Pues cuando lo veas, me llamas, pero ahora no hay nada que pueda hacer.
Can you see to it, that nothing happens to him?
Asegúrese de que no le pase nada.
Let the poor guy stay the night, 600 km to see you, you can't let him camp out.
Dile que venga a dormir aquí. Ha hecho 600 km para verte, no vas a dejarlo en la calle.
Bill Warren wants to know if you can see him before going to work, what it means to be arrive before eight.
Bill Warren quiere saber si puede verle antes de irse a trabajar, lo que significa que deberá llegar antes de las ocho.
He became a monster from being in the cave so long. You can still see him run naked in the woods.
De tanto estar en la cueva, se volvió un monstruo, y aún se le ve a veces correr desnudo por el bosque.
You see what you can get out of him.
A ver qué puedes sacarle.
You see, I just want him to know that I'm not mad at him, and that I can understand why he makes fun of me.
Verás simplemente quiero que sepan que no estoy molesto. Y puedo entender porque no está a mi lado.
I will find a moment you can see him before then.
- Encontraré un momento, podrá verlo antes.
You can't see him.
No se le puede ver.
You can just see the cats were kind of these pure, spirit beings for him.
Puedes ver que los gatos eran puros seres espirituales, para él.
- What, you can see him?
- ¿ Qué? ¿ Puedes verlo?
She goes, "You can see him... But you're not his father."
Ella me dijo : "Puedes verlo pero no eres su padre".
He is here, but you can't see him now.
Él está aquí, pero usted no puede verlo ahora.
- You can't see him in this condition.
- No puede verlo en esa condición.
- You can go there and see him.
Ustedes pueden ir allí y verlo.
See if you can raise him.
- ¡ Oooh! - Buenas tardes, Capitán Cottam.
You can see him?
¿ Puedes verlo?
- You can see him?
- ¿ Puedes verlo?
All right, so, just in case we can never see you again, well, what do you suggest we do to get him out of the pirate costume?
Sólo por si acaso no podemos verle de nuevo, ¿ Cómo... qué sugiere usted... que hagamos para que se quite el disfraz de pirata?
That Howard Klausner put in the screenplay where as we see Mac here, you can hear Debra praying for him over the shot of him coming into the garage here. Yeah.
Can you ask the foster man to bring him back to see us?
¿ Puedes pedirle al cuidador que lo traiga para visitarnos?
Look, look. You can practically see him reading it.
Prácticamente lo ven leyéndolo.

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