I wanted you to traducir portugués
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- I just, I wanted you to get well.
- Eu só, eu só queria que ficasses bem.
I wanted you to know. I'm in love!
Queria que soubesses... que estou apaixonado.
I wanted you to know that no matter what happens this year, you're gonna make it to the pie.
queria que soubesses o quer que aconteça este ano, vais provar a torta.
I wanted to update you on a survey in the magazine "Catholic Universe" that I've been publishing for eight years.
Queria deixá-lo a par de uma pergunta feita numa revista que publico há 8 anos,
You know what I've always wanted to do?
Sabes o que sempre quis fazer?
I know it's late, but I wanted to speak to you alone.
Sei que é tarde, mas queria falar contigo a sós.
I never wanted you to be apart from her.
- Nunca quis separar-te dela.
What I wanted to say was that... I'm glad you're going.
O que eu queria dizer... era que... estou contente por te ires embora.
I wanted to talk to you about Sara,
Quero falar consigo sobre a Sara,
I was there when you were a little girl, and you wanted to be Smurfette.
Eu estava lá e querias ser a Smurfette.
- I always wanted to ask you, you know, how in high school, girls always have a crush on the hot teacher, did you ever have any students hit on you?
- Sempre te quis perguntar, sabes, no secundário, as alunas tinham sempre um fraquinho pelos professores, alguma vez tiveste alguma aluna interessada em ti?
But you know what I found out is that he wanted that moment to be all mine.
Mas... sabe o que é que eu descobri? Foi que ele queria que aquele momento fosse todo meu.
I wanted to tell you.
Eu queria dizer-te.
You were the last person I ever wanted to lie to, Steve.
És a última pessoa a quem eu iria querer mentir, Steve.
I wanted to thank you... for what you did today.
Quero agradecer-te pelo que fizeste hoje.
Um, anyway, I was... I was just wondering if you... wanted to grab a drink and talk about water, or other things, or...
Só queria saber se quer sair para beber, e falar sobre água, ou outras coisas.
I saw what you wanted me to see.
Vi o que querias que visse.
I wanted to tell you a story. - Killian...
Quero contar-te uma história.
I thought that you wanted to know, sir.
Pensei que gostaria de saber.
I wanted to make sure you were going to a good home.
Eu queria ter a certeza de que irias para um bom lar.
I just think she really wanted to see Dad, you know what I mean?
Acho que queria mesmo ver o pai, sabes?
- You wanted to be Mayor of San Francisco? - I didn't want to be.
- Querias ser presidente da câmara?
- I wanted to make it even, and I knew you were gonna react like that,
- Ficamos em pé de igualdade.
Yeah, I feel like... I just wanted you to know from me that I'm really sorry that you didn't feel like we were including you.
Sinto que preciso que saibas por mim que lamento muito que tenhas sentido que não foste incluída.
[Noelle] Sherri, I wanted to show this to you.
Sherri, queria mostrar-te isto.
I wanted to see if you also noticed how sarcastic he is.
Queria saber se também reparaste no quão sarcástico ele é.
Did Sergeant Moreno tell you why I wanted to talk to you today?
Será que o sargento Moreno dizer por que eu queria falar com você hoje?
I wanted her to stay so she could meet you, - but it got too late.
Queria que ela ficasse para te conhecer, mas ficou tarde.
I wanted to confront... back here in East Falls? You know what, I think you're spending a little too much time with your shrink friend. Okay.
Eu queria enfrentar isto aqui em East Falls?
I wanted to tell you, I-I kept the kids home today.
Hoje, deixei os miúdos ficarem em casa.
I wanted to, it's just that, you know, Hetty would be livid if I threw away a perfectly good agent.
Eu queria, mas a Hetty ia ficar furiosa se deitasse fora uma agente perfeitamente boa.
I wanted to talk to you...
Quero falar contigo.
I wanted the two of you to pray for your mother's soul.
Queria que os dois rezassem pela alma da vossa mãe.
I wanted to give you a choice.
Queria dar-te uma escolha.
I'm sure you could drive a GT40 if you really wanted to.
Tenho certeza que você poderia dirigir um GT40 se você realmente queria.
I just wanted to come by and say thank you.
Só queria passar para agradecer-te.
Oh, I wanted you from the moment the toilet paper was stuck to your head.
Oh, eu queria-a desde o momento que o papel de WC estava preso na tua cabeça.
You know, I wanted to say that I forgive you.
Sabe, eu queria dizer que eu te perdoo....
I wanted to save you some money.
Quis economizar o teu dinheiro.
But it has less to do with what a man is yelling at you, and nobody wants to say this, but I will, what it has to do with is the underlying notion that if that man wanted to act on it, he could.
Mas tem menos que ver com o que um homem vos grita e ninguém quer dizer isto, mas eu direi : isto tem que ver com a ideia subjacente de que, se esse homem quer fazer isso, pode fazê-lo.
I wanted to be the man that made you happy.
Eu queria ser o homem que fazia-te feliz.
I just wanted to thank you for trusting me, trusting the plan.
agradecer-te por confiares em mim. Confiares... no plano.
No, I-I wanted to tell you when I saw you, but then I...
Queria contar-te quando te encontrasse, mas não queria esperar.
I was gonna wait until I knew for sure, but, I don't know, I just wanted you to know, too, so do you want to find out?
Ia esperar até ter a certeza, mas queria que soubesses.
Uh, I wanted to talk to you about scheduling the DE.
Eu gostaria de conversar sobre o agendamento do aborto.
I know you never really wanted to rule alone.
Sei que nunca quiseste reinar sozinha.
I... I never wanted you to be perfect.
Nunca quis que fosses perfeito.
I just wanted you to try.
Só queria que tentasses.
I-I thought that you wanted me to...
Achei que queria...
I wanted to close, and you said you could isolate the liver.
Eu queria fechar, mas disseste que isolavas o fígado.
You've done a lot of really nice things for me, so I wanted to return the favor.
Tens feito muitas boas coisas para mim, por isso queria devolver o favor.
i wanted you to know 60
i wanted you to have this 17
i wanted you to know that 28
i wanted to see you 203
i wanted to meet you 23
i wanted to let you know 24
i wanted to tell you something 31
i wanted to ask you something 90
i wanted to help you 27
i wanted to call 21
i wanted you to have this 17
i wanted you to know that 28
i wanted to see you 203
i wanted to meet you 23
i wanted to let you know 24
i wanted to tell you something 31
i wanted to ask you something 90
i wanted to help you 27
i wanted to call 21
i wanted to surprise you 92
i wanted 160
i wanted to tell you 269
i wanted to be there 18
i wanted to be with you 19
i wanted to thank you 119
i wanted to know 29
i wanted to call you 17
i wanted to talk to you about 28
i wanted to ask you 102
i wanted 160
i wanted to tell you 269
i wanted to be there 18
i wanted to be with you 19
i wanted to thank you 119
i wanted to know 29
i wanted to call you 17
i wanted to talk to you about 28
i wanted to ask you 102