Başarisiz traducir inglés
94 traducción paralela
Mission failed...
We have to make a stand here, and if we fail it could be chalked up to any number of things corruption amongst Saigon's leaders for instance, then we can get out.
If this is a failure, God help us when they have a success.
The enemy has failed to overrun us and we are poised to win and now it's only you and your people who are advising against the extra effort it'll take to turn three years of miserable war into victory!
I'm ordering you to cease... I'm ordering you to cease and desist.
It's too late, Darwin!
Bugün ikinci kez başarïsïz olamayïz.
We've already failed once today. We cannot fail again.
Alman isçi sinifi, 1848 yilinda kalici bir devrim baslatma konusunda basarisiz olmustur ;
The working class did not decree permanent revolution... in Germany in 1848 ;
Sence basarisiz miyim?
You think I'm a failure?
Mücadele, somut olarak basarisiz oldu.
Concretely it had failed.
Kil çalmak için gizlice sivistigini, bütün gece bizi ayakta biraktigini erkek kardesinin okulda basarisiz olmasina neden oldugunu bir duysun!
When he hears that you sneak out to steal clay keeping us up all night, making your brother fail school!
Gelecegi gördüm, basarisiz olmusuz.
I have seen the future! We have failed.
Eger basarisiz olursak, hepinizi yok ederim.
And if we fail, you will be eliminated.
Fakat basarisiz olmadim, Forge!
But I didn't fail, Forge!
Senatör Kelly'yi kurtarmak gerek. Basarisiz olursak bir iç savas çikar.
Senator Kelly must be rescued.
Ama basarisiz oldum ve insanlara zarar verdi.
I've failed him, and those he may harm.
Bitmek bilmeyen tartismalar, basarili ve basarisiz eylemler, ayrica iki taraftanda ölüler vardi.
There were never ending discussions, successful and failed operations. Victims on both sides.
uc tetikci, muhtemelen Palmer'i kahvaltida oldurme plani basarisiz olursa diye.
Three shooters, possibly hired to kill Palmer in case the breakfast attempt failed.
Basarisiz olduk.
We failed.
Yalniz olup basariIi oldugunu hissetmek bir iliskide olup sürekli basarisiz oldugunu hissetmekten çok daha iyi, degil mi?
It's much better to be alone and feel like a success than to be in a relationship and feel like a failure all the time, right?
Tüm yaptıklarım basarisiz oldu.
All your cleverness has failed. Shut up!
- Yani sinavda basarisiz mi oldum?
so i didn't do well on the test?
Hayatlari boyunca sadik kaldiklari bilimsel fikirler is atomu açiklamaya gelince basarisiz olmustu.
Scientific ideas they'd put their faith in all their lives had failed completely to explain the atom.
Atom fizigi ile karsilastigindan beri atomu göz önünde canlandirmak, bilinen imgelerle sekillendirmek için insanligin hep basarisiz olan bütün girisimlerini sirtinda hissediyordu.
Ever since he'd encountered atomic physics, Heisenberg felt in his bones that all human attempts to visualise the atom, to model it with familiar images, would always fail.
Basarili oldugunda bile yüzüstü birakiyorlarsa basarisiz oldugunda kimbilir neler yapmazlar!
They let him down by his successes. What will they do if it fails?
Basarisiz olmayacak!
Pray for him, so he does not fail.
Yani daha ilk gece basarisiz oldu...
Well he couldn't perform the first night.
Basarisiz olduk.
* Unsuccessfully.
Basarisiz.. huh?
Loser.. huh?
Ben basarisiz düsündüm. Tüm bu egitim bile, sonra Ben halka içine adim korkuyordu.
Although I've been training, I was afraid fight in the ring.
- Basarisiz oldunuz.
- I think you failed there.
Önerdigin sey basarisiz olunca da bana :
When that fails, you say to me :
- oldukça basarisiz.
- very unsuccessful.
Belki de Jake'in senin deyiminle zavalli oldugunu...,... basarisiz bir insan oldugunu düsünmek senin için daha uygundur.
Maybe it's convenient for you to think of Jake as being pathetic, as you say, being an underachiever.
Benim gibi havali bir kahramanla nasil basarisiz olabiliriz ki?
With a dashing hero like me on the case, how can we fail?
Israilliler defalarca Kudüs yolu üzerindeki güçlü bir nokta olan Latroun'u almak ve yolu açmak için çabaladilar ancak basarisiz oldular.
To reopen it, the Israelis tried - and failed - repeatedly to take Latroun, a strongpoint on the Jerusalem road.
Baskan Bush tarafindan desteklenen su anki baris süreci, eger 1948'le ilgili problemler çözülmezse diger baris süreçleri gibi basarisiz olacak.
The current peace process, sponsored by President Bush, will fail, like all the others, if it cannot solve problems that are hard-wired to I948.
Eger degeri düsük tutarsak ve dönüstügümde basarisiz olursa, bu sizler için çok tehlikeli olur.
If we miss on the low side, if we induce me and it fails, this will be very dangerous for you.
Ama hiçbir ordu onlara ulasamadigi gibi ; Luftwaffe uçaklari da, hava kuvvetleri komutani Hermann Göring tarafindan verilmis sözlere ragmen yeterli malzeme ulastirmakta basarisiz olur.
But no army is able to reach them and the airplains of the Luftwaffe failed to deliver sufficient supplies, in spite of the promises made by the head of the airforce, Hermann Goering. Stalingrad Christmas 1942
Gerçekleri kabul edelim. Basarisiz olduk.
Let's face facts, we've failed.
Ingilizce de, basarisiz bir makine mühendisiyim.
In English, I'm a matriculation failed mechanical engineer.
Bu ülkenin hükümeti teröristleri durdurmada basarisiz oldugunda..
If the government of this country has failed to curb terr orists..
Deneyip, basarisiz olmaktan daha iyidir degil mi?
Better than trying and failing, eh?
basarisiz oldun, Babu Sait.
y ou`ve failed, babu salt.
Kapinin arkasinda yalandan öldürme fikrinde basarisiz oldugumuzu düsünebilirsin.
- Hey, Father. You think we can toss the idea of him faking the killing outside the door?
Oh, oh. No dice.
Sag kanadin merkezine dogru, kotu bir vurus, Basarisiz bir atis.
Into right-center field, broken bat, it'll fall, a base hit.
Bu adam hic bir seyde basarisiz olmamis.
This guy has never failed at anything.
Deneyimin basarisiz oldugunu soylemek adil olur mu?
Is it fair to say the experiment has failed?
Kimsenin basarisiz olmasini istemezsiniz, gercekler onunuzde.
You don't wish anybody a lack of success, but the facts are in front of you.
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