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I went out traducir portugués

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Oh, just so you know, last night I, uh, I went out drinking...
Só para que saibas, ontem à noite, sai para beber...
Well, I went out there today... Told him that his daughter was dead, and no reaction.
Fui lá no outro dia... eu disse que a filha dele estava morta e, ele não teve reacção.
So my options were to eat that or to go out and get some food, and I was sure that if I went out, came back, he wouldn't answer the buzzer or he would have just disappeared.
As minhas opções eram comer isso ou sair para ir comprar comida. E eu tinha a certeza que se saísse quando voltasse ele não abriria a porta ou desapareceria.
I went out on a limb to support you on this.
Arrisquei-me para te ajudar nisto.
You have to quit your job! That night, I went out with the first girl Barney picked for me.
Nessa noite, saí com a primeira miúda que o Barney escolheu.
So, I went out and got stupid drunk, came by for my appointment, and, uh, found out you weren't there.
Então, saí e apanhei uma bebedeira, fui para a minha marcação, e... descobri que você não estava lá.
( Huck ) Earlier tonight I went out.
Eu saí mais cedo.
I went out hard, drank a lot of whiskey.
Saí e bebi muito uísque.
It's like the first time I went out, but I stopped myself.
Como da primeira vez que saí, mas impedi-me.
There was something wrong with the shakes, so I went in and just threw them out because there's something wrong with'em.
Havia um problema com os batidos e vim mandá-los fora, porque havia um problema.
But then after she went missing, I started trying to figure it out.
Mas desde que ela desapareceu, tentei descobrir.
Yeah, he went to a funeral once in Bali, I guess, and the whole village came out to celebrate.
Ele foi a um funeral uma vez em Bali, acho, e a vila toda apareceu para celebrar.
Um, well, we went out to dinner and then back to her place, and, um, next thing I knew, our clothes were off.
Saímos para jantar e depois fomos para a casa dela. E quando me dei conta, estávamos sem roupa.
and I literally that night went back just to check it out'cause I swear it was you.
e nessa noite fui confirmar, porque jurava que eras tu.
I understand you went out of your way to help John track me down and I thank you.
Soube que se arriscou para ajudar o John a encontrar-me. - Agradeço por isso.
I went to the impound to check out last year's models.
Fui para ver os modelos do ano passado.
She called me last night, said she was in the neighborhood and needed to see me, but I swear, I only went out to tell her the she had to stay away for good.
Ela ligou-me a noite passada, disse que estava aqui perto e precisava de me ver, mas juro, só fui ter com ela para lhe dizer... que se afastasse de vez.
Oh, and just for the record, I also went and saw Andrew Dice Clay - just to even it out.
Também fui ver o Andrew Dice Clay, só para que fique claro.
I know, but we were the last two people she saw before she went out.
Eu sei, mas somos os últimos que ela viu.
The moment the women went out of the house, the man next to me, and I was very close, you know, very close, started opening up and killing these people in cold blood, immediately. And they went down in a hail of bullets and blood, all up the wall.
No momento em que as mulheres saíram da casa, o homem ao meu lado, e eu estava mesmo muito perto, começou a disparar e matou-os imediatamente a sangue frio, e caíram numa saraivada de balas e sangue.
Okay, I think I figured out why James Swan went to that building.
- Está bem, acho que descobri porque o James foi até àquele prédio.
I heard rumors that he was cutting out on us. I went to see if it was true.
Ouvi rumores da saída e fui ver se era verdade.
I mean, Swan went back to the compound to break out his friend.
O Swan voltou à fazenda para libertar o amigo.
I had a nightly rundown that went out of its way to avoid reporting the news.
Tinha um programa noturno que fazia os possíveis para não dar notícias.
I went driving over there, and I marched both those boys out, one in each hand.
Eu fui a dirigir até lá, e tirei os rapazes de lá, um em cada mão.
I do need to find out which Whole Foods he went to.
Tenho de descobrir a que Whole Foods é que ele foi.
Well, I think I may have figured out where he went.
Bem, acho que descobri onde ele foi.
So I tracked that number, and it turned out that she went back to that hospital several times after... for prenatal care.
Depois rastreei esse número e descobri que ela voltou para aquele hospital várias vezes depois... para o pré-natal.
When I went in for the third operation I remember thinking, "If I don't come out of this if I just die on the table, I'd be okay with that."
Quando parti para a 3ª operação... lembro-me de pensar... "se não sair desta... se morrer na operação... vou aceitar muito bem."
I don't know what went wrong for you, man, but we are gonna find out.
Não sei o que correu mal contigo, meu... mas vamos descobrir.
Check this out. I went through campus security archives around the time Kevin should have been here.
Ouve, vi os arquivos da segurança da altura em que o Kevin chegou.
I want to know where he went when he walked out of that park.
Quero saber para onde ele foi ao sair do parque.
When everyone cleared out, I went and played on the console that they used in the final round.
Quando todos se foram embora, voltei e joguei na consola que usaram na rodada final.
I went to check it out.
Nina, pegue os arquivos do caso e as fotos da cena do crime para Carrie.
I couldn't figure out why Marquesa went after a police captain after he pulled off a heist.
Não percebia porque o Marquesa iria atrás do capitão, depois de ter feito o roubo.
( Exhales ) I looked at myself in the mirror, and I finally recognized that person I once knew so well, that person who went out all the time, sometimes just for fun.
Vi-me no espelho e reconheci a pessoa que já conheci muito bem, a pessoa que saía sempre, às vezes só por diversão.
If I found out Audrey went to Colorado, anybody can.
Se eu descobri que a Audrey foi ao Colorado, qualquer um pode descobrir.
I went to Maggie's, but before I had a chance to say anything, Lisa kissed me and we were out the door. - Why?
Fui a casa da Maggie, mas, antes de poder dizer alguma coisa, a Lisa beijou-me e saímos porta fora.
No, I went out on a limb.
Não, fiz diferente.
So, I finally went out with the guy from the gym last night.
Finalmente saí com o cara da academia ontem.
If I went to the hospital and they found out about the tiger, I would've been ruined.
Se fosse ao hospital e eles descobrissem sobre o tigre, estava perdido.
The anomaly alert went off, and I was thinking that maybe just, you know, you and I can go check it out this time.
O alerta de anomalia disparou, e eu pensei que talvez só nós dois fôssemos ver desta vez.
I went to the hangar and I saw the... Pieces of our plane laid out on the floor like a jigsaw puzzle.
Fui ao hangar e vi as peças do avião distribuídas no chão como um puzzle.
I got a body here in Carencro with two holes in it, and I just found out you went fishing.
Tenho um corpo aqui em Carencro com dois buracos nele, e acabei de descobrir que tu foste pescar.
What I did figure out was what Terry Rodgers was doing in Rhode island before he went awol. Check it.
O que eu descobri foi, o que Terry Rodger fazia em Rhode Island, antes de desertar.
I went there one time on a donkeys'night out.
Eu fui lá uma vez numa saída nocturna com um burro.
Well, we had every intention of going out, and when I went by McGeek's place, he... he was still... enthralled by this-this first-person shooter game.
Queríamos mesmo sair, e quando cheguei a casa do McGeek, ele ainda estava... Estava absorvido com este jogo de FPS.
She's been cashed out of Nolcorp since I went public in 2006.
Ela retirou o dinheiro da Nolcorp desde que se tornou público em 2006.
The doctors don't know why I went into a coma, and they don't know why I came out of it.
Os médicos não sabem por que entrei ou saí do coma.
Adalind knows her, and if she went after Hank... well, I can remember when we met, and we all went out to dinner, you, me, and Hank.
- Juliette. Adalind a conhece, se ela procurou pelo Hank... Lembro quando nos conhecemos, que todos nós jantamos juntos,
Like I said, I only went out with Max a couple of times.
Como disse, só sai com o Max algumas vezes.

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