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So how was it traducir portugués

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- So how was it?
- Como correu a viagem?
Well... So how was it with Laura last night?
Que tal correu isso com a Laura ontem?
- So how was it?
- Como correu?
So how was it?
Como correu?
So how was it?
Então, como foi?
- So how was it?
E que tal foi?
I do a little trapping now and then. So I was wondering how much it would cost to send my pelts into Omaha by telegraph.
Ponho uma armadilha de vez em quando e me perguntava quanto custaria mandar minhas peles a Omaha por telégrafo.
So that's how it was, huh?
Então foi assim, hein?
I was that high, learning how to cut a man's throat so it takes him nearly a day to die.
Eu era dessa altura, aprendendo como cortar a garganta de um homem... para que ele morresse bem devagar.
How reassuring it was to see him eat the flesh of animals, knowing the only source for that other meat he so relished would be myself.
Era tranquilizador vê-lo comer carne de animais, sabendo que única fonte para a classe de carne que ele mais apreciava era eu.
- So, how was it?
- Então, o que se passou?
So you can see how important it was to both of us to get started off right.
Agora vê como era importante que começássemos com o pé direito.
- It was indeed. I still can't quite understand how you found out about us so quickly.
Ainda não entendo como soube da nossa chegada tão rápidamente.
But then I started thinking that my life, the boxing and the shoe-shining, it was all the same, and I had to earn money to eat because I didn't have any, so I started thinking... I had a head, two feet, two hands, so I started to learn how to box.
Mas depois comecei a pensar que a minha vida, que o boxe e a graxa, era tudo igual e eu tinha de ganhar dinheiro para comer, porque não tinha e comecei a pensar que tinha uma cabeça, dois pés, duas mãos
And I never thought it was lucky, because I figured if this was so lucky, how come the rabbit lost it?
Nunca pensei que desse sorte, porque pensei, se desse, como é que o coelho ficou sem ela?
- No, no matter how great it was, you say it wasn't so good.
Por muito bom que tenha sido, tens que dizer "não".
Why, how couldst thou know these men in Kendal green when it was so dark thou couldst not see thy hand?
Como sabes que seu traje era verde... se disseste que estava tão escuro que não vias tuas mãos?
'So how could we be sure that it was dead?
Como podíamos ter a certeza de que estava morto?
And how to use I was right in saying it's a good female Is not that so?
E como usá-lo não é errado dizer que é um bom Feminino não é?
How can you be so sure it was a disease?
Como sabe que foi uma doença?
If you're wondering how I could be so sure... the combination was the phone number, if it wasn't, Higgins would have won.
Estão imaginando como eu tinha certeza de que o segredo era o número do telefone.
So, how was it?
- Então como foi?
It was about... It's so terrible I don't know how to get it out...
É tão horrível que nem sei como contar.
How are you? Geez, look, I'm sorry it took so long but that last one was a real bitch.
Desculpa ter demorado, mas tem sido assim o dia todo.
So how'd you know this was it, anyway?
Como soubeste que era aqui?
So that's how it was supposed to go down?
Era assim que ia acontecer?
So, Chrissy, how was it Saturday night?
Então, Chrissy? Como passaste o sábado à noite?
It's simple, Al, I was going to explain that while it might have appeared we were looking at that girl's rear end, so admirably hoisted in the air before us, what I was actually doing was looking with admiration as I pondered how far women have come in the last hundred, nay, 50 years.
La explicar que, embora parecesse que estava a olhar para o traseiro da rapariga, tão maravilhosamente erguido no ar diante de nós estava, na realidade, a admirar o quão longe as mulheres chegaram, nos últimos cem,
So, how was it?
Então, como foi?
So how was it?
Então como foi?
So how long have you known it was Doom?
Há quanto tempo sabes que foi o Doom?
And I didn't know how long it would take. I was just so paranoid about someone spotting something.
Eu não sabia quanto tempo ia passar antes que alguém notasse.
The wood itself has been replaced by a mineral, quartz, but the annual growth rings can still be seen, so that you can calculate just how old each huge tree was before it fell.
A madeira foi substituída por um mineral, o quartzo, mas os anéis de crescimento anual ainda se podem distinguir, pelo que se pode calcular que idade tinha cada enorme árvore antes de cair.
I wanted to have it appraised so you ´ d know how much it was worth.
Eu levei-o para avaliar, para que possas saber o quanto ele vale.
So how did you discover it was a false address?
Como descobriste que a morada era falsa?
I don't know how to work it, so I was kicking it and swearing at it... which is not an uncommon thing to do.
Não sei trabalhar com ela, portanto estava ao pontapé e a praguejar... o que não é nada de especial.
So if we project just how large this card might have been on a costume we can conclude that the man who wore it was of great bulk.
Se imaginarmos o quão grande a carta seria em forma de fato, concluímos que o homem que o vestia era forte.
I told her how wonderful I thought your work was, so she'd like to come see it.
- Eu disse-lhe como o teu trabalho é bom. - Então ela disse que vai dar uma olhadela.
- So, how was it?
Então como foi?
So this was how it was... face to face with the future.
Tinha de encarar o futuro. Viver longe da Isabel ;
So how did I know it was the Dutchman right off the bat?
Como saber se foi o Dutch, então?
How could you see green when it was so dark... that you couldn't see your hand?
Como viste o verde se estava tão escuro que não conseguias ver a mão?
- So how was it?
Que tal correu?
- So, how was it?
- Então que tal?
I didn't... I didn't know how to ask the question. It was... it was so ugly.
Não sabia como fazer a pergunta, era demasiado sórdido.
Well, how can you be so certain it was the minstrel? Well, I'd just given him a penny not two minutes earlier, so he'd seen the coffer and what it contained. Ah.
Então como pode ter a certeza que foi o menestrel?
Why is it so important to you that I admit how scared I was? It just makes you more human, all right?
- Isso faz de nós humanos, certo?
So, Mr. Malloy, it seems that the cat has been caught... by the very person that was trying to catch him. - How ironic.
- Que irónico.
Of course, I normally prefer to take souls one at a time, one at a time, but, you know, I had taken some vacation days and it was the end of the month, and, so, you know how it goes.
Claro que eu prefiro levar as almas uma de cada vez, uma de cada vez, mas, como sabes, eu tinha tirado uns dias de férias e já era fim do mês e... já sabes como é.
So I went to a shrink... and it came up that I had written this little stupid story... about this woman trying to kill her boyfriend... and how she was gonna do it with all the intricate details...
Fui a uma psiquiatra... e resulta que tinha escrito uma historieta imbecil... sobre uma mulher que tentava matar o namorado... e de como o ia fazer, com os mais ínfimos pormenores...
To which he said I was nuts, and that all he meant was that with us having a new baby, it just seemed like a crazy time to move to sub-zero weather and a city full of strangers, and that I should think of you guys... and of his parents, and how moving so far away would be so hard on everyone.
Ele disse que eu estava louca e que só queria dizer que com o bebé é uma loucura mudar para uma cidade mais fria, cheia de estranhos, e que eu devia pensar em vós, pessoal, e para os pais dele, e quão chocante a distância seria tão difícil para todos.

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